Reviews from

in the past

the board equivalent is better

I have never played the actual card game, but this is fun! A simple, proper adaptation, I guess.

Don't you do it. This is bad - Reaaaally bad. No matter how much you love the card game, don't waste your money on this. It's so obviously a port of the free mobile app for £15. So not worth it at all

It's a fun enough conversion of the board game.
I played the version included with Netflix and it was alright. The meat of the game is playing with randoms and you can tell that at least 2 players are bots each game. Still, it's fun when the mind games start at the end of each match.
The board game is way better but it can be a good enough alternative. I didn't test the option but you can play with friends.

I played one round of this and that was plenty