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Dragon warrior monster 2 isn't a bad game per say but it's completely inferior to the previous game in almost every way.
Dragon Quest Monster 2 is for some reason easier than the first One where you had to make a very competent team of monsters each One of them have some roles like healer/support,melee attacker and spell user,and the the last One is a Jack of all trades,you had to combine them Over and Over again to get good stats otherwise you would lose in the arena or against some of the other worlds bosses.
The second game holds your hand a lot like if you played the first game the same strategies/moves work here thus making the game feel more like a DLC than a proper sequel since there are almost no new moves or move sets to old monsters .
The soundtrack is another disappointing aspect since there are not that many new songs and many of them sound bad(i used the gbc emulator with headphones and had to take them off due to the bad songs).
The story and even the characters are Also inferior to the first game where you had to save your sister that was kidnapped by a Monster from another world,here the story is Goofy and doesn't take itself seriously which sucks.
The game introduced a new type of monsters(Water ones)and added sea navigation but this isn't enough to justify a sequel.
Overall just play the first game and ignore this One than go to joker 2.

A very fun sequel but the original was mostly better and simpler, still very fun to play.

One issue I have with the Pokemon games is that they have an extremely slow pace, so this game was very refreshing with how quickly you get into the game and how soon you have access to the advanced game systems. The monster breeding is very deep and addicting and makes catching monsters really compelling. Even though the game is short there is an extensive and challenging end game that utilizes random dungeons and worlds. My only issue with the game is that the monster catching economy is very frustrating. You don't get any money from winning random battles, but there are also aren't many training battles in the main game to get you money. You're dependent on what the games gives you out in the wild (which I found very stingy) or selling treasures that you find in the dungeon. I found myself out of money pretty often and not able to afford the bait necessary to catch monsters. This can make catching a specific monster for a specific skill very frustrating. I know that this game has been remade (I haven't played it), so there may be some quality of life adjustments in those versions that fix this issue. A big recommendation for anyone who loves monster trainer games.