Reviews from

in the past

I'm literally only playing this cause I got the key for it and I've been playing through all the Postal games. Don't really have high hopes

barely made it to the end for achievements... why does it even exist? so bland, you get seriously bored with the gameplay after the first two levels

Strip the edgy shit and all you got is a extremely repetitive generic twin stick shooter

This game is what happens when you are inspired by Postal but don't actually have any funny or insightful commentary on society. The protagonist probably isn't wrong, but, has nothing to say, no character, and there's no point in anything that happens in the game. Just senseless graphic violence. If that was the point, the developer - who knowingly has ties to Nazi groups and has been made into a pariah - is wrong and misses the point of most media violence.

After all the controversy, all the talk it had, I wish it could have been backed up by a decent game. It is just annoying, boring and uninteresting gameplay loop

Just play Postal/Postal Redux instead.

Desde luego este juego fue literalmente una cosa.
Absurdamente poco aprovechado.

Existiu uma época, quando a perseguição encima de jogos violentos ainda era algo, na qual empresas que faziam jogos sabendo que eram ruins, marketavam eles encima de polêmicas e subversão para gerar algum nível de fama. Porque afinal, "fale bem ou fale mal, mas fale de mim".

Esse é exatamente o caso aqui. Esse jogo não é horroroso só porque ele é infantilmente edgy, irresponsável e quase cômico. Ele é horroroso porque a gameplay é terrível, os controles respondem super mal, o jogo é repetitivo ao ponto em enjoar em 10 minutos, a arte é vazia e sem vida e nada parece ter inspiração.

Eu só não dou 0.5 estrela porque pra mim essa é a minha nota mais exigente, e a parada precisa estar num nível muito acima (ou abaixo, no caso) pra entrar la. Mas é um forte concorrente.

Bought it to be edgy as it was being banned on consoles. Its trash.

Childish (ironically), ugly and frustrating

A short and miserable experience

Franchement la D.A est pas mal. Le noir et blanc du jeu cassé par les couleurs des gyrophares, des flammes c'est vraiment une excellente idée et ça apporte une belle teinte au nihilisme du jeu. Maintenant il est biennnn trop répétitif et le vrai problème est là et non pas dans sa violence ou son principe, c'est bon. Que le premier qui n'a jamais assassiné quelqu'un de sang froid me jette la première pierre.

not for the gameplay
for the idea of the game

Video games don’t make kids shooters… I think shooters make video games shooters.

the game is silly i think its funny don't know why it gets to much hate

postal 1 if it was bad. unfortunately, i find myself attracted to the protag.

Nah I bought this game for three euros and played it for half an hour, just got my money back
It's pure "wooo look at me I hate people", but like in the edgiest, most nonsensical way posible
It's not even cool edginess
It's lame
This game is laaaaaame
The moment I saw that this game was created because the creator was disappointed by postal 2, I went and bought that instead
Because whatever disappointed him is definitely some good shit if this is his vision of a good game
This game is insensitive and isn't even interesting to play
It shouldn't exist

Yeah now thinking about it more, this game is like the Redo Of Healer of Gaming. Trying to be edgy as fuck, but gets boring if you see that stuff alot to the point of desensitization.

Marketing based on outrage caused by a game that was based on mass-murdering civilians and police alike? Immoral by every sense of the word. And for what? A quick buck and for your names to be related to infamy. How distasteful. How INSULTING for all of those parents who have lost their loved ones to school shootings and to other mass-murdering maniacs. Believe me, I stand by artistic freedom. I stand by the right of any human to express themselves verbally and through art, but to have freedoms, one should not abuse them. Especially for monetary gain. I think it's something to be ashamed of. If you cannot open your heart to those who suffer and live in agony over the consequences of gun violence and mass-murder, then I pity you. Thís is my message, but despite it, I will be fair to this game in terms of the actual content and the quality of it. Hatred is a barebones top-down shooter outside of the shock value. You've got some distinct execution animations, a decent variety of weapons and destructible environments. And that's the best it can do. Everything else feels bland and hollow. As if there was nothing to this other than the previously mentioned shock value and utter disrespect towards humanity itself.

There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes.

jst a glimpse into my twisted reality

this game is so dsbm its extremely clunky but who cares im an edgelord!!

Postal but with the "edgy but fun about it" dialed down and "uber-emo" dialed all the way up

My name is important. What is not important is what I'm going to do... I just heckin' love this world. And the human kings feasting on its beauty. My whole life is just warm, sweet love. And I always wanted to live gently. This is the time of spreading kindness and every life is worth saving. And I will compliment as many as I can. It's time for me to love. And it's time for me to live.

i fucking love killing innocent people! hehe! I am so quirky

An edgy game that tries too much to be postal 1, the physics and the gunplay is generic as fuck but the optimization really puts the top of the cake, fuck that man this will be put as abandoned even tho I finished it in one hour or so...

It has no style
It has no grace
This Hatred game
Is kinda lame

Edgelord simulator with ok/janky gameplay