Reviews from

in the past

Praise be to our lord and savior Goku (Mid), though he is clearly the best character in the game, he's an extremely humble man and calls himself mid instead of peak.

Legendary game.
Hours and hours of punching.
A lot of dragon ball characters and epic movements.
I love it 🔥

Hearing the menu theme for the first time in 10+ years legit brought a tear to my eye, this game is just too special.

El clasico de PS2, infancia.

O jogo definitivo de Dragon Ball.


I could spend hours talking about how good Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is, but my words wouldn’t be enough to describe the greatness of this game.

Throughout the series, the studio improved even further and without stopping the construction of gameplay and extras. After finishing the main story, there is still a LOT of content to be done such as tower-style progression challenges, fighting several enemies in a row, and some other mechanics that I can’t remember right now. Some of them reward unlockable characters and others with power-ups that in this game come in the form of Potara earrings.

I honestly like how each character has their own gameplay and even the transformations. While some maintain the combat style, others completely change it.

The graphics for its time are very well polished and beautiful with vibrant colors and anime soundtracks that bring back a beautiful nostalgia.

Honestly, for me, this game is the pinnacle of what a fighting game should be. I haven’t tried its multiplayer yet, but I’ve played local multiplayer a lot and I’ve never had as much fun in a fighting game as I have with this one. RIP Akira Toriyama, not only left the best anime in the world but opened doors to create this wonderful game that marked an entire generation. My review? 5/5 The magnum opus of fighting games without a doubt.

Simplesmente perfeito. Não há muito o que eu possa falar sem escrever um texto gigantesco, mas em geral, a gameplay é incrivel, os modelos são lindos, as animações são lindas, a fluidez é maravilhosa, as vozes são muito boas, o modo historia é excelente... É. Praticamente. Tudo. Perfeito.

Nostalgia de quebrar os controles nas telas de loading e fazer campeonato com os amigos da rua.
MUITOS personagens, mas grande parte são só skins do mesmo personagem com uma transformação diferente, mas ainda sim, Mods épicos.
Jesus e CJ vs Relâmpago McQueen e Thomas o Trem é de surpreender qualquer um

Super Buu Gohan e Goku ssj4 Melhores personagens pra solar geral

You haven't lived until you have played this game at 11 PM with all your friends over taking turns and tag teaming in when they needed to switch out. Some of my fondest memories to this day.

Rest in peace Akira Toriyama, you've inspired all Mexicans with your legacy.

esse daqui esquece. ELITE. melhor jogo desse anime ou pelo menos top 3.. falta palavra pro gamezin ta maluco eu te amo muito

If I had a PS2 as a kid, this would be quite possibly be one of my favourite games of all time, and I would have spent countless hours with it. But I didn’t, I only ever got a chance to play this one (all of Budokai and Tenkaichi for that matter) at a friend’s house when I was 11.
So it wasn’t until 2022 that I got to fully play through it on a Retroid Pocket 3+.
And man, it held up pretty nicely and was a joy to play through. I had Raging Blast and Raging Blast 2, and while I loved them, I think graphically this game has them beat. It also has them beat on the richness of content. This is one of the only games that goes through the DB, Z and GT story!
A beloved game by many that I’m sad to have missed, in all honesty, and there isn’t anything big to fault here.
8.5/10, nostalgia probably would’ve bumped this to a 9 or 10.

Provavelmente o melhor jogo de anime da história, insuperável!

Um dos poucos jogos de luta que eu posso me garantir até hoje, esse está marcado na infância. Rezar pro Tenkaichi 4 ter o mesmo nível de qualidade que esse.

lindo jogo , marcou minha infancia

Played this way more than i probably should have, it like rewired my brain.

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is a very fun game, although there are certain aspects of the game that are flawed. For example, some of the story mode fights seem unfair, with you having to fight incredibly strong opponents with little room for error, take for example the fights with Kid Boo and Omega Shen Long. In addition, some things take a bit of getting used to, but once you do the game is pretty fun! Everything is oozing with charm, even down to the menus. There is an abundance of characters, even including characters in the movies, although some characters need to be unlocked via very long passwords. Overall, if you like Dragon Ball, you will surely enjoy playing this game.

Jogo lindo, quem criou foi um anjo, obrigado meu presidente!

The greatest DBZ game ever made. Biggest roster (for now) the best mechanics, the fastest gameplay, great music.

This is just a knockout all around.,

DivertidĂ­ssimo e um dos mais completos dos jogos de DBZ do PS2.

Obrigado tio Akira por criar esse universo lindo e obrigado Deus por esse jogo existir

Esta mierda era god y lo sigue siendo, el peak de Dragon Ball

La puta cabra de los juegos de pelea de la ps2.

Tengo el nunchuk de la wii medio jodido pero mereciĂł totalmente la pena