Reviews from

in the past

Main story sucks. Everything else is honestly pretty amazing. This would be higher rated with a mod that removes weapon condition but I don't rate based on gameplay mods but that mechanic is absolute dogass.

DLC ranking: The Pitt > Broken Steel >> Point Lookout >>> Operation Anchorage > Mothership Zeta

rating this the same as oblivion for most of the same reasons (sidequests and lore), except this game trades the really nice aesthetic for actual good gameplay.

sinceramente me ha costado la vida misma terminar este juego. no sé para que me compré esta edición porque no pienso tocar los dlcs

if you can bear with the performance issues, its a fun ride :D or you could jus mod-fix the performance. Really enjoyed the story, and side quests are great as well.

Abandoned my playthrough to try Tale of Two Wastelands instead. So far it's pretty dope

The second best 3D Fallout game

Never finished but trying to finish from childhood

Having to be compared to New Vegas does this game no favors

meu save de 40h corrompeu vtmnc

tener el juego completo con los dlcs que tienen buenas historias es simplemente bello

Objectively ass, but in a weird way, the jankiness is also what I like most about it.

Mucha gente dice que Fallout 3 es el peor juego del universo y una falta de respeto a los dos primeros Fallout. No estoy de acuerdo, aunque creo que lo entiendo. Como buen juego de Bethesda que es, hay momentos de genialidad y momentos de torpeza. No obstante, en conjunto me parece un producto divertido con el que las horas se pasan volando.

Me da la sensación de que los desarrolladores le tenían mucho respeto a la saga Fallout, aunque no terminasen de entender qué los hacía tan divertidos y venerados. El resultado es un juego que logra trasladar el mundo de Fallout a las tres dimensiones de forma bastante convincente; y aunque mantiene intacta buena parte de la esencia, se nota que fue hecho desde una perspectiva distinta.

Tampoco debemos olvidar que el Fallout original no pretendía ser una creación artística muy sesuda, sino todo lo contrario: un CRPG simple y violento para pasar el rato. Esa esencia sí que ha sabido conservarla el Fallout 3. Lo digo porque el nivel de brutalidad de este juego está en línea con los dos anteriores, al contrario de lo que afirman algunos.

La principal cruz del Fallout 3 es que vive a la sombra de un hermano pequeño mucho más inteligente y carismático que él. Pero esa es otra historia.

Por cierto, sé que es una comparación fácil, pero se nota que este juego está a caballo entre Oblivion y Skyrim. En cierto modo, el meme es verdad: es Oblivion con pistolas.

seria melhor se os inimigos n fossem tao bullet sponge

Played this for the first because of the show, pleasantly surprised by how well it had held up. Getting used to VATs was nowhere near as clunky as I thought it'd be.

Comparing this game to my experience with Starfield is quite sad honestly, I want to love Bethesda like I did when they released Skyrim...they just aren't the same as they were from 2008-2011.

Decent main story, great side content and variety of characters, and DLCs that provide different experiences from the base game, definitely worth trying if you've never played it before.

(Begin Again a Wabbajack modlist for TTW)

bom jogo, infelizmente perde em todos os aspectos para o new vegas, mas nao deixa de ser um fallout

juegazo, mejor que starfield carajo

Jogo extremamente curto, mas foi divertido enquanto durou. Fiz a dlc do brotherhood of Steel, The Pitt e o da nave espacial, porém o jogo decidiu apagar o meu savegame por completo. Muito massa

Se crashea en inicio, tipico, tener que modearlo para jugar tranquilamente baja muchisimo su valoracion

Ролевая система стала слабее первых двух, в целом игра полностью отличается от предшественниц. Остался только лор, и он соблюдается. Я люблю Fallout 3, и честно мне даже сложно искать в ней недостатки, это та игра с которой я начала свой путь в гейминге. Я поставлю 5 звезд за ностальгию и не буду придераться.

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I really enjoyed this game, after years of playing fnv, f4, f76, I thought it was finally time and it was! I really enjoyed it, the story, the side content, it was all really spectacular, even the dlcs were amazing. The only thing I have an issue with is the original ending, it just felt really unsatisfactory and forced, and the fact anything you do other than sacrifice yourself the narrator will criticise you for didn't sit great with me.

Awesome game, I played it right after New Vegas though so it didn't hit as hard. I didn't mind the more linear story.

I spent almost 2 days trying to get this to work and when i did i enjoyed it but fuck the games settings

Worst Fallout game ever released (yes, I am counting 76). Every time you feel the need to play it smash your balls with a meat pounder.

I wholeheartedly believe this game is overhated. Sure it’s not better than New Vegas but if you appreciate it for what it is it’s a solid good game. Since it’s set in Washington DC instead of the Mojave Desert it’s gonna look more depressing but it actually feel more dystopian and fallout-like seeing these huge completly destroyed apartments everywhere you go compared to just a desert where it’s just sand. Also the main missions ain’t that bad and if you hate it just download a mod to skip it or do it later. After all it’s a bethesda game which means everyone does the side missions before the main.

Meu primeiro contato com a série, me apaixonou tanto pela história desse mundo quanto pela estética dele.

orospucocu çelik kardeşlik onlara yardım ettikten sonra sebepsiz yere öldürdüler save dosyamda gitti amk

This was the only game on our TV for like 6 months when it first came out. My god I ravenously consumed this bad boy and loved it through and through. But it has aged poorly, and the ending still sits as one of the dumbest things I've ever come across in video games. Why do Bethesda utterly shit the bed with their main quest lines in these games?