Reviews from

in the past

This game is only worthwhile if you play a version that has the original ending. It's literally Ash coma theory. For that it's irreplaceable.

this was basically the first time i got lost in a video game as a kid and i couldn't look up a walkthrough so i think like 40 hours of my playtime in this game was wandering through places i'd already been

all of the charm and merit of the original plus a more involved and emotional story, more gameplay styles, many more locations, better RPG elements and customization, it’s really just a special game all around. nothing quite like it

movement is kinda slow and clunky and the drawing objects feature sorta screeches the game to a halt, but holy shit the pixelart is ridiculously detailed and beautifully animated for a cute lil kids game from 2009. I'm glad that (along with the story) still holds up. love the artstyle too.

The story is fucking crazy for a kids game erm anyways I liked drawing everything it was fun LOL

very good however derivative sequel. insane sucker punch ending

Refines what the first game did into a legitimate great game, not to mention the INSANE places the story goes.

The ending fucked up 6 year old me

this is the most insane plot twist ever in a video game and its not even close

This played horribly on the Wii. Never got around to trying the DS version

Whenever people talk about this game, they mostly focus on its gut-wrenching ending and the revelation behind it. And don't get me wrong: I GET IT!

The ending of this game makes you feel si many things, but especially makes you feel so bad, and you will remember it and even dream about it for years and years. I hated this ending for a long time... and also found it fascinating, and bold, and incredibly emotional, and kinda disliked how they removed on later releases of this title (even tho yeah I get it)

But honestly the ending is not the only things to be remembered about this title: it has a vibe and charm reminiscent of titles like Scribblenauts, a nice concept to make you (sort of) customizable adventure, and a cast of likeable character, accompanied by a villain that is surprisingy amazing.

Drawn to Life is a weird hidden gem in the videogame industry, and the maybe too easy gameplay may result a bit off for most people. But I do still adore this game.

A big recommendation for me.

I still regularly think about the original ending for this game. Even 15 years after I originally played it. It was the first time I was truly shocked by a piece of media. I remember little kid me running into the living room and trying to explain the ending to my dad. I don't think he cared very much but I just need to tell whoever I could about it. Its like I didn't know how to process what I'd seen. Looking back it way very silly but its a childhood memory that stuck with me all these years.

Such a fun, creative and colorful adventure. Go into it blind once you're done with the first game, it's an experience you won't forget.

lets say the french version of the game is not labeled as a a sequel and I was mad confused as a kid . Still incredibly fun for an art kid like me and the pixel art still hold ups , a bit shallow in actual gameplay tho .

Played this as a kid! Was the first game to make me cry/really get invested emotionally! Pretty clunky controls, but it's very nostalgic for me. A sweet and cute game, also bittersweet and a little sad sometimes, but overall good story and cute graphics.

C'est un jeu très sympa ou tu dessine ton perso, tes armes, le décor, et tu suis l'histoire, d'un méchant qui fait des trucs de mechants, et toi t'es le hero qui est là pour sauver le monde.

Très bonne idée, gameplay très basique voir maladroit, mais tout le reste ratrappe, y'a une ambience et un univers propre, et la partie dessin est super pour le gameplay tactile de la DS ! je recommande

< 1er vistazo #111 >
-> Una de las secuelas que más he querido jugar (recordando también ese detalle "conocido" del final), pero que nunca encontraba las fuerzas suficientes para empezarla xP.
-> Well... respecto a la historia... no negaré que, en el tramo inicial, hay algo bastante "llamativo" que se estaba armando... pero, llegados a cierto punto, todo empieza a... ¿carecer de sentido alguno? x.X.
-> Esto lo puedo sustentar con el "confuso" protagonismo a un personaje en concreto... es decir, te estás enfocando en dos personajes, con claros momentos para desarrollar cierta problemática... para que, de un momento para otro... ¿CAMBIAS EL FOCO?
-> Claro que se dejaron ciertas pistas que, en retrospectiva, le dan peso a "ese final", pero... el camino recorrido para llegar ahí... solo demuestra que todo lo hecho, en un inicio, nunca tuvo "sentido alguno"... es solo que... F X.x.
-> DIGO... si vas a darle peso a un personaje que te está ACOMPAÑANDO desde el inicio... al menos hazlo parte de la historia con un rol más activo en lugar de dejarlo a un margen para repetirle constantemente "es tu culpa"... y eso que la historia tuvo sus momentos u.U.
-> Dejando ello de lado antes de que me de algo... la jugabilidad tuvo una notable mejora, debido a una mayor versatilidad en las distintas acciones, con una que otra habilidad necesaria en determinado tramo que puede utilizarse de forma rápida :3.
-> Gracias al tema del color, tanto la restauración como selección de los niveles tiene un encanto propio :D.
-> ASU... creo que me molesté un tanto al escribir sobre la historia xP... mejor lo dejo por aquí ya que, cuando deba volver a revisar ello, espero que mi perspectiva de la misma cambie... para bien o.O.

One of the DS games that most stayed with me. Played it a lot when I first got it when I must have been 8 or 9 years old. The story is very catching, inventive and quite forward for a children's game, I still recall the hours I spent marvelled at its levels layouts, the art of the enemies, objects, background details was so unique as well. Great soundtrack too. The ending of this game is still with me, fucking surprised me as a kid.

Pretty solid game I had as a kid. I never finished the game but I do know the ending. I remember having fun with the game, but I don't actually have the game anymore which is why I have it listed as "abandoned". Maybe I will try playing the game again at some point.

Ending definitely fucked me up at a young age

had lots of fun with it as a kid

The ending of this game traumatized me. Can recommend.

havent played this game in years but i remember loving it so bad

Why was this game actually good. I never played one of the Drawn to Life games before but my brother owned this game for some reason. Always had a soft spot for it, shit slapped.