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Offering a range of activities, from hardcore boss raids to chill farming simulation minigames, this patch is packed with tons of content for every type of player. It’s one of the best updates to the game yet.

Full Review:

In a way, the story here takes an unfortunate turn. After the promise of a more lighthearted chapter, we quickly pivot to saving a destroyed world with a broken and jaded hero who will eventually rise to the occasion through the power of friendship. It's standard fare for JRPGs and not a problem in isolation, but seeing as we recently saved the universe by punching despair in the face whilst powered by that selfsame power…well, it feels a tad too soon to repeat.

There are also echoes of the "warrior of darkness" segment of post-heavensward. It sounds very unlikely we will repair the void in the interstitial space between expansions, which means this story will be resolved in such a way it provides enough material for 8.0 or 9.0.

I'm a bit bored by Barbariccia's design. Of course the female archfiend has to fight with her hair, that her world is kept together by her hair, and that one of her main concerns is, indeed, her hair.

Really solid patch with an interesting new setting, the Voidsent dimension of the Thirteenth, as well as a couple of very good trials and a good dungeon. Island Sanctuary adds a new little bit of structured (and unstructured) fun that allows you to take some time to enjoy the downtime of this world and take it all in on your own personal island.

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6.2 was honestly really good for only being a .2 patch most of them have pacing issues to build up to the huge .3 patch, thankfully 6.2 was able to negate this by visiting the void, learning about it, and meeting Zero, It was a great MSQ patch with a lot of intrigue.

It really feels like they're showing off the new budget with how much effort they put into this patch with the MSQ, Panda series 2, and Island Sanctuary.

Panda 2 was really good.

Trial y maz bien. Lo demas normalito

FFXIV is a much more interesting game when it isn’t in Eorzea, The Thirteenth has already established itself as a strong and well constructed world in just the matter of 9 or so quests. How bleak and Depressing this world is yet all these creatures live in such peace? I love it.

The character of Zero is brilliant and super intrigued to see where we are going to go with this character and may I say I love her outfit!

Pandemonium is probably the only fault storywise. It’s interesting in some aspects with its world building and the character Erichthonios is well written. But there’s just a whole lotta nothing and the writing can get very tiring. Fights are very good though