Reviews from

in the past

The game that won't stop making money. I promise everyone that there are other video games to play that are better.

This game was literally the best experience from a GTA game that I've ever had. Everything from the environment, graphics, AI, physics, radio, story down to the last minute details was perfect. It's the closest thing we have to a PERFECT GTA game.

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a game made by wizards from the moon. however, it suffers greatly in a post-saints row world. hesits were a saving grace though, wish there were a billion more to do (fuck online)

Lo esperé con muchas ansias, es un buen juego pero ni de cerca es una obra maestra. Creo que el mapa no es de los mejores, y el modo historia es mid. El online reconozco que es muy bueno pero la verdad no me importa mucho. Esperamos al VI

I was looking forward to it, it's a good game but it's not even close to a masterpiece. I think the map is not the best, and the story mode is average. I admit that the online is very good but the truth is I don't care much. We wait for the VI

While Online isn't my cup of tea anymore, it can still be pretty fun and the story is great too. Crazy to think it could run on the PS3 with its split 256/256 MBs memory pool.

Bom jogo apenas um mundo grande e rico em detalhes, mas para mim os personagens não são tão legais assim meio que os 3 principais são tudo raso, mais msm assim e um grande jogo

One of the best games of all time. Got the platinum trophy in 2021 and I'm still playing online to this day. One of the most fun videogame experiences I've had in the online mode. I love the chaos in freemode, deathmatches, last team standings like Rockets vs Insurgents and online races. Nowadays the Rockets vs Insurgents matches are basically dead but the online races are still very popular and fun.

Muito bom, poderia ficar dias jogando ou até horas, mas infelizmente tenho treino às 18hr, então eu dou uma nota mediana.
Pontos negativos: eu não sei quem é o personagem principal, as vezes eu acho que é o cachorro do Francisco(eu odiei o Trevas)

dá pra fazer manobras de moto.
-1 por causa do online

para mi, la primera vez que esta IP baja un poco de calidad en cuanto a historia, no sé si en por cómo se cuenta, o porque si sus personajes no tienen tanto carisma o qué, pero le falta algo.

Fuera de eso, el juego es muy completo, las secundarias me parecen muy interesantes y el contenido extra no me parece tedioso, pendiente del 100%.

El online puede ser de los juegos en los que más horas haya gastado de mi vida, jugarlo con amigos sólo me ha hecho tener buenos recuerdos.

Não consigo dar mais estrelas do que isso porque eu não peguei muito da parte do GTA online, então essa nota é puramente levando em conta o singleplayer. GTA 5 tem o mundo aberto que foi considerado o melhor por anos, e com muita razão. A única coisa que eu não gosto e inclusive repudio são os personagens principais, o único que se salva é o Franklin, de resto, os outros dois são insuportáveis e nojentos. Parei de jogar a campanha quando o jogo me fazia jogar com o Trevor, que é chato e um arrombado do caralho.

I'm sure most people bought many copies of this game over the years. I've bought it 3 times on 3 different systems and never got bored with it.

Made 60 hours feel like 20. one of the funniest and best written games i've ever played. each character was distinct and each mission (outside of the tow truck mission and the yoga mission) was awesome and replayable as hell. gameplay was a little clunky but i have played much worse so an easy 5 stars.

Jeu mémorable pour tout ce qu'il a apporté, un mode online toujours aussi fun et bon délire. Un jeu pour ne pas se prendre la tête. Pour ma part beaucoup de bon souvenir même si il y a quand même des bon petit problèmes.

- Cheaters
- Online qui n'a pas trop de but en lui-même
- Lobby mal fait
- Redondant

Mais honnêtement il est si anthologique et bien que ce n'est pas grand chose. Un jeu iconique

to this day i cant decide which is the best gta, which really shows how much quality rockstar can put out

Envelheceu como um bom vinho

A big leap in the franchise offers the best gameplay it has ever had, even if it loses some of the bolder aspects that made the big open world feel so rich. The three character juggle mostly sticks the landing. Each character feels larger than life with unique traits and specials. It's a really good game but had this followed through with the planned single player DLC, we'd be calling it the best.

This game sets the standard is so many ways. 11/10 game. A true marvel in gaming history.

Um verdadeiro filme de ação bem roterizado. Os três personagens controláveis trazem um dinamismo maior, principalmente em missões que envolvam os três.

I think this game is overrated, but its influence online is undeniable. Despite everything, it's fun, despite having one of the most scripted and shallow main story of the franchise. And there are many removals that were made in the physics of GTA IV that bother me, the NPCs look like dolls, the map is large, but you can't enter many homes. It's worth the experience, but compared to its predecessor, the main story disappoints in many ways.

It's GTA 5 like... haven't u heard of it ?

The best grand theft auto out of them all in my opinion. Story is pretty good. Very polished game. I spent alot of hours in it.

La storia l'ho rigiocata comunque 4 volte.

Yeah, the online sucks balls, but the main game is reeeaally good.

I think what Rockstar accomplished with this game is still commendable. The open world feels great and more immersive than ever before, the different main characters are different enough to make their conflicts more interesting (At least Michael and Trevor); I like that after certain point you can just switch to any of them at any given moment to progress their own separate stories. It's just executed flawlessly.

I also like the focus on big over the top heists, kinda makes stakes feel a lot bigger than in some of the previous titles. And it is simply impressive that after all these years since this game came out, it pretty much still holds up visually...I'd say it even looks better than some AAA games coming out today.

In terms of things I dislike. A lot of these missions and side activities just feel like busy work that is not even fun to do, I get that these games are always looking to be more "realistic" but for GTA I sometimes prefer the wackier way the older games were.

I also must admit that anything outside of Los Santos is insanely boring and uninteresting. I get why they had to get rid of all the other cities and extra locations from San Andreas, but maybe they should've spent more time trying to make the rest of the map as fun to explore as the main city itself....Because whenever I have to do Trevor missions outside of LS....All I feel is dread.

This is a great game, not my favorite GTA, but top V at least.

I'm sorry.