Reviews from

in the past

Deep Cover Gecko? More like Deeply Horny Gecko.

It might have killed the Chibi-Robo franchise but it's actually a pretty great 3D platformer as far as first impressions go. I don't know if it's just me but I felt like the camera was a lot better in this compared to Enter the Gecko. The visuals are great, the music is solid and it's definitely the best of the trilogy (at least in first impressions, I haven't finished them but I'll do it someday).

Also I just found out that Gex can perform a karate kick which retroactively made Enter the Gecko a little better.

Gex is a creepy date rapist. This game is awful.

One of my favourite games on the PS1. Yeah, it's not exactly one of the smoothest platformers to play, but I always enjoyed the variety of levels and different settings and it kept making me want to come back to it.
Even now, I have the urge to go and play it once more. Maybe that's more from a more nostalgia point of view though.

it was really cool playing this game as an 8 year old and understanding literally 0 of the references while I played a weird game where a lizard tries to flirt with some apparently mildly famous hot girl I'd never heard of

In this game we learn Gex has sex with a woman

i have zero hint of irony or sarcasm when i say that this is probably one of my favorite 3D platformers from this era that isn't a Crash trilogy game. it has some levels that are real dullards (superhero themed level comes to mind), but also consider the fact that i played this game when i was 6 and thus all criticism for this game is rendered null and void.

Imagine starting your game with a Christmas level.