Reviews from

in the past

Ball is a perfect game, if you have not much time on your hand and you want some quick easy fun. In ball, you juggle 2 balls (Game A) or 3 balls (Game B) and try to not have them touch the ground or else you lose and it's game over. For the purpose of this review, I played the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Game and Watch verison of this game which replaces Mr. Game and Watch's head with either Mario and Luigi.

Game A, which as previously stated makes you juggle two balls I would consider to be more of a game you would play if you want to relax for a bit during like a 5 minute break at work. It's simple and easy, highly addictive as well.

Game B which is personally my favourite of the two, is possibly even more addictive than Game A. Game B has you juggling three balls and it is a lot more intense at points while trying wrap your brain around three balls. It can be a real mental challenge trying to keep up sometimes which is why I love it, as it proves this simple concept can you get you actually thinking and panicking.

Overall, Ball is a nice treat for you to play during a short time. It's a game that knows you don't have a lot of time and it succeeds at what is tries for while being highly addictive.