Reviews from

in the past

They are all difficult but have great animation. They are also very creative and fun.

Neat animations that feel ahead of their time.
Sadly I suck at quick time reactions and this is an entire qtr game. Good thing you can watch the cutscenes in movie mode.

Dragon’s Lair is ahead of it’s time with it’s visual elements and gameplay, but quick time events aren’t exactly my favourite aspect of modern gaming. It’s the type of game people links talking about rather then playing imo.

You can see how this would guzzle quarters in arcades and if it weren't for the Don Bluth art would it have even gotten any love? The only take away is that Princess Kimberly is hot.

Well, it's better than buying these games individually on DSiWare or something, but they're still not that fun to play

While this collection is definitely the best (or, at the very least, the most easily accessible) way to play these games, keep some things in mind before you buy:

1. They're the Dragon's Lair games, and I hope you know what you're getting into before you make this purchase because this collection probably won't change anyone's mind on the Dragon's Lair style of trial-and-error gameplay.
2. All three of these games take about an hour to beat. Yes, this means you'll be paying 20 dollars for a three hour game. Luckily, this collection goes on sale pretty frequently, unless you're buying the Wii version for over 50 USD, but why the hell would you do that.
3. The presentation of the menus can be best described as "early 2000's DVD" and it comes off as really unpolished. There's choppy music samples that loop, ugly button layouts, the full nine yards. I assume the Wii release of the game looked like this and they didn't really edit it much when porting to modern consoles.
4. There's not much in the way of bonus features. There's an interview and one deleted scene for Time Warp. Not a deal-breaker, but a major disappointment.
5. There's no way to pause or go frame-by-frame on the gorgeous 2D animation. Again, not a deal-breaker, but a disappointment.

But, despite that, if you are looking to play the Dragon's Lair games, this isn't a bad way to do it. The collection could've been better but hey, I'm glad these games are readily available. The 2D animation is charming and these games contain some of Don Bluth's best work. You just have to navigate some ugly menus before you play.