Reviews from

in the past

one of the ghosts sounded like nathan fielder and that honestly made this game for me

It's a walking simulator. Still, sort of a unique game that I don't think would be released today unless it was made by an indie developer.

has a LOT of problems coming with being a ps2 adventure game in 2004 (specifically a slow 1st person one w difficult to find items and a localization that rubs against its atmosphere a little too hard) that bring it down in ways that i find harder to forgive than usual but god damn will i anyway. find its storytelling rly novel for asking you to find and put most of its pieces together on your own, and rly appreciate how its ties itself together thematically. awesome ending w kinda brutal implications. idk how the other echo nights stack w this one yet but it totally deserves more credit.

This game is the prophet of every modern horror game trope.

You are in first person, enemies are ghosts that kill you within seconds from just standing next to you, and you even have to use security cameras to track the patrol routes of your enemies in advance.

Has a few genuine unsettling moments, some good stories -- entirely new experience when compared to the first two games with its scares and presentation. very solid game! i wish all of them get remakes someday

underrated gem albeit clunky

just realized its a fromsoft game, i guess they were on my side all along like the moonlight for ludwig

Survival horror in low-gravity! Very slow paced, very atmospheric! Default controls are awful, but a standard twin-stick layout is buried in the options.
Probably the closest we'll get to 2001 A Space Odyssey.

On the surface, I appreciate the strange, slowburn premise, but the game just feels too empty in design to really sustain the interest it needs.