Reviews from

in the past

I played the GBC version with the fan translation, so I'm reviewing this version.

This might be the best DK Land game out of the three. No unique levels like DK Land 1 but the level designs themselves are unique. I'd say this one is more worth playing than DK Land 2.

That being said it still has that "port down" feeling, just less so than DK Land 2.

Controls and physics are nearly perfect to the SNES games too.

I recommend playing this on something that can accurately represent the GBC's color palette though. Some if the color choices make little sense otherwise. Like the snow levels will have very blue snow that displays as white on an original GBC screen or an Analogue Pocket with the correct filter on.

DKL 3, but in colour. Time trials are cool

The most well put together DK Land game. The special color version really adds a whole lot and it's a shame this was a Japan exclusive and the other games didn't get the same treatment. It was definitely the most fair but it's not as good as DKC2 in my opinion. Definitely worth a playthrough for some portable Kong though.