Reviews from

in the past

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Oh my god

i'm not sure if this is something I missed in the previous two games or if this is a new addition, but the lock-on feature has been vastly imrpoved, allowing you to quickly target multiple enemies before firing, then shooting them all down at rapid speed, as long as your blue meter is high enough. Idk if I missed this originally but I really like it

After the tutorial is over with your at Section 2 and booooomm, Pia invades! Out for vengance and armed with a grenade launcher! I can't understand a word she's saying, but the delivery in her voice is amazing, she's lost everyhing and is clearly dead set on blowing your brains out, and she's loving every second of Henrietta painfully limping through the corridors, hopelessley fighting and searching for a way out of danger.

After all that, Pia calls out a bloody tank, now for that boss battle

Side note, I'm realising each game feels like an anime episode, they have just enough plot and just enough happening to fit the format of singular anime episodes, so maybe that's what they were going for with this.

Anyway pretty easy boss battle, was a fun one though.
Onto the next stage! The final battle, stage 10, Henrietta vs Pia
Will this long awaited ending make this whole experience worth playing through or are they gonna fumbleee.
First you have a shootout between the two of you, eventually the helicopter comes over and you both kinda sorta have to work together to take it out, at this point Pia seems to have turned on her own, if you play close attention she'll also fire at other enemies throughout the stage while you're fighting her.

After fighting off waves of enemies, it's time for the final fight
I did find tis pretty difficult, took me around 2 hours alone just to beat Pia after dying haruhi knows how many times...
After beating Pia, in attempt to kill you she blows up the surrounding area, resulting in her death. Henrietta lives, and apparently so does Pia's handler, somehow he survived what happened at the train station. After beating him he talks to you, seemingly he's not so bad after all, he crawls to pia in an attempt to put his hand on her hand. He dies moments before he gets a chance to but Jose appears last minute and seemingly made it happen.

The scene begins to ends as it shows one last shot of pia and her handler holding hands, while Henrietta and Jose walk away side by side in the distance.

I gotta say firstly the music in this whole game but especially her was fantastic, I've already downloaded the OST I'm putting it on my MP3 player for sure I adore this.

Overall feelingsss..

I really enjoyed playing this to my surprise, I didn't think I'd make it past the first games tutorial but here I am, completed all three games and I'm really happy I did, that ending stage and its closure made it all worth it. Not a perfect game, far from it, but if you can get into the gameplay I'd reccomend sticking through it. The lowest point IMO are the tutorials but that can be said about a lot of games from this era so I can forgive it for that. Everything else was good, sometimes even pretty amazing, don't regret spending time on this at all.

All three games combined are around 9.1 hours.

Anywaaay onto the manga :3