Reviews from

in the past

Love the game.
The game is fun, challenging, rewarding and beautiful, in both prose and visual.
The game's vibe often remined me of a good book, but more than any book can, it goes further by having the gameplay enhance the experience, ludo-narrative resonance, if you will.
This game is not only a really good game but also a shining (or golden, haha) example of the potential of the medium of games for story-telling. Truly, truly excellent.

Incredible writing and gameplay that complements rather than obstructs the story. Touching, thoughtful, exciting, emotional. Great care has flown into every single word and every single mechanic that make up this game. Together with another game, my unchallenged favourite.

One of my favorite games of all time. If I started talking about it I'd never stop, so just know it is an absolute masterclass in writing, and perhaps the greatest work of art I've ever experienced.

As long as you are willing to do a significant amount of reading, I cannot recommend this game enough. It is not a visual novel. It is far more than that.