Reviews from

in the past

I wish I would have known about this game back in the day if I had it I probably would have put some time into it. A colorful shooter where you can buy weapons and upgrades in a shop mid level. You can also purchase shields and extra lifes too. For it's time period it's pretty great.

A shockingly well-aged shooter given how old it is, though I think Super and II DX make this one obsolete. Those games are really just the same game but with more good stuff and fewer low points, so it's hard to recommend this one even if it is an all-around good game regardless. The enemy patterns of FZ1 are pretty uninteresting and can get downright irritating thanks to the weird screen scrolling and odd ship momentum. The music is also just nowhere near the excellence of the sequels.

The SEGA AGES port is the way to go if you do pick this up. The Master System port is decent, but has a lot of sprite flickering that makes it hard to see oncoming enemies.

Amava as músicas e me divertia demais.

[Master System]

As you would expect of an arcade to Master System conversion, lots of little compromises had to be made, but the core gameplay and crucially the cartoony charm of the original remain intact.

FANTASY ZONE in the arcade isn’t a perfect game to begin with, and this version still has all of the problems of the original (squirrelly controls, a sort of busted upgrade system, wildly unbalanced combat), but here they stand out more because everything about the game was slightly downgraded in the porting. It’s much easier to overlook design quirks when the graphics, the music, and the controls are just a little bit better. Nevertheless, it’s still FANTASY ZONE, and that means that, on some level, it’s still cute and fun.