Reviews from

in the past

My favorite game from childhood, glad it got it’s spiritual successor in the form of Warlander, but I really would’ve liked a remake/remaster of it. They should also bring it back to pc. (Also micro transactions are bad but I’ll let it slide.)

I would say what I liked about the game specifically but since you can’t really play it anymore I don’t see a point. If you’re interested, just look up some gameplay on YT and you’ll see how it was peak.

I can't believe they shut down the 360 version of this

É um dos jogos q eu mais joguei na infância, jogava ele todo santo dia, a nostalgia é imensa mas e triste perceber hoje em dia que ele era um puta pay to win predatorio kkkkkkkkkkk

Monetización lamentable pero esto debería volver

Was really fun just to brawl and do stupid stuff. Shame the servers got taken offline, probably would of been ruined if made today by micro transactions and other cosmetics.

Played w Friends for 35 mins and it was the funniest shit ever

greatest game known by mankind

This was my cod modern warfare 2

They could bring this series back

I just had the biggest nostalgia rush for a game that I don't even remember.

Had fun with this when I was younger

I remember playing this game, that's it. I remember nothing about it, except that me and my brothers were addicted to it for like a week LMAO. We thought it was like the greatest thing ever, good times.

remember playing this and having a good time a while back

used to be the shit now it ain't even the fart

I mean comparing it to today's standards, this game is okay but back when this released this was so fun. especially for a party game.

the second saddest video game death

não lembro, era muito novo, daorinha se pá.

One of the few f2p games back then that was actually fun.

this was honestly the goat, amazing game that i've wasted countless hours on with my old friends
they need to make a second one ong

I played this game more than i'd like to admit.

I played in my chilhood, but i remember it's fun