Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay was improved upon the first game which made it more enjoyable, but it still feels kinda janky. I respect what the devs were going for with this unique series, but I do think these games are a bit praised too much by fans and modern Sony haters. I would rather play Sony's "movie" games like the new God of War games and The Last of Us 1.

Finished the game a couple of days ago but kept coming back for 1 specific trophy which was very stooooooopid.

But anyway, I had really high hopes for this game and it didn't go as I hoped, cancerous controls, repetitive missions with little to no creativity or efforts and a SUPER BORING power-up system.

This whole thing was a mess, but I did enjoy little things here and there and absolutely loved the soundtracks.

My first platinum, and the game that got me into trophy hunting. This game will always hold a special place in my heart :)

They wanted to make a Crackdown where you play as Hancock (not a joke, look it up). That's a terrible idea but, credit where credit's due, they did what they set out to do. This has the exact same problems as the first game: interesting ideas and cool character designs plopped into ugly environments and miserable gameplay. So much of this game is such a murky off-color haze you could be forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with your screen.

esse jogo me lembra yakuza kiwami 2, os dois jogos tem os gráficos parecido

i am so disappointed. the first gravity rush game was a flawed but thoroughly enjoyable work centered around the extremely fun base mechanic of shifting gravity, it had an interesting world with its own rules and a distinct atmosphere, and the combat felt nice. flaws included the story, characters and the repetitiveness of the game. but, hey, it was tolerable for a game that would take you about 10 hours. it was the exact type of game that was gagging for a sequel. gravity rush 2 is twice as long, and in favour of ironing out these flaws to create a truly remarkable experience it adds an entire warehouse of its own extremely pungent problems.

mind-numbing, basic missions, clunky as fuck mechanics and combat, unspeakable bosses, an extreme lack of focus storywise, my god. its a game that gets sooo tiring and when the story should finish it just keeps going and going and going and ughhhhh. AND THEN YOU GET TO WHERE THE GAME SHOULD FINALLYYYY END AND IT STILL KEEPS ON FUCKING CHOOGLIN HERE COMES MARY LOOKING FOR HARRY

the first half of the story is actually quite interesting, with some interesting (if insanely predictable) twists and turns and a very welcome commentary on the class divide (all rich people have expensive, ill-considered parties and are basically fucking stupid). then, about halfway through the game, something happens to take you out of this new world and back into... more familiar territory.

honest to god, you take out the entirety of the second half of this game, nothing changes. every single enemy is such a fucking nightmare to beat like they are just so specifically designed to irk you which would be fine if you werent being irked for 20 or so hours. overall, i am just so so disappointed that not only does this game do next to nothing to improve on its predecessor (aside from looking prettier) but the devs added in several different features to just make an entire new monster.

how this is the higher rated of the 2 on this site i will never understand. all im left wondering is if gravity rush 1 was actually ever good...

closed the servers for the online stuff barely a year after release cuz nobody wants fun interesting games anymore, only drab "i wish i was a tv show so bad" grey and brown "cinematic" games about a jaded father figure and a dumb ass younger protagonist dontcha know

I didn't end up finishing it (yet) but the gravity mechanics were super cool, and the environments were super pretty. I'll have to check it out again

Very memorable, unique and underrated game.

Un juego que depende tanto del movimiento no puede correr tan mal, además el combate es una garcha venosa

Meteu um final alá Kingdom Hearts e que se fodaKKKKKKKKKK

Mas a parte temática funcionou, então não acho de todo mal, só não espere uma conclusão muito lógica, é mais emoção que qualquer coisa, agora a DLC botou meu ps4 pra fritar pqp

Admittedly, Gravity Rush 2 can be a bit messy. The story tends to bounce in a lot of different directions, and the style switching mechanics can be a bit hard to keep track of. But I still love this game because of the improvements it makes to the Gravity Rush gameplay. One of the best parts is Jirga Para Lao, one of the best open worlds in any game. Not only is it insanely large, filled with things to find and sights to see, but if you fall down you can find an entirely new underbelly beneath it. It is huge, and masterful. This is not to mention the new characters that can be met, and the new stages and scenarios.

One of the greatest games of all time unless you're homophobic

It's definitely a big upgrade from its predecessor in scope but unfortunately it's a downgrade in quality. The gameplay is honestly miserable, because it controls like shit, and the story isn't all that good either. The mission structure is pretty poor too, with a lot of the game's runtime being taken up by fetch quests and just general boring errands. I really wanted to love this game before playing it but unfortunately that didn't happen.

This is still my favorite Sony exclusive. Kat's new forms/styles/whatever they're called add just enough to the traversal to keep things fresh, while the visual upgrades from the original release or remastered made the game's unique style more appealing than ever.

Gravity Rush 2 (2017): Infame. El control es cáncer, la cámara es cáncer, las misiones de sigilo son cáncer, el relleno vergonzoso (haz esta acción 3 veces, y luego repítelo otras 9 más) es horroroso. Sólo se salva Kat, y aún así es peor que en el 1. Otra saga a la basura (4,30)

i was absolutely loving this game until i got filtered by the stealth side mission, why do they keep insisting that a gravity superhero sneaks around without using any of her powers. there isn't even any place to hide or sneak effectively because the environments are so open because they're designed for you to shift between them! absolute ass.

really good game though reminds me of spider-man

Fixes literally every issue I had with the first game and more. Standing as one of the most unique games I've ever played along with the first with even better graphical fidelity, making the artstyle and designs pop out even more and look better. I genuinely believe that this is one of the best looking PS4 games that you can ever play.
Music is again fantastic and even remixes some tracks from the first sounding even better, elevating the experience of getting to older areas from the first game tenfolds, and making you feel absolutely incredible during bossfights, don't think there was a single track from this games OST that I disliked.
Combat again isn't the best, but once you completely turn off the motion sensitivity for the controller the game plays much much better. It's still not the best part of the game, but there's more variety to it and isn't very difficult. But the gameplay in general is still fun. Much like the first game, the most fun thing to do is just flying around exploring the cities and meeting all the people. Playing through every sidequest just made the experience better, seeing their little story arcs, and in some cases they even intertwine in other sidequests. It's a very very lovely game.
And the story of this game made me fuckin' cry like a bitch dude. Easily one of the best games I've played. Just wish they didn't shut down the servers barely a year after it came out, making several of the costumes unobtainable. Other than that, it's basically perfect.

I started this and then we moved and everything but the switch is in storage and i feel like shit i just want her back

Quién es Kat?
para el ciego, es la luz.
para el hambriento, es el pan.
para el enfermo, es la cura.
para el solitario, es el compañero.
para el triste, es la alegría.
para el prisionero, es la libertad.
para el pobre, es el tesoro.
para el deudor, es el perdón.
para el mundo, es esencial.
Si Kat opina, le doy la razón.
Si Kat habla, la escucho.
Si Kat falla, la apoyo.
Si el mundo odia a Kat, soy yo contra el mundo.
Si Kat tiene un esposo, soy yo.
Si Kat no tiene un pretendiente, es que yo ya he muerto.
Respeta a Kat, no la compares con nadie

my heart grew two sizes that day 🥰🧡🥰
Gravity Rush evangelist now

Absolutely gutted at how much I could not get into this game because gravity shifting is so much fun and the potential within the concept is so huge. The soundtrack is grand and beautiful and the styles and world are dope, but this game's insistence on combat and stealth drove me insane while fighting with the finicky camera and shit targeting. Technically "beat" the game after seeing the credits roll, but I doubt I'll continue with the Eto chapter as chapters 20-21 drained me and I didn't click with the story anyways. Gravity Rush 3 could fixed many of my issues with the second game, but that seems unlikely with Japan Studio's disbandment and Sony seeming more interested in funding sloppy, short-lived live service shooters and generic action games over a series like Gravity Rush.

to this day still one of my favorite games of all time that i will forever cherish. such a unique and fun experience with an incredible ost that i will never forget.

The last good Sony game. And a good one to leave off on

the ending drags it down immensely