Reviews from

in the past

worse version of half life in any way. even got delisted on steam because why wouldnt it be. only reason to play this is if the original doesnt work on your pc like on mine, and even then id recommend to just try harder to make the original work.

The first real FPS game I played. I really enjoyed it but it frustrated me a bit too.

Nice game to check out once and never play again. The original is superior in every way. You can easily tell this was only to test how to port a game to the Source engine.

Why? When you can play the original?

A buggy mess. This game is an awful remake the bugs are horrible and will never be fixed. I mean in the first few minutes of the game you see a scientist floating on a chair. Go play original Half-Life not this mess.

Apparently I played the worse version of Half-Life but ngl I thought it was pretty cool. Definitely worth the wiggly water and ragdoll physics.

This source port sucks.

Play the original👍🏼 or Black Mesa which is the remake of hl1

Decente. Se trata de um remake do primeiro jogo, só que parece que foi feito as pressas para acompanhar o lançamento do Half Life 2. Ainda acho o primeiro melhor

The Game is awesome of course. If you are new to this game. It's super long.
For etc. I completed the half-life in 24 hours. Yeah. I explored everything . well 90% atleast.
Second time i'm completing the game. Made It in 5.7 hours. Still exploring most of the spots and all that ♥♥♥♥.
So Keep that in mind.
The Main reason you may be reading all these reviews is because you have no idea what's the difference between Half-life and Half-life Source. None. I'm talking about the script and story. No difference.
On the other hand, The graphics are improved, some monters are improved and changed the look of them.
If you don't want to spend money, don't buy it. If you are a HL fan buy it. Get the speedrun record. do it. The Record is 20:49 minutes btw. So good luck

They tried to improve Half-Life and they made it worse with their bugs.

esse jogo não tem razões pra existir
imagina half life 1, mas você deu ctrl c nos arquivos dele, e colou na sua nova engine chamada source, e vendeu pelo mesmo preço do original, mas o jogo é cagado e quebrado
essa é a definição de half life: source.

a IA, a iluminação, a precisão das armas, tudo tá extremamente horrível e cagado, e tem partes do jogo em que ele buga a sua câmera inteira, fica com um zoom desproporcionalmente grande (e tem que reiniciar o jogo pra tirar), o céu fica todo esquisito e fica duplicando quanto mais você mexe a câmera, LITERALMENTE EU NÃO CONSEGUI JOGAR ISSO ATÉ O FINAL DE UMA FORMA LEGÍTIMA, eu ativei cheat de vida infinita e de voar faltando uns 2 capítulos pra acabar pq eu n tava aguentando mais.

isso é a definição de porcaria, não teve um sequer carinho aqui, ELES NEM TROCARAM A LOGO DO HALF LIFE 2 NO MENU DE SAVE.

mas FELIZMENTE black mesa só existe por conta dessa merda aqui, então obrigado hl: source?
obrigado o cacete, jogo ruim da peste

If you must play Half-Life, avoid this version. It was a sloppy rush-job even before the infamous Steampipe update that utterly broke the game.

UPDATE 11/17/23

Using the Half-Life: Source Fixed mod is basically mandatory if you want to still play this port for whatever reason. If you're playing this vanilla unmodded? Then yeah, this deserves the reputation it has; it's a broken worse version of the original game that has some pretty water and lighting effects that's only become more buggy and unstable as the years have gone by with engine updates that don't account for this port.

With the Fixed mod? It's a decent way to play the first Half-Life, but I still just don't know why you wouldn't use the original release. There's some nice benefits and improvements the Fixed mod offers such as resized maps that significantly reduce how many times the game stops you briefly for a quick map load and it's nice being able to have a nearly seamless experience (a lot of the game's chapters straight up fit into single maps here). Some of the redone more colorful lighting also does look quite nice since it's not being limited by GoldSource's limitations with baked lighting. Yes, the floating scientist in the game's first chapter is fixed. That one spot in Residue Processing doesn't flicker and turn into a broken visual nightmare anymore. The only bug I spotted in the brief time I tried this was that the Gonarch still seems to spit out a missing texture whenever it releases baby headcrabs at you which is still annoying, but still overall it's a major leap turning a completely broken port into one that's basically fully playable and a lot closer in faithfulness to the original release.

The thing is that even with the Fixed mod, there's still this feeling that this port needlessly complicates itself porting over an entire game from one engine to another and changes the feel of things by doing so. Movement feels very fast and snappy but in a way that feels like Half-Life 2 with sprint always being on, rather than how the original Half-Life is supposed to feel. Enemy AI seems to be dumbed down, especially with the military grunts which seem to have no idea how to account for the player moving around when it was one of their biggest strengths in the original. I don't even think I saw one throw a grenade once in the several chapters I replayed to check this out? The kind of prettier visuals is a mixed bag in of itself because this weird blend of old visuals mixed in with pretty lighting is kind of jarring in that weird sort of "community source port" way, like with cranking up the effects in something like GZDoom: it doesn't really look the way it was originally made and intended.

tbh the real reason anyone is even considering buying and installing this is if you need the assets for Garry's Mod, if that's not what you're doing then do not bother

Still a bad remaster in the relase oh im sorry this isn't a remaster this is a re-relase but this time it's shit

Not sure why but I played this version instead of the original version. I’ll do it one day I swear. The game’s story was incredible and environment was immersive. HELLO GORDON!!!

I Asked For Source & I Got Source

The base game wasn't bad, but it was my first time playing this game and I bought the Source version thinking it was better. One day I will play the original to really experience the game.

This port of Half-Life can be summarized as "one of the weird things in the Valve pack." I decided to play this after hearing about how bugged it was and people were not kidding. Residue Processing is almost lethal to anyone with epilepsy. Blast Pit is hilariously bad too with one of the tentacle heads not being able to deal damage. And the guard that was supposed to be insta-gibbed just runs away after yelling at it. The Nihilanth boss fight was also bugged, as it took a lot more to kill it than it usually does in the original Half-Life. The time that I spent playing it, it felt like an uncanny valley of Half-Life. The best way I could describe it is that it's Half-Life, but it feels off. This port was obviously an after thought, especially after they stopped updating it after 2013. The only thing that is redeemable in my eyes is the ragdolls, but you can download a mod for the original Half-Life to achieve this anyways. This port should be played once for shits-and-giggles and then should be left to rot in the steam library.