Reviews from

in the past

Very different game. For me, not immediately intuitive, but as I got started, the game grew on me. However, I didn't feel very challenged or moved. It was an interesting experience, with some aspects I haven't seen before, but little more.

an interesting puzzle game, definitely an unique one, which stands out from the rest, its a piece of art that people should enjoy as they play through, the puzzle are quite challengin at times, its a must play ,at least once

Um puzzle bem criativo, único e com uma temática interessante. Vale a pena 👍

Très bon jeu de puzzle avec un super concept.

I played the demo of this at a game development conference over a decade ago (sheesh!), loved it, and in my usual manner swore I would get around to the full 2017 version definitely, maybe, at some point. I finally did, and had a great time. Wonderfully unique puzzle game, and while some might find it a little on the short side, I felt like all the elements were watchmaker-perfect in their integration. No wasted space; it knows exactly what it wants to do and it does it.

Gorogoa is a game about perspective, both in its central puzzle mechanics and its story. A dragon threatens a city (as these stories go) and the only way to appease it is a sacrifice. Thus a boy goes on a quest for five fruits. But, as the player eventually susses out, this journey can only be completed by navigating through scenes from the rest of the boy's life, after he has already failed, and the city is destroyed and then rebuilt. You end up manipulating not only the locations in the city, but eventually thought, time, and memory. It's an interesting, fable-like structure. Combined with the detailed and delicate art, the overall effect put me in mind of a Colin Thompson storybook. But I'm mainly giving it 5 stars because fairly cluing puzzles with zero text is incredibly difficult, and this game does it incredibly well. I always knew the shape of what I was supposed to do, if not the "how".

There's a careful balance struck here that seems to be overlooked when this game is discussed. This sort of game - abstract, a disjointed and indirect story, a core mechanic that relies on experimentation - can easily stumble. Too diffuse and vague, abstract to a fault, or just a bit too simple, with a threadbare narrative and solutions that are easily waltzed into. Gorogoa's triumph is its careful navigation of this design tightrope and the effortless way it fuses this with its absolutely gorgeous art direction, complete with a final chapter that does a stellar job of pulling all the threads together.

Jogo bobo quando é olhado da primeira vez, mas quando você para pra pensar, jogou umas das coisas mais profundas e com mais diferentes interpretações da sua vida. Joguinho de puzzle, bem legalzinho, recomendo pra quem tá com tempo de pensar sobre a história desse jogo

I want to see more games like this. A really good, innovative indie puzzle game in which you have to uncover and put together different paintings as the story slowly unfolds. Awesome art style and gameplay that is really focused on the essentials. Very entertaining and a really unique experience, great game.

Uma verdadeira pintura no meio dos jogos indie

A fun little puzzle game that felt really satisfying

I played this when it freshly came out and I was blown away. Such a cool game. The puzzles are amazing, the story is nice, and I love me some hand drawn game art. I hope we will see more stuff from Jason Roberts.

It's kinda hard trying to articulate just how cool this game is. Like yeah, the puzzles are REALLY clever and it's got a neat art style, but that hardly scratches the surface of its brilliance. The core mechanic is deceptively simple: you've a got a 2x2 grid of squares and you move them around to make stuff happen. It's still decently challenging, and you're bound to get stumped from time to time (in a good way).

But I think what really makes Gorogoa tick is how it marries "gameplay" and "narrative" in a way I haven't really seen elsewhere. I'm not really sure how to describe it and I don't think "ludonarrative harmony" is the right term (it's similar, but not really the same thing), but it just works.

Anyways, I saw a bunch of nerds on Twitter the other day discoursing about whether video games count as "art". Probably should've dropped this in the QRTs and ended that debate for good.

My other favourite video game related square

Controls on the switch were frustrating. I would have much preferred to play the game on PC.

Um puzzle que deve funcionar muito bem em celulares. É mais fácil, mais baseado em tentativa e erro, que Framed, porém é mais interessante e mais bonito.

a surprising puzzle system, really hard puzzles that make u doubt your IQ and a unclear story telling. It's a great game to spend some time with!

An overwhelming amount of reviews seem to prove that the discourse when discussing this game is restricted to, once again, "oh, so short. But it's nice, I guess!"

For me Gorogoa stands out because of three reasons: an interesting amalgam of 2D visual styles, an excellent design of well-crafted systems when puzzle pieces are limited, and an elegant take on the weight of age and wisdom.

Soy una indiegente, adicta a la experiencia de juego indie.

Muito bom, super divertido e gostozinho de jogar, o conceito é muito bom e o grafico é lindo.

🏆 Conquistas: 11/11

Os puzzles são muito bem elaborados e bem gostosos de desvendar

Amazing art style. Beautiful soundtrack. Simple yet satisfying puzzles. A short game with a visual story that I could not fully understand.

An incredibly wonderful (but sadly short) puzzle game and AWESOME art.

Short but captivating, Gorogoa is a very pretty puzzler that tells it's story in a unique way.

This was SO cool even if I didnt get a single thing about the story

Uma forma diferente de contar uma historia, com uma arte simples e sensacional, que te prende nela sem nem precisar de palavras na tela.

Bit of a weird one. It was gorgeous and usually i like thinking games like this, but often it felt like a bit of a chore

Un jeu d'énigme qui est unique, je peux meme pas expliquer ce qui le rends unique, en fait tu joue avec des images?? qui influent d'autres images?? et euuh c'est dur mais fun et l'histoire et cool

Super experience, je peux pas en dire plus sans spoil