Reviews from

in the past

A proposta do jogo é incrível, misturar uma gameplay de hotline miami com o gênero de extração e ainda elementos de terror é fantástico, no entanto a execução deixa a desejar um pouco a desejar, principalmente para brasileiros, onde não tem servidor dedicado.

O jogo tem uma arte fascinante, uma história que cobre estimula sua gameplay e ainda intriga, o design dos personagens são incríveis, mas a crítica acima me desanimou bastante.

Love the idea, but very bare bones. Singleplayer makes it much easier to get into, but sadly feels like a beta version of the game

Fun little top-down extraction shooter. Interesting world, albeit one that could do with a great deal of fleshing out. Practically dead servers but it never prevented me from finding a game, just meant I was usually alone in said game (minus one shocking encounter).

I'm extremely biased in favor of games with an economy, so that's a plus, too. It was a good time to play with friends.

I think I've played enough of Hell is Others to consider it "played", though I'll likely come back and play it some more considering it's a multiplayer-only game with an absurd amount of obtainable items. Which means as long as you enjoy its rather shallow gameplay loop, you're in luck. Me, I've just got nothing better to do.

It's an extraction game, like Escape from Tarkov, only very barebones stuff. The map is pretty small and the mechanics are very simple. You, and others, are fighting over money, blood, and better gear. Money is used for buying weapons and furnishings for your apartment, such as shelves for storage or decorations that offer minor stat bonuses on runs. Blood is for "watering" your plants, one of which is mandatory, others can give you your own customized, upgraded ammo for runs. Gear helps you murder "Others", meaning other players, and the very obnoxious, pestering NPCs that'll engage you on sight. You'll also find items for NPC shopkeepers as quests and in return they'll give you some items upon completion and let you buy things (more, as you do more quests) from them for money.

I'm not a gigantic fan of these games. Hell is Others is nice because at least you have a home base you can customize and even a narrative for you to follow, though it isn't very riveting stuff. I've seen others complain about the scarcity of players making it hard to join matches, but I haven't run into that yet, though I imagine that's solely because like many others I got this for free on Epic recently. That player count may plummet and leave me waiting by an elevator that'll never arrive. On steamcharts, it says there are 30 people playing the game right now on a Saturday afternoon. Not exactly CS:GO numbers, eh?

I would not buy this game. If you got it for free on Epic, like me, and are wondering if you should even bother installing it, I'd say it's worth the shot. The sooner the better, as again, its playerbase being small means you may never even get the chance to try it soon.

Give a raise to the person that implemented the PvP survival horror idea

One of those games that has a cool idea and potential but just doesn't hit the mark.

Not a bad game, but not amazing either. The story is a tad random with little amount of explanation. The gameplay sometimes reminds me of Hotline Miami, but I wish the story was more consistent to actually be enjoyable.

And also like every other game that uses Easy Anti-Cheat, the experience is completely ruined by the strange errors or bugs.

idk who’s idea it was to make an indie extraction game. i can barely even find a match. graphics, effects, and music are sick. i’m really digging the story and dialogue so far. unfortunately there’s so little so have fun with that i can’t really recommend this game beyond watching a let’s play.