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List of quotes in Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Taking damage:
"Black goes with anything."
"Why do I get the feeling you're measuring me?"
"I'm not dead! Yet."
"It's a dirty job but someone has to do it."
"Come with me to the deep fryer."
"Careful! Careful!"
"Who's the dead party?"
"Kinda creepy..."

Eating fly:
"Mmmm... TVs instead of potatoes!"
"♪Another bug in my gut....♪"
'"Bam!" (Reference to Emril)
"Good, good, good!"
'"I'm a sucker for bugs".
"I'm getting my fill of TV."
"Mmmm, buttery..."
"Can I have this super-sized?"

Tail attacking:
"How do you like me NOW?!?!"
"Forget about it!"
"Hit me! Go on! Hit me!"
"Hmm! Hmm! Time to go postal!"
"My tail says hello."
"My tail doesn't like you!"
"Gotta love the tail."
"Show me the money, baby."
"Swinging, baby!"

Entering/Exiting a level:
"Lock and load little lizard!"
"It's tail time!"
"Let's get it on!"
"Beam me up Scotty."

Holiday Broadcasting:
"I'm freezing my tail off here!" (Start of level)
"I'm going out now, chaps. I may be gone for some time." (Start of level)
"Just call me Gex of the Antarctic". (Start of level)
"Cold blood, cold weather. Bad combination." (Start of level)
"And here in this hostile climate lives the Remarkable Snow-Gecko."
"I'm gonna find Prancer and Blitzen and ask them why reindeer have such dumb names."
"Christmas already? Where's the shopping list?"
"Somebody throw me a blanket."'
"It's always winter here and never Hanukah."
"It's pretty, alright. Pretty cold."
"OK, but I still have my doubts about the Tooth Fairy." (encountering Evil Santa)
"I'll show you who's naughty and who's nice!" (encountering Evil Santa)
"If you're Santa Claus, then I'm a 6-foot talking lizard. Wait a minute." (encountering Evil Santa)
"I want a puppy and a yo-yo and a submarine and... am I going too fast?" (encountering Evil Santa)
"Go pick on someone your own size!" (encountering Evil Elf enemies)
"Hey, go back to making toys!" (encountering Evil Elf enemies)
"Don't make me mad, I used to throw snowballs for my country." (encountering Evil Elf enemies)
"If there's rocks in those, I'm telling teacher on you!" (encountering Evil Elf enemies)"
"Watch out, the Russian judge marks real low!" (encountering Skating Elf enemies)"
"Hello you small, pointy-eared Vulcan reject." (encountering Skating Elf enemies)
"Aren't you in that new show, 'Evil Elves on Ice'?" (encountering Skating Elf enemies)
"Yes, but can you do a triple-toe Salchow followed by a backward Lutz?" (encountering Skating Elf enemies)
"Enough with the extreme sports!" (encountering Snowboarding Elf enemies)
"Leave it out, I'm a learner!" (encountering Snowboarding Elf enemies)'
"Elfboarding? That's on Sky Sports, isn't it?" (encountering Snowboarding Elf enemies)
"You just look silly going downhill on a tea tray." (encountering Snowboarding Elf enemies)'
"How festive! Every city should have outdoor dancing sweets." (commenting on dancing candy canes)
"And 1, and a-2! Now you've got it ladies!" (commenting on dancing candy canes)
"Either those canes are dancing, or I took too much Day Nurse." (commenting on dancing candy canes)
"I wanna lick it, but I know my tongue will get stuck!" (commenting on dancing candy canes)
"Does this outfit look dope? Or just Dopey?" (commenting on outfit)
"How do the kids wear these hats in the summer?" (commenting on outfit)
"I just can't convince myself that bobble hat's red." (commenting on outfit)
"Nice anorak. Let's go down the station and collect some train numbers." (commenting on outfit)
"Alright! I have a need for speed and a tail for balance." (on snowboard)
"Look at me, I'm extreme!" (on snowboard)
"I'm extreme-ly cold!" (on snowboard)
"Good thing I found this used ski." (on snowboard)
"Where's the handbrake on this thing?" (on snowboard)

Mystery TV:
"The gecko did it! He had motive, opportunity and sneaky little eyes!" (Start of level)
"With my trusty magnifying glass, I can see... that I really need a pedicure." (Start of level)'
"I see it once, the culprit's a left-handed accountant. Easy if you're a genius." (Start of level)'
"If I had a cat, I could swing it here."'
"I hate these pokey, little terraced houses."'
"This is a person with a taste for stuffed animals, many bathrooms and a huge heating bill."'
"Nice pad. Wonder if Elton's home?"
"Is anyone home? Can you tell me what 'Rosebud' means?"
"This is one ritzy joint... for a video game."
"It's almost like someone wants to confuse me!" (in hedge maze area)
"Let's see, is it 'left, left right' or 'right, left right'?" (in hedge maze area)
"Daddy's home!" (in hedge maze area)
"Is this historic Hampton court?" (in hedge maze area)
"Strange, everything's getting much bigger suddenly..." (in hedge maze area)
"Ugly little brutes! Actually, not that little..."
"Fleas? Why'd it have to be fleas?"
"If those are the fleas, I'd hate to see the dog."
"Time for a little pest control."
"No wonder I've been scratching; this head's infested!"
"Hey, stupid fleas! Sucking blood from that stuffed bear head!"
"I used to walk that way, but the chafing's much better now." (encountering Hunter enemy)
"You take that gun outside right now, young man!" (encountering Hunter enemy)
"Watson, is that you?" (encountering Hunter enemy)
"Hello, Major. Ten-hut, what? Hanging's too good for him." (encountering Hunter enemy)
"So, what do you think? Ban fox hunting?" (encountering Hunter enemy)
"I look like Holmes, but I feel like Columbo." (commenting on outfit)
"And the shoe guard's looking a bit pricey at 42 arms!" (commenting on outfit)
"I like capes, but they're hell in revolving doors." (commenting on outfit)
"Ah, yes. the mystery of the two-brimmed hat." (commenting on outfit)
"I'm suddenly very thirsty... for blood." (as DracuGex)
"The flying part is cool. The undead part sucks." (as DracuGex)
"I'll have some black pudding and a pint of O-positive." (as DracuGex)
"I just can't convince myself that bobble hat's red." (commenting on outfit)

Lizard of Oz:
"Excuse me but your brain is showing!"
"Prepare to be brained!"
"Someone needs a band-aid!"
"You don't scare me."

Marsupial Madness:
"And now my impression of a falafel."
"Call me joey!"
"Going Down Under baby...yeah!"
"Hey! This amphibian is going marsupial!"
"Isn't this where Yahoo Serious is from?"
"Mad Gex, Beyond videodrome"
"Slip another shrimp on the barbee!"
"Someone just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich!"
"Tie me kangaroo down sport!"
"Where I grew up, Outback meant out back."

War and Pieces:
"Get ready for carnage!"
"I've always wanted to do this."
"I get paid for this?"
"Boy, am I gonna make a mess!"

Mythology Network:
"All these missions are really cutting into my 'me time'." (Start of level)
"What's on at the coliseum tonight?" (Start of level)
"It's a water moccasin, or maybe a desert boot." (encountering Snake enemy)
"I'm a-fixin' to kick your asp!" (encountering Snake enemy)
"I am the viper and I've come to vipe your vindows!" (encountering Snake enemy)
"I ate snake once, tasted like chicken!" (encountering Snake enemy)
"Welcome to the Sultan of Brunai's bathroom!"
"I did a package holiday to Lesbos once, great pindolas!"
"Okay, seen the ruins. Now where's the beach?"
"Most of this is in the British Museum!"
"It's Spartan, but Nice."
"This place is totally 80's."
"Lucky I'm wearing shinpads!" (encountering Helmet Dwarf enemy)
"Sorry, this ride has a height restriction." (encountering Helmet Dwarf enemy)
"You shouldn't skip breakfast." (encountering Helmet Dwarf enemy)
"Ronnie Corbett in a mask!" (encountering Helmet Dwarf enemy)
"I'm taking this outfit home for later." (commenting on outfit)
"Let the orgy begin." (commenting on outfit)
"Feels nice not wearing underpants for a change." (commenting on outfit)
"Surprisingly, it gives you a lot of support!" (commenting on outfit)
"I think this is a maternity toga." (commenting on outfit)
"If Xtra could see me now..." (as Hercules)
"Check out my six-pack, ladies!" (as Hercules)
"Where's that Prince Naseem, then?" (as Hercules)
"I'm well hard." (as Hercules)

Fairy Tales TV:
"I'm climbing, but I'm not gonna like it..." (Start of level)
"The man from Heinz says... (farts)" (Start of level)
"Fee, Fi... Fo-get it." (Start of level)
"I need a juicy Englishman for cover." (Start of level)
"This is where they test genetically-modified crops."
"It's so green and pleasant, it's making me nervous."

Anime Channel:
"The missions just keep getting weirder!" (Start of level)
"I transform into a lettuce spinner!" (Start of level)
"Mega Gex is ready for action!" (Start of level)
"At last, a chance for some cartoon angst!" (Start of level)
"Very minimalist. I like it!"
"Ooh, it's also shiny and clean!"
"I feel a disturbance in the Force... Or is it my underpants?"
"Number one, you have the conn."
"This place reeks of Feng Shui."
"Metal flooring - so easy to keep clean!"
"Always wondered what it was like behind the scenes at Alton Towers."
"Schoolgirls? Why'd it have to be schoolgirls?!" (encountering Schoolgirl enemies)
"Do you think I could walk into class?" (encountering Schoolgirl enemies)
"Hey baby, what's shakin'?" (encountering Schoolgirl enemies)
"Step aside, miss, I don't wanna hurt ya." (encountering Schoolgirl enemies)
"I feel a little overdressed." (commenting on outfit)
"Shoulder pads, how 80's!" (commenting on outfit)
"I'm a futuristic motorbike courier!" (commenting on outfit)
"These titanium underpants really pinch." (commenting on outfit)

Gangster TV:
"I'm making them an offer they can't refuse." (Start of level)
"Are you laughin'? Are you laughin' at me?!" (Start of level)
"Uh oh! And it's February the 14th." (Start of level)
"Control the waterfront and you control the rest of Hull." (Start of level)
"You leave my boys alone, you see?" (Start of level)
"To think this used to be just fields and a giant beanstalk..."
"It's Euro-dingy!"
"They need better street lighting around here!"
"Get me to a speakeasy."
"Seedy indeedy!"
"I'm doing a reconstruction for Crimewatch!"
"Shoulder pads are so out!" (encountering Crate Mobster enemy)
"Hey! It says: 'Fragile, Handle With Care'!" (encountering Crate Mobster enemy)
"When it absolutely, positively has to be there on time." (encountering Crate Mobster enemy)
"Boy, you just blow up at the slightest thing." (encountering Crate Mobster enemy)
"The name's Spade, Sam Spade!"

Superhero Show:
"Cold blood, cold weather. Bad combination." (Start of level)
"There's just one thing I fear: Gecko-nite!" (Start of level)
"I am your friendly-neighbourhood super gecko!" (Start of level)
"I feel like I'm in West Side Story."
"It's a mean, heartless, lonely place, but they do great coffee!"
"Top of the world, ma!"
"Runcorn's changed since I was last here..."
"This city is a jungle, but a square one with no plants!"
"I'll bet you have Hulk Hogan worried." (encountering Evil Brother)
"Got into mummy's make-up again, eh?" (encountering Evil Brother)
"Admit it, your bouts are all staged!" (encountering Evil Brother)
"Did your mum take fertility drugs?" (encountering Evil Brother)
"Never made it through the Gladiator auditions, eh?" (encountering Evil Brother)
"As long as this isn't Kentucky, I'll be okay." (commenting on Poultry Person costume)
"Wasn't the Superman costume available?" (commenting on Poultry Person costume)
"I'm finger-lickin' good!" (commenting on Poultry Person costume)
"I could star in ads for Bucket Chicken!" (commenting on Poultry Person costume)
"Who are you callin' chicken?" (commenting on Poultry Person costume)

Rock Hard:
"Nobody messes with the gecko!"
"Good! Lots of room - to run away!"
"Is it two falls and a submission or the other way around?"
"No hitting below the hair!"
"I'm too pretty to get hit!"
"This is where the magic happens!"
'"This one is for the fans!"'
'"I'm king of the ring!"'
'"Memo to self: Don't lick any flagpoles!"'

Space Station Rez
"I love a good Kubrick movie!"
"What a load of space junk!"
"Oh no, I'm not going anywhere near Mia!"
"So much for satellite TV."
"Houston, we have a problem!"
"This is gonna cost NASA a fortune!"
'"One small step for Gecko!"'

Tut TV:
"Amazing what you can do with a thousand slaves and a GCSE in geometry." (Start of level)
"I want something in stone. Really monumental." (Start of level)
"I'm gonna find the guys that made Stargate and demand a refund!" (Start of level)
"What did I do with my Rosetta stone phrase book?" (Start of level)
"Pass the factor 36, I hate it when my tail peels!"
"Camels, palm trees, permits and clapping just gets better and better!"
"Hello Las Vegas!"
"What a bunch of funny-looking pointed buildings."
"I'm gonna get my towel down before the Germans get here."
"Half man, half dog. 100% sexy." (encountering Anubis enemy)
"Are you your own best friend?" (encountering Anubis enemy)
"Hope you're housebroken..." (encountering Anubis enemy)
"They say owners start to look like their dogs, but really..." (encountering Anubis enemy)
"Scarabs? Why'd it have to be scarabs?!" (encountering Scarab enemy)
"Is that John, Paul, George or Ringo?" (encountering Scarab enemy)
"I thought scarabs were supposed to be good luck." (encountering Scarab enemy)
"Doctor Who must've left this behind." (near telephone booth)
"Darn, left my phonecard in my other headdress." (near telephone booth)
"Hey, there's a card in here. 'For a good time, call Isis'." (near telephone booth)
"It's for yoo-hoo!" (near telephone booth)
"All aboard, please. All aboard!"
"I always say, the headdress makes the man." (commenting on outfit)
"I know this stuff. I was a New Romantic."
"After 7 lean years, you'll have a Christmas No. 1."

Army Channel:
"War is Hell, but ever so butch!" (Start of level)
"I have not yet begun to fight!" (Start of level)
"Where's Mr. Doc when you need him?"
"Can we just all get along?"
"John Wayne, eat your heart out!"
"I think I preferred peeling potatoes."
"Is there any chance of me getting a desk assignment?"
"Deserters will be given a stern talking-to!"
"I love the smell of bug spray in the morning. It smells like... Victory!" (used in secret Army video)
"All dressed up and ready for war!" (commenting on outfit)
"Who needs the SAS when I'm in town?" (commenting on outfit)
"These boots are killing me!" (commenting on outfit)
"This helmet's gonna muss my hair!" (commenting on outfit)
"The backpack's to keep my sandwiches in." (commenting on outfit)

Western Channel:
"Saddle up, hombre!" (Start of level)
"Yeehaw, little dogies!" (Start of level)
"Xtra, I'm a-fixin' to rescue you!" (Start of level)
"We ride out at dawn." (Start of level)
"Rollin' rollin' rollin! Rawhide!" (on donkey)
"Lucky I didn't get a stubborn one." (on donkey)
"Where's the handbrake?!" (on donkey)
"I could use a siesta." (commenting on outfit)
"Now that is what I call a hat!" (commenting on outfit)
"I am not convinced this poncho is me." (commenting on outfit)
"From above, I look like a fried egg." (commenting on outfit)
"This is one of them no-horse towns!"
"I'm the law in these parts!"
"Barkeep, I'll have a sarsaparilla!"
"I'm a-fixin' to kill you!"
"There's gold in them there hills!"
"There ain't enough room for the both of us in this here town."
"It's quiet, too quiet."
"This town ain't big enough for the both of us." (used in secret Western video)

The Buccaneer Program:
"♪Hi diddly-dee, a pirate's life for me!♪" (Start of level)'
"Arr, lass, I'll be saving ye in a minute!" (Start of level)
"It worked for Douglas Fairbanks." (Start of level)
"I get seasick easy!" (Start of level)
"Standby to repel boarders!" (Start of level)
"Anyone know a good sea shanty?"
"I've never been 'round the Cutty Sark before!"
"Where's the shuffle board at?"'
"I've seen him! The Great White Whale!"'
"These decks need a swab!"
"Crank up the Gilbert and Sullivan, dude!"

"Feel the gecko madness baby, OH YEAH!"
"Gex 316 says I just kicked your tail!"
"I am king of the ring baby!"
"Nobody messes with my 2 inch python tail!"
"Stone Cold Gex Austin, baby!"
"Time to break out the people's tail!"
"Whatcha gonna do when Gexymania runs wild on you?!"
"When you're GWO, you're GWO for life!"

Sound off in the comments with your favorite quote, Gex Heads. i'm gonna go do peyote with dana gould in the chihuahuan desert

Theres a level where youre climbing a giant pile of shit so I think some of you dont quite understand the ART youre working with here.

i have zero hint of irony or sarcasm when i say that this is probably one of my favorite 3D platformers from this era that isn't a Crash trilogy game. it has some levels that are real dullards (superhero themed level comes to mind), but also consider the fact that i played this game when i was 6 and thus all criticism for this game is rendered null and void.

Always felt like it is a bit of a worse Gex 2 (my "most nostalgic", favourite PS1 game ever), therefore 4.5 stars instead of 5 lmao. It's still an incredibly great game with fun levels and lovely art.

Whoever came up with the idea that you need to scour every open-world level for exactly 100 Fly Coins in order to receive a remote must've played Banjo-Kazooie and thought to themselves "hmm, what if the musical notes were bad".

The level design in this game is fantastic, everything else in the game isn't.

The Level Design:

Gex 3 seriously has some of the best levels of any 3D platformer I've ever played. No two main levels have the same theme, even the hub worlds and some of the side levels are unique. Every main level feels big and sprawling, big enough to be impressive and give a sense of accomplishment for making it to the end, but linear enough so that the player doesn't get lost. Each level is loaded with background gags, unique enemies, and objectives that are well-separated enough to cut back on backtracking when going for different remotes(most of the time). Gex's unique costumes and quips for each level are a nice touch too. I can run through most of the levels in this game a thousand times and never get tired of them.

The Everything Else:

This game's story was likely the inspiration for Sonic 06. I find it hilarious that this random woman who never appeared in the previous games is suddenly the driving force behind the plot, and not hilarious in the way the game intended. The soundtrack is pretty good and Gex's quips are occasionally funny, but if you feel the need to throw your TV out a window by the end of the story after hearing Gex's 15th flirty conversation with a human playboy model, I won't blame you. The actual gameplay can be pretty stale and repetitive, and the 100 fly coin objective in each level would probably ruin the game for me were the levels not so good. The boss fights are joke(Rez excluded) and most of the collectables are worthless, only feeding into a lame 100% completion reward that is not worth your time. The main villain never has a speaking line in the whole game, making Gex 3's connection to the previous 2 games feel tenuous; this game has the Sly Cooper 3 problem. This game is unpolished and lackluster in many ways.

Altogether, I loved this game for the level design alone. If great levels themselves are enough to spark your interest, Gex 3 will scratch that itch. If that isn't enough for you, then I'm sad to say this is a game to skip.

This shit is so stupid, I love it. I was hooked from the moment I saw Gex’s name written in piss on the snow of the first level

Considering the news of the Gex Trilogy being ported to modern consoles, I can't help but look back to this groovy, parody-platformer, which was one of the few games I obsessively re-rented when I was young and broke.

I don't even really know why I wanted to play this game so much at first way back then. It was pretty far out of my tastes at the time for a number of reasons, but I stuck with it, grew to enjoy it more and more (despite some issues and personal gripes), and ultimately beat it. It would pretty much translate into this deep fondness that I've carried ever since. Not to the point of seeing this as a favorite game or character, but enough to smile every time I saw the title in my PS1 collection. Enough even to debate seriously on whether to start a fresh save file over playing any other game (other games win out all the time so far, but I'm certain Gex will win the draw one day).

I'll be fair, some of the jokes and references flew right over my head when I was young (not so much now), and I can totally understand why some people can't stand Gex (via humor or as a character) but I guess its unabashed, goofy, adult-juvenile tone kept me won over all these years later. It just seemed so earnest in its TV obsessed, tongue-n-cheek, self referential way that knew what it was and owned it.

If there is one other thing that really stuck with me, it had to be the artstyle/visual design of the game. Due to the dingy, sloven nature of Gex as a character, and the fact the world he's sucked into is based on bad television, quite a bit of the game has this grungy, off-putting undertone, not helped by the VERY hostile inhabitants of the Media Dimension. The few times you get a clean cut look still conveys some sort of soured or low-quality look that persists especially when you've cleaned out all of the enemies and obstacles in the stage (sometimes giving you this haunting feeling of being truly alone). Then again, that seems to be a thing the 5th Gen of games (especially on the Playstation) tended to accidentally do when the game had no immediate enemy respawns. I dunno, I just kind of LIKED this "not quite right" feel of the stages Gex would pop-off to, normally shrouded in night fog or in rare occations extremely well lit, despite the facade of the channel's glam and core style.

As for gameplay, sometimes it can be really good and fluid. Running, full tilt, going for a tail whip on an enemy, tail bounce to a higher spot, tongue grab a fly for a power-up or health, before karate kicking over a gap to nail a ledge-perching jackass hoping to get a cheap hit in. Other times, the camera's depth perception doesn't warn you of a pit while you're running full tilt, you might miss with the tail whip which may have you spam it over and over to try and hit your foe (especially if they're flighty), try to tail bounce but bonk your head on the bottom of the ledge, or misjudge you're kick trajectory just enough that you go flying right off the edge into oblivion below. It's almost as if the game's mechanics are precise to a fault with the camera being mediocre to serviceable. Not exactly the best combination, but it works.

Also, the game runs at a relatively smooth 60 FPS, which feels quite nice, but sometimes dips much lower, to the point of slowing things down quite hard. It's not too bad when it clearly hits around 30, but oh boy if it ever goes below that...

As for Gex himself... I thought, for all intents and purposes, he was a very entertaining protagonist. A slob, a jerkwad, has bad puns and references for YEARS, and entirely obsessed with the boob-tube, but is willing to at least play the part of the hero when duty calls. I mean, it's mostly so he can rescue Agent Xtra and hopefully score some James Bond points (if you know what I mean), but you can't fault the lizard for doing the right thing, even for the wrong reasons. Speaking of Agent Xtra, she's a character... I suppose. Kind of a flat, one note, and relatively uninteresting character. Not much else you can say on her. The guy that did the "what if Gex was a Saturday Morning 90s Cartoon" did her much better. Oh well, we had better (then and now), even on the flirty end of the spectrum, so it's more disappointing than aggravating. I can at least tolerate the cringy, flirty "clear channel for the first time" dialogue they have based on the channel theme. Sometimes they're funny, at least.

All in all, it's a fairly flawed gem of a bygone era of gaming, and I'm happy it existed. It's not for everyone, and clearly shows its age (in more ways than one), but is just so earnest and decently made that I can't help but keep a small soft spot for it. Like I said, I'm fond of it enough that I may very well actually start a brand new file, just for the hell of it. Besides, this is also the game that introduced me to two other great games made on a similar engine, one of which was from a series I unquestionably call beloved (the other being a hidden gem in its own right). Remember when some games actually had trailers and demos baked into the game itself? Yeah, good times.

Imagine starting your game with a Christmas level.

The part where you infiltrate the tunnels underneath the daycare and discover the satanic rituals was weird but overall pretty kewl

Ótimo jogo, porém entre ele e o 2... talvez prefiro o 2 dependendo do meu humor.

A charming though extremely clunky platformer.

The Legacy of GEX Series | History of the 90s Hidden Gem Platformer

Com mais humor e mais criatividade de level design, ainda assim não consegui terminar.

The best of the trilogy and not half bad

In this game we learn Gex has sex with a woman

Exactly like the last one, which is to say a barely-passable SUPER MARIO 64 clone with an unthinkably dated and obnoxious presentation. This maybe plays and looks a hair better, but somehow has even worse designed levels. Boring at best.

Deep Cover Gecko? More like Deeply Horny Gecko.

It might have killed the Chibi-Robo franchise but it's actually a pretty great 3D platformer as far as first impressions go. I don't know if it's just me but I felt like the camera was a lot better in this compared to Enter the Gecko. The visuals are great, the music is solid and it's definitely the best of the trilogy (at least in first impressions, I haven't finished them but I'll do it someday).

Also I just found out that Gex can perform a karate kick which retroactively made Enter the Gecko a little better.

The 3D platformer sequel that some people wish to forget existed as it featured a real life Playboy blatantly flirting with an animated gecko after every single level. However the worst part comes with the camera controls taking a huge hit in performance and maneuverability with no explanation.

This becomes quite the problem in levels where it gets stuck or moves around to fit the level design rather than the player. And the slowdowns can occur quite frequently leaving the footage at around 15-20 fps.

While much like its predecessor it features a variety of channels with different scenarios to go through, the collectibles and open world area now are more vast and open to exploration. Unfortunately some of them are hidden in areas quite difficult to acces without glitching hitboxes or a huge number of attempts.

To add insult to injury, after the final boss the game does not save meaning everything you didn't save before the final battle gets erased. Fantastic.

the more forgettable of the two 3D Gex games but if u liked Enter the Gecko you won’t be disappointed

the nostalgia has worn off and it's hard to say that this was a "slept on classic", like i used to view it. it's still definitely a good platformer and stands out amongst the unsuccessful mascot platformers it was rubbing elbows with. the biggest drawback to this game is that the level design feels less tightly designed and engaging. if gex: enter the gecko was crash bandicoot meets spyro, this game is just super mario 64 (all weird comparisons, i know). you have levels like organ trail and red riding in the hood (dumb but great level name) that are functionally just tall, tall mountain. meanwhile, i don't really have a good analogy for a level like poltergext or samurai night fever. etg was less conventional and it paid off in that way, but dcg does conventional level designs moderately well in a fairly decent presentation, especially compared to etg's rougher textures and fidelity. gex also controls what feels like a trillion times better in dcg than he does in etg.

the biggest thing that might shy people away from this game is that there's less emphasis on platforming as opposed to collecting, though it's not absent wholly. this game leans much more into the collectathon aspect, and it doesn't always hold up (see: the fact that flycoins can glitch out and go beneath level geometry in my three goons.) i do think it's a lot more fun in the moment-to-moment gameplay, though, because the levels are more focused in their theme, and having them only appear once means that there's nothing left on the cutting floor to warrant redoing the level theme. levels like sleepless in seattle, organ trail, unsolved mythstories, and red riding in the hood are great because they each focus on simple ideas and then execute them fairly precisely. meanwhile, levels like my three goons and superzeroes suck the fun out of the game like a vacuum. this is due to their tedious nature and lack of fun level gimmicks that make the moment-to-moment gameplay of traversing the level 3 times more memorable and engaging (something each of the 4 levels i listed prior succeed at.) the contrast between etg and dcg is much more stark after playing them in quick succession; in some respects, i think the best gex game could've been a marriage between etg's solid level design and dcg's polish and refinement.

i would ever so slightly say that dcg is the better gex game of the two (why did they call it gex 3 when there's only 2 gex games? i hope someone got fired for that blunder.), but it's definitely closer than i would've said half a year ago. if you take the best designed levels of etg and put them through dcg's polish and presentation, you'd have probably some of the best 3D platforming you could find from a midbudget title of that time.

If you ever need an example of a sequel the developers didn't have enough good ideas for, look no further. If you're wondering why Gex managed to get 3 games made and then disappeared, this is why. If you finished Gex 2 and really, really need some more of that Gex action, It's tail time.

A rock-solid 3D platformer that would have gotten another half-star out of me if there wasn't any fog.
Just... please don't ask for a remake of this, let alone for a revival of the series at all. These games were designed for an ancient culture, thus an attempt at reimagining them for the modern day would be nothing short of disastrous.

German Gex is too funny. His interactions with Agent Xtra are also iconic and I feel like I know both of them personally and they are my parents

Bought because cover for the N64 version was a Stone Cold Steve Austin parody. Bizarre as fuck and not much fun to play but had a lot of charm by simply being so ...odd? Poorly done? It's unexplainable.

One of my favourite games on the PS1. Yeah, it's not exactly one of the smoothest platformers to play, but I always enjoyed the variety of levels and different settings and it kept making me want to come back to it.
Even now, I have the urge to go and play it once more. Maybe that's more from a more nostalgia point of view though.

A bit more enjoyable than the second Gex due to levels being more unique, but still often an annoying mess that just isn't fun.

it was really cool playing this game as an 8 year old and understanding literally 0 of the references while I played a weird game where a lizard tries to flirt with some apparently mildly famous hot girl I'd never heard of