Reviews from

in the past

A game held back by its core mechanics heavily. Coming from a masters vaseraga.

Easily my favorite fighting game on the market right now.
It's got big sword guy, and that's really all I need to be happy.
Community is fun, and I love Gran Bruise.

Fuck Percival, though.

marginally more sauce than it's predecessor

Absolutely hardstuck. This isn't the most complex fighting game ever but definitely has that "The skill ceiling is as high as your dreams" Every fighting game since forever has. I love the animations a lot. The effects on attacks, and the general movement of characters is a treat to watch. Seox and Yuel stand out hard for me, as a rushdown lover.
Worth a play if you're into Granblue or Arcsys games.

Holy fuck what were they thinking when making the frame data in this game. Every block string auto combo is so safe on block, they all do your spacing for you so they can't even get a low kick in after the string and even if they have a chance you can do an input cancel into any input and guess what that shit is also safe as its - 6 and your fastest inputs come out on frame 6 so it doesn't even matter if its negative since they can block right after. every input is safe, light special, medium special, heavy special, or even the unique special they are all safe. Only way you can get out of a block string is if they reset neutral cause all you can do is block, if they try to go for a grab and you can tech it, or if they try going for an over head jump and you catch them, you can do nothing in the corner but hope they mess up or use your meter for a counter attack. This game needs better frame data cause its a universal thing that each character has similar frame data. This game is way too safe, and just too casual friendly. This game is fun but mechanically it sucks.

One of the best anime fighters that´s very friendly to casual play. Free version is a big plus.

i hated this game but then it grew on me and then i hated it again. everything wrong with modern fighting games and also everything good about it. this game is fun! i like fundies fighters! but also guard cancel and 66l are some of the most fun draining mechanics in anything ever. also this game feels horrible to move in. i wish either it had no dash macro, or the dash macro worked for backdashes, probably the first. theres like nothing in this game that requires a dash macro

When I can detach my ego, this is my favorite figting game of all time even though I am absolute trash (hardstuck A5)

I only played the free version for 5 hours but the gameplay is mechanically deep and the characters have fun interactions with each other. I would love to dive into GFVR deeply one day when I am less overwhelmed with huge RPGs.

A great follow-up to one of my favorite fighting games. GBVS:R is one of the first fighting games I've gotten so invested into that I decided to continuously strive for improvement by labbing, playing ranked, and entering offline brackets in my local region.

In my 61 hours with the game so far, I've played Anila, Djeeta, and Vane. I gave the story a fair shot, but kept nodding off trying to play though it.

The first good Arcsys game in the last ~8 years.

Glorious king Gran. Fun game, cool visuals, expressional gameplay.

Honestly, the story is the slowest part of this game. Once you complete the main scenario, the gameplay switches to what is functionally Monster Hunter, and that's where the real good stuff lies. I do wish the player could get that feel without the story in the way, especially since arranging for multiplayer when you're still playing the story is a nightmare.

Mon jeu de combat préféré. Le jeu est vraiment exceptionnel, magnifique, les combats sont rapide, et une bonne prise en main. Super agréable. Les différents mode de jeu sont vraiment sympa. Malgré l'abandon de certain mdj. Le seul bémol étant les contrôles clavier vraiment peu travaillé dans le lobby c'est une horreur de contrôler son personnage. c'est vraiment bête et dommage. Je recommande si vous voulez tester un jeu de combat style anime.

I love Zeta and i want to marry her.

Fighting games are pretty great this generation in terms of providing a complete package as a videogame and this one is definitely great.

Looks beautiful, feels good, tons of features including a story mode and Fall Guys mode.

Very faithful to the source material, as all arcsys fighters are.

Competitively there are some things I don't agree with, some of the new mechanics like 66L and the BP system stray away from the slower, more poke oriented game that the vanilla version used to be. But generally as a game it's pretty great.

i keep losing at this game but cagliostro is in it so 5 stars

Beatrix is the character of all time and I am all for it thank you Cygames

ive been starting to play uni2 and quickly realized where this game sort of falters, like for a few chartacters there are some moves that you just. can literally only do one thing against. which is never fun (i fucking hate beelzebub oh my goddd) but i will say. this game saved me from hating fighting games forever. whoever tells you to start with guilty gear strive as your first fighting game is your enemy and you should rip their face off like a chimp

Pretty fun game, but not one that really held my attention or made me want to be good at it.

I will Dash 66L and there's nothing you can do about It

Terribly balanced game with delayed patch schedule = worst new fighting game on the block. Game is full of lobotomite characters and the worst most minimally thought out system mechanics in anything I’ve ever played. Game is unplayable until the next major patch send help

HUGE improvement from GBVS, although still with alot of flaws (i am a metera player unfortunately) and some balancing issues taking way longer than it should, this is a great fighting game ; if you're a GBF fan, or just looking for an starter entry into fighting games ; this is it

Foul yet fun fighting game, a nice change of pace from what I usually play but I could never in my life play this game seriously.

Sinister system mechanics like 66l the plus on block combo starting forward moving normal or bravery points making you or the opponent just explode in a second stop me from playing with 110% serious integrity but it's a fun game with friends with how easy it feels to pick up and start playing.

Gameplay aside the artstyle, visuals and music are all top notch, partner mechanic is very fun too and should be in more games, weapon and character skins in an arcsys game is very cool to see and all the character interactions add a ton of flair and personality into the game.

Very solid game, just not a serious game to me.

so close to being the most goated fighter of the decade if the system mechanics were actually fun to use

a little unbalanced but very fun