Reviews from

in the past

Solid game, the camera can be a pain at times and there’s a few frustrating moments, but the game is mostly enjoyable.

This was a great title for the PSP. It was a little combat heavy compared to the better balance between the PS2 originals exploration/puzzles.

No es de los mejores pero es divertido, violento y con una trama decente. Uno de los mejores juegos que puedes tener en la PSP.

talvez o jogo mais fraco da série, mas ele ainda é especial de alguma forma! Mostrando que mesmo o "Pior" Jogo da série ainda tem suas qualidades, a manopla de zeus e o escudo de hélio pra mim é uma das coisas mais Hype nesse jogo, sem contar a batalha contra o caronte e o final épico contra persefone(que é um tanto decepcionante em comparações com outras batalhas finais de GOW) esse jogo tem seus defeitos, mas de forma alguma é um jogo ruim.

Pelo contrário, ele pode ser bastante divertido pois a jogabilidade mantém-se bem gostosa, e as armas e águas são bem interessantes, considero o maior ponto fraco sendo os bosses(exceto pelo caronte), mas foi um tanto emocionante ver a caliópe no Èden.

6,5/10 Tem seus defeitos, mas ainda é um jogo divertido mantendo os padrões da série.

L'histoire est vraiment anecdotique mais il y a quelques scènes sympa. Si on remet dans le contexte que c'est un jeu PSP de base ça passe.

Eu senti que o jogo tem boas ideias, mas acaba pecando em executá-las, como não termos contato nem com Hélios e Morpheus que são os dois que ocasionam os eventos do jogo, mas o melhor momento do jogo, é a boss fight do Charon, é legal e desafiadora na medida certa.

Short God of War rocks so much dude. Loved a lot about this one and it's simplicity. It really does feel like a prequel to the first game, with a lot of mechanics feeling quite similar. Unfortunately the game gets a bit lost near the end and just loses a lot of impact.

um dos maiores títulos da saga ironicamente saindo num portátil, joguei no ps3 mas queria muito a experiência original, jogo impecável mas a história dele é meio zzzz quando você se compara com o 2 por exemplo, uma coisa que eu gostei aqui é a variedade dos cenários e inimigos (não pesquisem spud of war no google

Pô é um God of War de bolso kkkkk, isso é bom, mas o jogo não me trás me memórias, já zerei umas 2 vezes, é descente, mas entre o Ghost of Olympus, na minha opinião esse é inferior

Platform: PlayStation 3
Date Started: November 8th, 2022
Date Finished: November 8th, 2022
Time Played: 3 Hours

"His dark legend was born."

A quick-hit that is worth the glance, God of War: Chains of Olympus is my favourite of the series so far during my series replay, telling a story that offers a worthwhile addition to Kratos' backstory - one that neatly ties into the original.

Initially being released on the PlayStation Portable, it's no wonder this is a much shorter offering, but it still holds up nicely on the PlayStation 3 in HD, and plays smoothly without any boring or repetitive sections or enemy groups and a quick pace that never keeps you in one section for too long.

It also offers a nice emotional moment close to the end featuring Krato's child, as well as throwing a fun addition into the combat fray by way of a shield - both of these elements are things that were praised in the 2018 soft reboot of the franchise, but were done very well done here a decade before.

This one is a worthwhile entry into the franchise, and the first I have really enjoyed my time with in my full-franchise play-through so far.

Mostly on par with GoW3, with the same flaws and positives. It's shorter but the music, story, and characters are on the save level. Very will done. Kratos is still annoying as ever. The graphics are obviously not as good since it's original a PSP game, but still good. Gameplay is about the same with a few other oddities due to system limitations. When there's too many enemies on screen some just stand around for example. Overall it's more GoW for those who like the series.

Se é Hack n’Slash é mitada, o problema desse jogo é ser mais lento que o Gow1 de ps2 por causa da limitações do Psp. Mas mesmo assim não deixa de ser um bom jogo e pra mim envelheceu relativamente bem.

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probably most liked god of war game

dou um desconto pra esse jogo por ele ser de psp. gosto dos graficos e é divertido por ser god of war mas que historinha fraca em. E PORRA ESSE SISTEMA DE REPELIR ATAQUE COM O ESCUDO SIMPLESMENTE É PESSIMO E NA BATALHA FINAL NAO FUNCIONA

E um god of war lite em termos de gameplay mais a historia foi boa considerando o que oferecia tem alguns dos melhores momentos da saga também.
Ainda bem que Ghost of Sparta melhorou os aspectos mais fracos desse.

Gráficos e Áudio:

padoca of war: bruh of olympus
finished on hard

It's fun. From a story perspective, it's ok. Good old God of War games still delivers in terms of combat.

Sabendo que é um jogo de PSP, não posso olhá-lo como um grande nome da franquia do GOW. Apesar disso, me surpreendeu sua quantidade de conteúdo. Achei que seria mais raso doq realmente foi. Ainda assim, acho que é um tipo de jogo que me enjoa fácil (hack n slash). Ótimo jogo, talvez não tão bom devido às suas limitações inerentes a um jogo deste mesmo estilo.

muito superior ao primeiro pprt. jogaço. e lindo também

me lembra do meu auge quando eu ainda tinha punho

Enslaved to the Gods. Kratos is tasked with finding the Sun God Helios. On his journey, he discovers a plot to destroy the world, with other gods at the helm of this conspiracy. Forced to make a difficult choice, Kratos once again forsakes his family to save the gods and the world above.
God of war was always deep you cowards

Chains of Olympus is a fun God of War title! And especially great in performance wise for a PSP game! I enjoyed the story concepts of it as well. Definitely an enjoyable God of War game, but nothing spectacular!

(Review from 2021)

Pretty damn impressive they were able to make a God of War game in the true style of the series on the PSP, and on top of that also make a port that looks great.

There was definitely some jank, sometimes I wasn't able to do certain inputs for puzzles despite being in the right position for them, which can be frustrating at times.

The story was also pretty lame, with a major plot point just being a background element and then a second half that kinda just leads to the plot being a repeat of the same shit the other games already explained. Thankfully the game is short so it doesn't overstay its welcome for a game that isn't really necessary to play unless you want to go through the series.

All in all, it's a solid game with a lackluster story, but if you enjoyed the first two games, then you will enjoy Chains of Olympus too.

If Chains of Olympus looks and plays anything like this on the PSP, then this game is a technical marvel. The fact that Ready at Dawn managed to essentially recreate the PS2 games on a handheld is impressive. It's just unfortunate that the focus was entirely on recreating that experience--this feels exactly the same as the two console games. That's not an entirely bad thing, but I found myself wondering why I needed to upgrade my Blades of Chaos a third time to unlock the same combos I'd already been using for two games. It's still God of War, so it's still a good time, but it could've forged more of an identity for itself rather than simply aping its console big brothers.

Despite technical limitations, this game feels true to the series and is a worthy addition. It is very short, but has a nice pace, the story is interesting, the combat is challenging, and there is some decent bonus content.