Reviews from

in the past

Crlh que jogo horrível esperava mais, diziam que era a melhor fan game de Doki Doki mais é muito ruim, é muito lento e demorado eles enrolam muito, pra que colocar 30 horas de texto jesus, a história do mod é extremamente repetiva e previsível, a relação do MC com a Sayori não é nada explorada, as artes e sprites do mod são muito feias parece que fizeram no Paint essa porra, o final é muito bosta fizeram tudo errado, as personagens são totalmente descaracterizadas, me decepcionei muito com essa fan game, sofri pra terminar
Nota 1/10

This was not a really good Doki mod (at all). It felt like a worse version of New End (which I can not find anywhere on this site)

As a fan-made "what if" sequel that averts the events of the Act 1 ending of Doki Doki Literature Club, it is beautifully made.

It allows MC to mature into the emotionally supportive boyfriend the original DDLC hinted that he could be if not for the reset, as well as reconstruct Sayori's character (A simple love confession won't help her with her depression...but a genuine pillar of emotional support will).

While MC and Sayori's relationship blossoms, Monika's well being deteriorates due to not being able to control the game, making her a lot more tragic in a more obvious way.

It's a nice story and is an amazing next step for Sayori fans who have just finished Doki Doki Literature Club