Reviews from

in the past

Esteticamente insano, é lindo demais, mas sua gameplay é tão chata e seus puzzles são tão sem graça que eu não consegui mudar minha expressão durante o jogo inteiro (😐). Esperava bem mais.

great ambience and art direction, but thats all it has going for it

aside from the theming, its an aggressively average "puzzle" game that is more of a walking simulator where you sometimes click things

Cool ass visuals and theme, but the "puzzles" themselves are just nothing

Love this game, for it's visual Storytelling, the concepts it explores and the great story

i love noirs and i love jazz, so of course i was intrigued. this game is visually STUNNING! it embraces abstraction and stylization, the entire world is so unique. it’s more like watching a movie than playing a game,
really incredible sense of space. the soul is there, the passion for art and jazz and the cosmic is very clear.

but… it drags on. some sequences are way too long and repetitive, or too confusing because there is 0 explanation of what you’re supposed to do. it’s not easy to figure it out in a game as obscure as this (even the actual story was so confusing.) what was probably meant to be metaphorical ended up just being frustrating and lacking direction. the actual gameplay felt more like a drag, i put up with it just so i could get to the part i ACTUALLY liked, which was the cutscenes. i wish i could like it more, but it could be better when it comes to the gameplay.


It's interesting but perhaps too obtuse in its mechanics (especially considering it strives to overcome determinism on a narrative level). Its best aspect is how insistingly it leaves you without hints about what to do and how to do it - which is great considering the cosmic pretenses.

It's more stunning than it is good, but it is really, really stunning.

In hindsight, I should've just watched a playthrough of this on Youtube instead of playing it myself

This felt like a drug trip and more a confusing one than a fun one

bonito, trilha sonora incrível com uma das piores gameplays que já vi

Genesis Noir (Feral Cat Den, 2021 – Xbox Series S) reframes the Big Bang – and subsequently, the human creation myth – as a jazz-infused noir mystery tale.

This review contains spoilers

O cara precisou ser corno pra entender o multiverso.

Genesis Noir is a game that I was super excited about at first, but as the story devolved into gibberish and the gameplay into just dragging things around like a 2 year old, I was forced to abandon it.

This isn't really a game. It's an overlong trippy movie that constantly interrupts the experience to ask you to touch the screen. Usually, I enjoy things of this style, but Genesis Noir just lasts too long and offers too little.

It was alright! I mostly kept playing for the vibes tbh.

This game is more of an experience, but it's a game that thrives in that (at least till you get near the end and want it to end). But yeah, this game has AMAZING presentation in it's art design, music, and so forth.

One strength to this game is that it often changes the how of what you're doing, constantly changing things up to add a lot of variety to the game. This is not much of a replay-able game, but just save it before the final choice to get the multi ending achievements (very easily achievable)

Just a charming small game that'll last you for a handful of hours.

(Game Pass) What an experience! This is by far one of my favorite games this year that I played. The art style and atmosphere is captivating and draws you into a story of choice and love. Play this game!

Estava a jogar com pouquíssima paciência, é verdade, mas odiei.

The visual style is amazing but gameplay-wise it’s extremely basic. I didn’t find the writing that compelling either. I only stuck with the game to see all its glorious art. Also the soundtrack is some ethereal and eerie jazz that’s pretty sweet.

You follow No Man as he travels through space and time to stop the Big Bang from ever happening in hopes of saving his girlfriend. See the universe unfold from the sun forming, to first life, all the way into a far future.

The story isn't really quite that solid or defined outside of the game description. In fact, it's pretty jumbled and convoluted, and lost me completely by the end.


The striking artstyle of Genesis Noir is what originally caught my attention. It's unlike any other game I've seen. It's all black and white, with some gold thrown in for effect. It's extremely stylized, without much details, but you know exactly what is going on on screen. It's hard to describe, but you'll know if it's for you or not if you see it.

I do have to mention the flashing lights. The game does open with a warning, and it's not to be taken lightly. There are a lot of flashing lights, and sudden changes from dark to light and back again. It may look like a stark game, but it's extremely flashy. Especially the ending. Holy crap.

Sound Effects + Music

Genesis Noir has a unique soundtrack made up of primarily jazz tunes. It's exactly what you'd expect if you were watching a stereotypical noir film. The tone of the music does shift with the scenes and sounded very cool. I personally don't listen to jazz or any similar music, so I can't say that I loved the background music, but I did appreciate the commitment to the theme.

Sound effects are an important part of the gameplay as well. You'll get little noises that let you know if you've done something wrong or not. Some of the puzzles also use sound as part of the puzzle, but there's also visual hints if you're hard of hearing or just not playing with sound. If you can though, I do recommend playing with the sounds on since it adds to the experience.

Gameplay + Controls

Genesis Noir is a point-and-click, so you will be doing a lot of point and clicking. I did use my keyboard and mouse, but you can also use a controller if you prefer. You'll control No Man through several scenes. Hovering over items that can be interacted with will change the cursor to a magnifying glass, so you shouldn't get too lost. It's mostly a matter of figuring out exactly how to interact with the items once you find them.

There's a good variety of puzzle and mini game types, and most of them are quite quick. My favorite was the one where you're creating the first live organisms; it was really unique and fun o figure out! However, there were some that sound way cooler than they are, and definitely overstayed their welcome with how long and tedious they were, such as turning the sun into a super nova.


Genesis Noir is a pretty linear game, since it's a point-and-click with a clear story to tell, which makes it less replayable. It is fairly short though, so it is an experience that's easy to repeat if you choose to. There are two endings, but they're only based on the final chapter, so you only need to replay that one and make a different choice.


Honestly, I liked the individual components of Genesis Noir better than I liked the game as a complete package. The artstyle and theming are top notch, but the gameplay was a mixed bag. I feel like it was going for unique and weird rather than focusing on a cohesive story and game.

A surreal noir spanning through time. Some annoying minigames, but more beautiful moments.

was cool until they added colors, turned to shit when they added voice acting

I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Sometimes the gameplay is frustrating, a little noodly like improvising jazz players, but it's always doing something interesting and it both looks and sounds amazing. It gets a whole extra star/half a star for just looking so damn cool.

...I'm not entirely sure what happened but I loved it?

É um jogo bem visual, bem bonito, mas é muito viajado e isso não é muito pra mim não.
No final o jogo tenta apelar pro emocional, criar uma conclusão bonita com uma moral, mas o resto da história não criou consistência pra isso.

Genesis Noir - A Review

Genesis Noir’s power and strength lies in the visual and conceptual design. It’s also been paired with a lovely sound design. I’d assume that those who like jazz would consider it a positive here.

This game demands focus in understanding what it expects out of its players. I look at this as both a positive and negative, if you’ve played this, you might understand what I mean by that statement.

The ending is quite fascinating and certainly unexpected. There’s not a lot of ‘play’ here, it’s more along the lines of following a visual narrative. You’re exposed to a few moments that require strategic thinking but I think it was the most evident in the section ‘Improvisations’, that was interesting to explore.

I‘ve developed a love for visually pleasing games and so Genesis Noir ranks a bit higher for me with that regard. If you’re someone who enjoys visual narratives that doesn't exactly offer intensive and demanding game play, you’d enjoy this game. It’s absolutely stunning. If not, then reconsider.

Overall, I’m not too fascinated by the game itself but visually it was quite an experience. Would I consider playing this game again? Perhaps, but only for the sake of re-experiencing its beauty and sound design.

Genesis Noir nunca tuvo que ser un videojuego. Habría sido una excelente serie de animación sino un corto ganador del óscar. Apenas hay jugabilidad, su point&click hace pasar cinemáticas de impresionante valor estético - musical y divulgativo: científico y existencialista.

Full disclosure, the main reason I played this is because I am friends with someone involved in the making of it. His name is coincidentally Evan, just like the creative director of the game Evan Anthony. I thought “Evan Anthony” was like his pen name or something so I messaged him after I played it and I was like the game is cool, but why are they calling you Evan Anthony and he was like Garrett what the fuck are you talking about. That was probably the most confusing thing about this game to me.

It’s not the most intuitive puzzle game but I’m also not the most patient person, so. Also they said they were inspired by Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino, but I like this better than that book. As good as a lot of the stories are in that, at least Genesis Noir doesn’t end with the narrator, over and over again, horndogging over some lady and kicking himself over not getting to bust

La estética y la música es una maravilla, pero como todo lo que envuelve la mezcla de existencialismo, evolucion del universo, teorias sobre el mismo, se forma un cocktel de dificil digestion.

Al final la narrativa se hace muy dispersa y nadie sabe a donde va, ni cual ha sido el proposito final.

Juego fallido en mi caso.