Reviews from

in the past

From that moment on, the history of this franchise went too far for me

lglzinho me caguei de medo caguei msm mt bosta mt merda

This is the only good fnaf game after all the other ones came out

This was my personal fav of the (first 5) fnaf games! My issue with the others was that I got bored of playing the same thing over and over so I liked that this one changed the tasks every night. Also it feels heavier plot-wise (at least you get it without having to see some guys youtube video). Im not a fan, but this was the best one imo

i love the ennard boss battle section and this games aesthetic, i kind of wish it had more boss battles that were equally exciting though..


Não consigo passar da porra da noite 4, mas inovou o FNaF

fuck those little rat children things im not playin this no more

Sempre tento jogar mas não consigo zerar nunca aff

Su mayor atractivo (que serían las noches principales) pierden su gracia una vez ya te las pasaste, narrativamente es completamente inentendible si no leíste los libros, y a nivel de presentación es sumamente reiterativa. Lo mejor solo serían la noche de ennard y las noches personalizadas, pero no es suficiente para salvar esta cosa.

I love the vibe and lore here. and it feels really scary. But gameplay is very hit and miss

when the games started being good again

I wish Night 4 didn't exist. i swear that gameplay is so hard

My favourite entry of this series. thing coming together, a scary story starting to wrap up with awesome gameplay

Not much replay value past custom night

Is this still being a fnaf??

Esse jogo para mim foi o ponto de redenção da franquia, mesmo sem a mecânica de câmeras toda a ambientação e modo de jogo foi alterado, aqui você realmente sente o potencial da franquia.

Minha única crítica é ao mesmo tempo um resumo da gameplay: Se fizer certo passa, se clicar em lugar errado morre.

ngl this was the weirdest one, having scripted nights feels weird but I do like voice acting.