Reviews from

in the past

beat this again with the deluxe mod and MAN this game's engine is sooooo satisfying once you get the hang of it

I bought this used at Jumbo Video and they sold it so scratched up that it would skip on "Beast & The Harlot"......angered I brought it back to Jumbo Video....only to find out all sales are final....
Then I fell for their disc repair/cleaning scam which I think was just a NASA looking machine that rubbed banana peels on the discs inside it.

Perhaps the Guitar Hero game that I personally have the most nostalgia for. It's got a solid list of songs performed by cover artists that, honestly, aren't that bad most of the time. Hammer-ons & pull-offs feel way smoother too, making that leap from Medium to Hard/Expert feel much more doable. My mother & I used to play co-op together before we shifted over to Rock Band. It's a game worth revisiting even today.

O melhor guitar hero na minha opinião, simplesmente horas e horas na frente do meu play 2 velho jogando essa maravilha, um dos meus jogos favoritos, queria poder saber quantas horas eu já joguei desse obra prima, tudo nele me remete a minha infância

Na real eu mal joguei esse aqui, fui consultar a tracklist e não lembro de tocar aquelas músicas, mas não deixa de ser incrível.

Always a fun time with Guitar Hero, played this a lot at parties/events.

Joguei algumas músicas no PS2 do meu primo, mas nunca fui fã dessa franquia. Mas jogar na guitarra é do caralho mesmo.

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

Achei tão bom quanto o primeiro, embora muitas coisas continuem parecidas ( menu, estética, personagens ). Agora eu já comecei acostumado aos controles e timing das notas, e tbm sabendo q podia dobrar as notas com os raios.
Joguei principalmente pq tem 2 músicas fodas q eu gosto : "Mother" e "Free Bird", então tinha tudo pra ser um jogaço ( e foi ).

>> Prós
• SOUNDTRACK : É Guitar Hero, não preciso falar nada sobre esse ponto/2.
• DESAFIO : Novamente, tão desafiador quanto o primeiro foi mas dessa vez eu já peguei o jeito.
• JOGABILIDADE : Novamente, a jogabilidade no controle tá boa e fluída.
• SKINS : Curti q colocou skins compráveis para os personagens também.
• ENCORE : As músicas extras no final de cada lista é algo bem legal, metade das músicas q foram encore eu curto : "Carry on Wayward Son", "Sweet Child o'Mine", "Stop" e "Free Bird" ( inclusive achei sacanagem ser da última lista, acabou sendo a última música do game e a q eu queria tocar mais antes de começar a jogar ).
• FREE BIRD : Achei q era um exagero do jogo mandar várias mensagens perguntando se queria confirmar pra iniciar a música, começa bem de boa e dps no solo de guitarra q o negócio fica doido ( foda demais ).

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Música Favorita = "Carry on Wayward Son", "Cherry Pie", "Free Bird", "Jessica", "Killing in the Name", "Mother", "Stop" e "Sweet Child o'Mine".

>> Listas
• AMP-WARMERS = 3.5/5
• TRASH AND BURN = 4/5 ( meu favorito )

(Played the Guitar Hero 2 Deluxe Edition by Milohax on PC)

Man this was an awesome nostalgia trip (thank you boyfriend!) to revisit what got me into rhythm games so many years ago and then was rekindled in the year of 2018. what a ride!
i love the song selection here, it feels like there's some great hits, but the animations unfortunately as good and are a little repetitive (they're still very fun: suck it fortnite!) and i wish that the Stonehenge venue was harder i guess? I only played through this on Hard cause i'm not very good at the intense charts, but it still felt a lot easier i guess. oh well!
I still love that Guitar Hero just doesn't take itself seriously at all still, and it just makes it very fun and much more memorable than Rock Band in my opinion. Very fun to revisit!

Nem preciso comentar, mas joguei em um controle paralelo o que custou minha habilidade que já não é boa

Joguei muito ele na época no PS2, hoje tive a oportunidade de rejogar esse game e é muito bom, apesar de as vezes a precisão da notas não ser das melhores. Os gráficos são bons. É um ótimo jogo pra reviver a época do PS2 e pra tocar as melhores músicas que só um Guitar Hero pode proporcionar.

This game is so real for having Free Bird as the final encore.

This was the last time Guitar Hero wasn't obsoleted by Rock Band. This game has so much charm.

Every day during the pandemic I played this game. It's a staple of 2000's culture. The soundtrack, in my opinion, is the best in the series as you have a great mix of old songs (anything before 96) and new songs. The gameplay loop is fun, they're a plethora unlockable in game content, and making your band go to Stonehenge is hella badass! I got years spent on this game. I love it.

Acho que é meu favorito mesmo. Tem a melhor coleção de músicas e acho que melhora tudo do anterior. Divertido demais.

My one and only Harmonix game obsession. I got pretty good at it, but there were a few songs on higher difficulties that I could never learn.

Estimated read time: 6~ minutes.

I have terrible rhythm—I can synchronize, but that's about it—but I love this game. I practically can't beat Rhythm Heaven (might dive into that at some point), but I adore these tours and subpar live recording album-tier covers with completely nonsense maps that make the guitar play the piano, horns, etc.; not because it makes sense but because it's simply fun.

The intro goes incredibly hard. I think it perfectly represents the series as a whole. Even though Guitar Hero III is widely considered the best by a decent margin, I’m partial to II for its crust. Although one very nice feature starting here was they realized people were buying various types of RPTVs and plasmas, so they implemented a calibration screen to make the game playable in the new era of TVs with high latency (40+ms!!).

I’ve always had stage fright, particularly if it ever involved singing. Despite that, I walk through those venue doors, nervous and frankly embarrassed; social anxiety is a bitch. But my love was secretly listening to hard rock, metal, prog rock and metal, maybe a bit of trance here ‘n’ there. I Am here to enjoy some fucking music, meet fellow musicians, and hopefully grow as one.

You know what I found, though?

The fakest fuckers on the planet lamenting about not being popular enough or whatever. "What about me?" What about you? Another cold burnout song about how much everyone else sucks? Wow, how revelatory, you really shook up the scene today. I'm sure we'll quake in our boots at the idea of your sniggering, side-eyeing, nonchalant disregard and elitism leaving the venue and being laid to rest. I just want to play Guitar Hero for God’s sake!

Do you even understand fun? Talking about playing for the music, the esoterica and innate joy of it all, but it sure doesn't seem like it, not unless it's doing literally the same thing you decry the rest of the bands of doing: low effort punk rock with a bit of crass lyrics in there poisoned with irony, but then you make it worse by painting it with the veneer of artistic understanding and passion. Where is it? You seem content to hide it all up in a little heart-shaped box you’ve deemed only your little act worthy of being privy to.
Also, did you really have to do all that at karaoke night? Unplugging the amp and making a speech about it? Telling people they just don't get it and aren't singing for the right reasons? That punk night is dead! Do you even hear yourself? It's just some karaoke; get over yourself.

Go do your own tour or whatever; literally nobody asked you to leave, but I bet you’ll pretend you were kicked to the curb anyways. Showered in praise, yet you hyper-fixate on a couple of dissenters that pop up throughout the year? Who cares! The next set’s about to be played!
You were never here for the music, and it's no wonder you're completely and utterly obsessed with eras you were barely sentient for, or worse, not even around for. You can't get over the fact that time marches forward without you, someone new showing up one day and curb stomping you at your own act; it's humbling, but rather than take it on stride, you grimace, forcing a pained smile as you pat them on the back for performing so well. But it's clear that this was a massive blow to your ego. Maybe you can convince yourself it doesn't hurt so much if you only care about your fellow burnouts quitting emo and declaring the rest of the venue a madhouse.

It hurts, because I thought your act was pretty cool. I guess it’s pretty “punk rock” to jeer and give the cold shoulder though, right? Maybe it’s in spirit, maybe it’s hypocritical of me, whatever.
Throughout my musical journey it’s been nothing but revitalizing, igniting the flame once more for the medium I held so dear. I was berated and constantly mocked for my love of music, especially metal, combined with curve balls left and right, losing loved ones (or what few I would call those), I became very disillusioned with how people behave. It was branching out and stepping out of my comfort zone, keeping my chin up even in the face of pretentious acts that my love for music only grew more. Yeah, it sucked that some of my favorite bands became increasingly misanthropic, but why should that stop me? Why should it stop any of us? It was never about those assholes; it was about the music- their words, not mine. Well, their words until it was just about themselves. I’ll stop now, I’ve got a set to play whether or not people show up. It’ll probably be mediocre! I don’t care.

Punk rock never died. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Favorite track: The Sword - Freya

Unrelated music highlight: The Mothers of Invention (Live in London, ‘68)

Dude, Guitar Hero II is a classic! It takes everything that made the first game awesome and cranks it up to 11. The tracklist is killer, there's way more songs, and it's just so fun to jam out with your friends (even if you totally suck). The graphics haven't aged too well, and it's hard as heck on the higher difficulties... but if you want to shred some plastic guitar and feel like a rockstar, Guitar Hero II is a must-play.

I don't know man its fucking guitar hero, a series that has so much charm and lets you rock out to great music. I'm still bad though.

muito parecido com o 1 mas com menos músicas boas

Same as the first one but with way less good songs imo

While an improvement over the previous game, as it felt much smoother than the original and had more polish, I felt that the controller made for this game was still stiff and the song selection felt lacking. This is a fine enough game, but when compared to its future iterations and rivals it pales in comparison.

GH1 honestly didn't activate my brain stems and provide any believability. GH2 is so old and yet delivers on setlist and audio/visual/controller synchronicity

Played this all the time with my older cousin during the summers. We'd try to see who could get the highest score on Jordan - Buckethead. Pretty cool that they wrote that song specifically for the game.

played when i was like 5 i think this was the start of my decent into rhythm games

A tiny step forward for the series, with additional gameplay modes and visual improvements over the original. Perhaps more fluidity to note detection, however constantly calibrating delay was not fun. Overall setlist has some strong, some questionable, some weak tracks; most of which are covers again. I’d say the first games setlist was more balanced surprisingly enough. Those covered “Them Bones” AHHHs kill me.

Отличный сиквел, улучшил все лучшее первой части. Максимум до чего можно докопаться-до саундтрека, но под конец появляются более кочевые песни(на боксе лучше графон+доп.песни)