Reviews from

in the past

Probably the one game in most need of a remake. The narrative in this one is super strong, and even makes the first game way better, but unfortunately it's hidden behind one of the most grindy and cryptic RPGs ever.

This is an unlocalized sequel to the original game. I imagine I'll be the only reviewer of this game on here so let me go in depth.

The story begins quite slow as the son of the previous protagonist explores the exact same world but once you reach new areas there's actually some pretty impressive plot twists. Like I genuinely was not expecting this to become so sci fi heavy. It makes the first game even more intense than it was because this plot twists were foreshadowed in it.

The first game having enemies in the overworld was very impressive at the time but made the mistake of having them walk around invisibly until you get an item. This game fixes that problem by making them visible from the start. The magic system was revamped from a standard system to a unique system. Basically each character has a few slots for different spells. After using a spell in combat there will be a meter that has to fill up before it can be used again. This meter fills as you move around the map. It's a neat way of making sure you can't just spam your best moves. That being said it makes the game harder. The enemies in this game are overall more difficult than the original so it's definitely a whole difficulty notch higher.