Reviews from

in the past

why do i remember this game? why do I remember being mildly entertained for the first 5 minutes...? Dressing up was cool and I liked popstar games but this is so stale. Rythm game with the wii remote and chucks.... beyond easy and it made me wanna play Just Dance instead.

Certo dia minha noiva me contou que jogava um jogo da Hannah Montana com as primas dela quando elas eram crianças. Fomos atrás do nome do jogo e conseguimos encontrar uns vídeos. Daí num outro dia que ela tava meio borocoxô resolvi baixar o jogo e um emulador e levar até a casa dela pra gente jogar junto. A gente acabou jogando várias vezes depois até zerar o jogo.

Demos muito risada com as coreografias da Hannah e as falas dos personagens, discutimos muito sobre as roupas que devíamos comprar e usar e aprendemos diversas músicas que agora sabemos quase de cor.

Não se deixe enganar, é um jogo bem medíocre. Mas a companhia fez toda a diferença na experiência ❤️

I was OBSESSED with this game. I LOVED shopping as Hannah Montana. Sometimes It got frustrating during performances when they wouldn't read my movements, but I played the game so much I memorized some of the dances.

The gameplay sucked ass but being able to give Hannah different drip was epic. Also I remember there’s a side quest where you find out Jackson is taking ballet lessons. Nothing more said.

If i was asked what's the most shameful game i played, i'll probably not even remember this due to how much i subconsciously try to suppress this memory.