Reviews from

in the past

The memories embedded within this game can never be erased, even if the servers have...

Love this game. Don't understand it but the enjoyment I get from playing is class.

Era bem divertido, tempos bons quando a Microsoft liberou pra jogar jogos online sem gold tempos atrás, saudades...

tal vez sea mi mierda de nostalgia la que me hace recordar con cariño a este juego o porque lo jugué en una época un poco complicada en mi adolescencia y no tenía dinero para comprar juegos, pero tenía mi xbox360 y mi 3ds, pero aun al día de hoy recuerdo a Happy Wars como un juego divertido donde solía pasar tiempo jugándolo después de terminar de jugar multi y zombies de Black Ops 2 y minecraft con mis compas de internet

probablemente si lo jugase en la actualidad me pareceria uuna mierda

I remember playing this game for hours a few years ago. It was free-to-play from what I remember and I didn't have many games on my Xbox.

This game was so funny. In my memory, it was really unbalanced, and players who played a lot had a big advantage. But even with this functionality, it was really funny.(Better than Overwatch)

literally free game on xbox lol

one of the best xbox arcade games, sad it isn't really around anymore

Très peu de temps de jeu il y a longtemps, pas mauvais mais sans plus

This game is a fever dream.

jogar isso no PC deveria ser melhor ainda. Eu jogava com a Xbox Live, então quando acabava eu não tinha mais como tocar no jogo, mas era muito bom.

Joguei muito quando consegui meu xbox 360, não era o mais balanceado e certamente tinha seus problemas com microtransações, mas a base dele era muito sólida e era genuinamente um jogo "competitivo" bem legal de jogar (mesmo sem amigos), só é uma pena que hoje em dia é praticamente impossivel de entrar numa partida, espero que um dia esse jogo receba um remaster ou pelo menos alguém abra um servidor disso.

even though the game is objectively slop, the enjoyment from playing is what made it great. i hope its gets remastered or supported again

one of the few games I grinded the shit out of on the 360. Just so many happy memories, and I personally loved the underwater map. just flat bias.

Este juego me da mucha nostalgia, recuerdo pasarme horas jugándolo, era muy divertido y con eso de las clases de personajes fue bastante dinámico. Es verdad que no era el mejor pero mis esfuerzos daban resultados. Muy god

I’m done playing this game now

Joguei muito no 360 por ser de graça. Me divertiu

This was so fun on the 360, one of the few free to play multiplayers games for its time. To this day we don't have any good multiplayer games which has massive 20+ player team battles like this game did.

The game could be pretty slow, tedious, and p2w. Despite that I have some very positive memories of the game

My favorite game from childhood, glad it got it’s spiritual successor in the form of Warlander, but I really would’ve liked a remake/remaster of it. They should also bring it back to pc. (Also micro transactions are bad but I’ll let it slide.)

I would say what I liked about the game specifically but since you can’t really play it anymore I don’t see a point. If you’re interested, just look up some gameplay on YT and you’ll see how it was peak.