Reviews from

in the past

This is a childhood game I just got done revisiting and i'm very happy to report that it's still as good as the first day.
Building enough speed to drive in the roof of levels, exploding missiles right before they hit you and just how ridiculously fast you can go with a few speed power ups in a row along with a really cool cast of characters, cool soundtrack and some really memorable tracks and plenty of cups makes this to be one of my favorite racing game ever to this day

one of the best playstation 1 gamrs ever made. change my mind

Basically a kid-friendly version of Sony's Rollcage series. Its not a bad racer as such but its kid-friendly mood means the game never challenges at any given point. The track design is colourful and full of pretty things but never do you get any really memorable circuit designs. The same go for the early-2000 Jetix style characters.

Its not an awful game but just far too easy and feels like its missing something to make it actually memorable.