Reviews from

in the past

mi muñeco se llamaba puci y tenia el pelo rosa con estampado de leopardo, yo creé la homosexualidad en mascotas

got this as a present and it came a happy meal style box lmao

I think this can be a good game for children. And that's all.

Es absolutamente increíble que comprara este juego para encenderlo y pelármela completamente. En el cajón sigue.

While a fun gimmick for the PlayStation Move and camera, EyePet is a relatively shallow experience. It will definitely please children for at least a short while but there isn't too much to dig into here.

The best I can say about EyePet is that the technology works relatively well. It's a bit of a weird concept to only be able to see your furry little guy on screen when everything else in your room is on camera, but this disconnect isn't too distracting and the concept is fun. I think adding some sort of skill-based challenges for your EyePet would've went a long way in giving the game some replayability though because there just isn't much to sink your teeth into.

One memorable moment with EyePet was when my sister's had a nightmare about 6 months after we got the game of her trying to trap him in the PS4 console box. EyePet has some fun unique moments like that, but it's ultimately more of a novelty experience.

It has an interesting idea. The game itself is barely playable.