Reviews from

in the past

Bury the book
Infinte rng takes over my mind
Fallen short on energy, summon the strength of booking
Restarted I am Critcarded
A Bennet’s Burst In dark divide
Catalyst memory
Polar Star chasing time

Inherit the reset, Surrounded by swirl
Can’t Book Away
Keep resetting the chamber, Keep reading the line, between the pages
Funnel away
Through vacant floors, i won't surrender
The truth funnelled in eyes of GODBA
Disappear into Billbilli
Lost Resets left behind.
Kazuha's pulling enemies
Riptide, I've come to take what's mine
Restarted I am Critcarded
A Bennet’s Burst In dark divide
Catalyst memory
Polar Star chasing time

Bon jeu si cetait pas pour les pdf

Graphics, atmosphere, good story.

Problem, it's a gacha with all that comes with this kind of games. It must also be said that Mihoyo is quite stingy with the game being their most popular game.

They don't give away almost any protogem lest they go bankrupt.

Gráficos, ambientación, historia buena.

Problema, es un gacha con lo que todo conlleva este tipo de juegos. También hay que decir que Mihoyo es bastante rácano con el juego siendo su juego más popular.

No regalan casi ninguna protogema no sea que se queden en bancarrota.

I recently came back to this after quitting during 2.7 and I mean. There's been some QOL changes and artifact grinding is less of an absolute pain with strongboxes. Haven't reached Fontaine yet but Sumeru is gorgeous. The exploration and world design is the main appeal of this game to me as well as cool characters. Ultimately though this thing and its God awful fandom peer pressured me into spending 500 usd between 1.0 and 2.7 so I still dislike it inherently. However I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and say it is a better game than it was before

Todos os jogos de gacha devem morrer.

(Saiabam desinstala essa porra)

Kawaii cocaine for girls with father issues

Had fun playing it when it first came out. I have no fun playing it anymore sadly, too much new shit.

It seems good for a gacha game, but I have so many other things to play and after about a day of troubleshooting it trying to get it to work without crashing every 10 minutes, I can't justify pouring time into something that will inevitably be a bit disappointing in trying to f2p it. I played a bit on my phone, but knowing there's a better experiencing and long downloads every rare time I go to play it I can't be bothered. Maybe if it gets a switch release I'll give it another go but it's too unstable on my fairly robust system.

Edit in 2024: now that things are backlogged a bit in terms of it's content, I've considered checking it out to see a bit more of it, but my points stand mostly. And there's too much better stuff to play or try to waste time with predatory games.

Genshin… Encore un jeu dont j’ai été addict pendant longtemps. J’ai commencé à y jouer à sa sortie, puis me suis arrêtée milieu 2023 a peu près, je crois. Alors bon niveau gameplay, design des persos, de l’Open world, de la musique, de la beauté du jeu, y’a rien a redire. Le jeu est très beau, les musiques sont excellentes, jouées par des orchestres, le design des persos et leur gameplay sont incroyable, encore plus maintenant en 2024, que en 2020, ce qui est normal, il se sont vachement amélioré. Mais, ce qui m’a fait arrêter d’y jouer, c’est que c’est répétitif, trop répétitif. Par là, ce que je veux dire, c’est que quand t’as finis les histoires principales des persos (qui se renouvelles à chaque MAJ), bah… t’as plus grand choses à faire, à part explorer l’open world et farm pour des primos. Car oui c’est un gacha, et comme tout gacha qui se respecte, c’est addictif. J’y ai mis beaucoup d’argent oui, et je regrette pas du tout, car j’aimais y jouer à ce jeu, mais c’est vrai que c’était frustrant quand tu mets bcp d’argent pour ne pas avoir le perso que tu veux. On peut également jouer en multi, ce que je faisais souvent. Mais bon je note ce jeu 3 étoiles car c’est quand même un jeu auquel j’ai bcp joué malgres tout, mais je ne pense pas y rejouer aujourd’hui.

A good game with a bad company

bland character design, boring combat, predatory gacha system. the lore is okay and kinda interesting, but i refuse to play a game that still uses energy system in 2024.

First, Genshin Impact is a gacha game and everything that's wrong with gacha games is in Genshin Impact too. Things like paying for progression, powercreep, or the gambling addiction bait is here and won't be leaving soon.

With this in mind, GI is a very competent game for the genre it belongs to, having actual gameplay compared to other gachas, which are mostly known for statstick autobattler gameplay. There is exploration, theorycrafting, puzzle-solving, and lots of different characters to play, build and fight with, if you have the time -or money- to invest.

It is important to say this: GI started as a Breath of the Wild clone. Both had a similar structure and featured similar mechanics up to a certain point of the story. As a live service game, obviously GI grew bigger and now features different things that makes it a very different game.

For the story I would say that GI has a very interesting lore, full with mysteries and great characters, most of them with at least serviceable writing, and integrating irl culture, themes and aesthetics into different chapters that aren't really bad at all. However, the way the player is introduced to this lore by the way of the story makes you think that the game is not really serious about it, and most of the quests either feel like you shouldn't take them seriously until the last moments or when lore drops, or you should be extemely emotionally invested in whatever is happening right now even if you really started the quest 10 seconds ago. Both approachs suffer from the wall of text problem when either npc's talk for 10 minutes straight exposition dumping or a literal wall of text in a lore-note.

Most of the gameplay on GI consists of exploration, following the main story and leveling your character as needed in the early and mid game, and when reaching late game this changes to pretty much doing daily quests and farming statsticks for your characters while waiting for the next character or expansion, rendering your total playtime to 15 to 40 minutes daily, which might be chill for some people but it gets repetitive afer a while.

This game has a very high production value, excellent designs and aesthetics, and is fun when you have enough time to invest in farming characters and materials, if you don't, you might like the main story and that's it. Not recommended if you are prone to wasting too much money on games or have gambling problems.

GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! las tetas de la shogun

This game is probably the only game that can keep me coming back consitently and it is for good reason to. The world is amazing in my eyes with a beautiful story and great exploration and characters.

Since 1.0 never got a seperate update I will say here that the Mondstat Arc is good, not the best but the characters and the region is one of mt favourites and it means a lot to me personally so I will always have a bias to it.

I can't tell you why I play this game but something about is so good maybe it's the story or the Character(HOT MOMMY) but it's a game I play Every day which properly isn't that good for me

i fucking hate it
But i can't stop now

I'm not meant for grinding games, for real.

This review contains spoilers

The Arlecchino story quest is one of the most narratively and emotionally unsatisfying quests to date. It's weird.

The exploration is this game's greatest strength and for a long time it captured me. I even enjoyed the gameplay a lot. That is until you encounter shielded enemies.
Now, it has an element system and I would expect it to force me to change between elements, yes, but the problem is that shielded enemies remove any impact the combat had, making it feel really, REALLY weak. And its endgame content is the worst I've seen in any live service game.
It's a shame, cuz I liked what this game showed me at first. If only it kept that momentum going.


Não sei, talvez por ser um dos primeiros jogos desse tipo que joguei eu achei bom, a trilha sonora é muito bom a arte e legal e eu gostei muito de explorar o mapa.

é um jogo com uma lore bem boa pra falar a verdade, além de ter gráficos bem bonitos em geral. O triste mesmo é o fator gacha, além do endgame ser muito cansativo.