Reviews from

in the past

Overall, a cool game with a really interesting battle system but is bogged down with bad writing in the back half, lack luster dungeon design and combat animations that take literally years to resolve

My wife gave birth and the child has grown up and graduated university in the time it took for DragonZap to finish its spell animation one time

Time management is never this fun.
Good game.

Lo retomaré en la versión HD de Switch.

My first jrpg. Played it again recently. Loved it just as much. Comfy.

A surprisingly mature and religious themed rpg. At the time this came out on the Dreamcast, it was still pretty rare for these kinds of stories to be translated and brought over.
The graphics hold up well imo, the soundtrack still steamrolling.
If you don’t mind your main hero having Leonardo’s voice from the 80s TMNT cartoon, you should be golden.
But honestly, this game is so grand in scope and it’s characters are interesting, that it needs to be played.
The HD version is even better.

Greatest JRPG ever made for it's time. Ryudo a top 5 character in my book well. The OST and missions were all HELLA FUN and the game got some BADDIES ngl. Loveable Group of characters and I wish i could play this game again without any memory of it. Playing this at age 10 and then playing it again at age 28... I still hold this game dear to me. I still have fun like before! :) 9.7/10🏴

Amazing character focused storytelling with beautiful graphics & environments

While not as charming as the first title I loved the dialogue of the party and the locations looked great. I felt the difficulty was fair and the battle system was slightly improved as well.

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The battle system here is excellent just like the original. I also enjoy the level up system with magic points and special points, getting stronger and learning new moves is more immediate than the first game. Story and characters were compelling enough to see it through to the end at 50+ hours of playtime, but most people will agree, I think, that the first game’s more adventurous narrative is the stronger one.

This game was too long imo. A party member has a particular climatic moment when the story hits eleven, but then the game just kept going for 10 more hours. I got to level 50 before the final boss, and its mostly too easy to get there. Then you can’t skip all the spell casting cutscenes; which might’ve helped speed things up.

Great game nonetheless

Sigue siendo el mejor sistema de combate que he visto en un JRPG. Pocas cosas malas se pueden decir de este juego, sólo que al final el combate se hace eterno porque sigue sin poderse saltar las cinemáticas de los ataques más poderosos.

you know, to be perfectly honest, i don't remember that much about grandia 2 besides that i had fun with it. it's a neat jrpg that's not very deep, the english voice acting is great, the church is evil, you know the drill. but (spoiler for the first 5 hours or so lmao) there's a girl who's a nun by day and a demon by night and she's better written, more likeable and has more personality than annah and fall-from-grace combined

these games came out within a year or so of each other and maybe it's not much more than a funny observation, but i think there's an insight here about the drastically diverging paths of character writing between jrpgs and wrpgs

A standard JRPG that excels due to arguably the best turn-based battle system ever made.

Modelos 3D ótimos, enredo meio clichê e trilha sonora excelente, o que pega é há queda dos fps em umas áreas grandes, falo isso da versão PS2.

Trilha sonora épica: FIGHT!! Ver. 1, 3, 4, Purification of Darkness, Nightmare Village Milm, Canção do Povo.
Great 3D models, a bit cliché plot and excellent soundtrack, what catches is there is a drop in fps in some big areas, I mean this from the PS2 version.

Epic soundtrack: FIGHT!! Ver. 1, 3, 4, Purification of Darkness, Nightmare Village Milm, Song of the People.

A gr8 childhood experience and the first JRPG I ever played, couldn't get really far because our dreamcast was on its last legs but the time I had with it was memorable and fun.

En su conjunto, el videojuego es bastante bueno, con una historia que aunque al inicio es algo lenta, en su tercer acto es sencillamente impresionante y aún con una conclusión más bien tibia, tiene unos momentos muy destacables, musicalmente es bueno a secas, los personajes pueden ser bastante buenos y la jugabilidad es entretenida, quizá la mayor falencia es su pésimo rendimiento y en algunas ocasiones los bugs visuales que pueden ser bastante odiosos, y aunque en su versión de Dreamcast es mejor, al no ser la que jugué se queda corto y es bastante bajo que sacaran una versión para PS2 de esa manera. En general considero que aunque es bastante bueno, hacerlo algo más corto hubiera sido mejor, pues ciertas partes se sienten como que pudieron ser comprimidas y serían mejor. Una experiencia grata, con un rendimiento desagradable pero muy recomendable.

this is the best jrpg i played

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One of my all time favorite rpgs. You defeat the pope, who is a demon. Fun times indeed.

The story is so simple but even so, I loved every single moment of this game

A good jrpg with a good story, good characters, but has almost zero chill/calm moments. The tension is there ALWAYS. The story does imply it, but i'd want at least some peace between action.

Jrpg in the 90´s lore really was only

"500 years ago the Devil of Evil was bad , but the God of Good Vibes sealed him but he his back and this random woman is important to the plot because church things"

Despite the glossy look and the vibrant color palette, this is a bleak game with some heavy undertones. An interesting tale of the risks of blind devotion and misguided faith. Very fun combat as well

Got stuck near a boss for days now so I'm calling it quits for now, but let it be known, it's very good so far!

Being carried by its good battle system and that old school JRPG anime charm, Grandia II suffers from being too linear, unskippable spell cinematics and a bad script that wore out its welcome by the third act. Its still a fine JRPG, just one of its time.

Be wary of the PC version, it crashes randomly after battles. Theres no fix for it. I recommend emulating Dreamcast or PS2 to skip the load times on legacy hardware.

i just cant get into ryudo and i cant really enjoy it as much as i enjoyed grandia 1

i remember the writing being surprisingly good (although i was like 12 at the time so) but this game hated my computer

Classic tale of fighting against the church for being cunts.

Grandia II introduced me a marvelous and inventive combat system, a rocking soundtrack, and some fun character dynamics. Despite all this though, what I really remember most about Grandia II is the story. Grandia II tells the tale about Ryudo and Elena as he takes her across the world in order for her to complete her ritual after a botched ceremony erupts into chaos; what follows is a bunch of mishaps and badly timed events that eventually led to the gang finding out the true nature of everyone's actions and what they should do to stop it. It's really compelling to see how this story unfolds and it's honestly highlighted by the rough nature of each character as they try to get along, but ultimately aren't friends at the beginning. The actions of the characters feel real, and to see characters leave or change can be heart breaking at times, while still giving proper reasons for why each character must leave. Not to say that anything else in this game isn't stellar in it's own right, combat is very easy to pick up and provides a good enough reward system that often getting good at the game means breaking it. I can see some people being put off by Grandia II's easiness, but honestly it reminds me of Paper Mario's friendly approach and frankly we need more baby's first JRPG. It's hard not to recommend Grandia II to anyone that owned a dreamcast, and it's sad to see it gets so little attention on the switch, but Grandia II remains the hidden gem that it is