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Himatsubushi suffers a little from basically being a side-story, but this chapter is still one of the more interesting ones in terms of Higurashi’s politics. The dam protest can be mistaken as something that adds to Hinamizawa’s darkness and closed-off mentality, but as the series goes on it becomes clear that Ryukishi takes this backstory a lot more seriously than that. One of his strengths as a writer is that he always puts thought into writing about sensitive topics, unlike some of his contemporaries who use them as easy shock value. In this chapter, it becomes clear that the dam protests and the militant tactics used in them were ultimately a necessity. One of the best scenes in the chapter is Akasaka being asked by Rika about what he thinks they should do if the protests are morally wrong. His struggle to respond is pretty revealing. While he’s not the most interesting character, the chapter develops a good conflict of him having to confront his own morality. One thing I like about Higurashi’s portrayal of police is that even when cop characters are likeable as individuals they still maintain their role in a corrupt system. I like how Akasaka is given a stereotypically moral task of resolving a kidnapping, but finds that even this leaves him complicit in a greater structural issue that his role as a police officer requires perpetuating. Since there’s no moment where he actually needs to get his hands dirty the conflict doesn’t resolve in the most interesting way - if the chapter were a full-length one there might have been more opportunity to build up this moral conflict into something more impactful. The real highlight of the chapter is Rika, particularly the haunting scene where she predicts the future up to her own death. While this chapter doesn’t reach the emotional highs of the previous three, this might be the most compelling scene of the question arcs in terms of mystery and atmosphere. The difference in Rika’s characterisation compared to the other three question arcs’ use of their focus characters is that we remain somewhat distanced from Rika - she’s made more complex, but there are far more questions than answers about her character, making her somewhat inexplicable. You also get a lot of great material in the TIPS, to the point that the TIPS might be superior to the main chapter. I really love the exploration of Rika’s mother as someone who is not directly abusive (from my memory anyway) but who clearly holds her daughter in contempt. Rika’s ominous monologues are another excellent layer of mystery to her character. Overall the chapter is the least impactful of the question arcs and it being written as a short addition while Ryukishi was struggling with Meakashi does show, but these qualities make it a worthwhile addition to the series.

Since I got the need to play the console arcs I will be doing so and logging them as replays of Himatsubushi cause they don't have their own page

Okay arc, I was kinda set off by it being too similar to Onikakushi and that made it a bit boring, and even the cast said that it was impossible to discuss because it was too short and said mostly nothing, so yeah, it's okay

Overall I felt like this was more worldbuilding than a proper arc, obviously it's because it's a question arc but even then I don't really feel like I got much out of this one, I did like how the relationships between characters played out in the end when I thought nothing of them in the start (I actually really like Chisato) and the mystery after was pretty nice, I'm looking forward to the answer arc

Pretty confusing and I thought at first it wouldn't really tell anything, in the end I found that Rika's real personality and her already knowing how it would all end didn't really need an arc of its own and could've been more comfortably put in the actual story
Also I hate Daisuke Ono's voice so this wasn't comfortable to read but I appreciated the Ooishi spotlight

It was pretty boring at first and the changes in protagonists so often to avoid advancing the plot naturally wasn't something I liked much but the character building felt pretty good here, everyone has such a strong personality and Tomoe and Chisato basically carried the arc

cute little interlude into the answer arcs

I wish there was a akagi reference during mahjong part

é o segundo mais foda do questions

Very short but brings up Rika's character and I'm sure will be more important later on

I don't really have much to say about this, to be completely honest. It gave more mystery to some existing unknowns and it was a nice change of pace from the previous three chapters. Ooishi and the MC really shine here, but as much as I like this chapter, giving it a 9/10 would be unfair to the other three, as this one really shows it's a bonus chapter at times (plus it's quite short compared to the rest). Still worth it and a great time regardless.

no creo que hiciera falta un capitulo entero para esto pero se lo perdono porque rika.... if something happens to her I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself

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a well needed break from the formula the first three chapters took.
as a bonus story, it's pretty good with the interesting new protag asakuma and all that ooishi screentime, which i love since ooishi is my favourite so far.
although rika didnt get as much screentime and exploration into her character as i thought (aside from the tips, which are also the best so far) it still provides some information about her clairvoyance, showing that all of the murders were scripted.
also that ending was pretty great, seeing ooishi and asakuma want to search for the truth, it really gets me pumped for the anwser arcs. also that little nod to keiichi's letter in chapter 1 with the "please find the truth" message is nice. the shorter writing helps this chapter a lot more too.

Ce chapitre était étonnement RAPIDE ?!
Au début on nous dit que c'est un chapitre bonus mais je trouve qu'il nous donne pas mal d'infos dans la trame principale. Je trouve ça important de le faire, d'autant plus qu'il ne dure que 6h !!
Littéralement composé que de 6 chapitres. Le développeur a très bien compris comment gérer une histoire dynamique et il s'améliore de Tome en Tome. L'écriture de celui ci était tout bonnement incroyable et frissonnant.
J'ai enfin terminé l'arc des Questions, plus qu'à entamer celui des Réponses :D
Voilà. Merci

Yeah,you can tell that that Himatsubushi wasn't initially in the planning when Ryukishi first outlined the story of Higurashi.
It's a much shorter installment compared to the previous ones,and the main task at hand for the protagonist,Akasaka,isn't nearly interesting enough to be the main focus of your attention,though it's still a decent crime drama,I guess.
The most important parts however,centered around Ooishi and,much more importantly,Rika,knock it out of the park.
We also get some of my favourite tips in the series here,between the philosophical ramblings of an unknown narrator and the eerie entries of a mother's diary by the end.
Plus the ending gets you ready even better than Tatarigoroshi to tackle the answer arcs,and the title drop is RAW AS FUCK.

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"The future is already gone."

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back with another milkHEEEEEEELP

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Foi muito bom as interações entre o Akasaka e a Rika, e foi bom ter uma visão melhor dessa guerra contra a construção da represa, e também foi legal ver como a Rika era antes e entender que ela realmente pode ser a reencarnação de Oyashiro. As "tips" dessa vez foram as melhores até agora, principalmente a sobre o tempo e sobre a escolha da caixa, no geral gostei muito, mas realmente peca um pouco no quesito informações, não agregou taanto, mas nos deu um melhor contexto pra história, além de ter sido bastante divertido ler, sério a cena da Rika aparecendo na câmera foi simplesmente uma das cenas mais hilárias que eu já vi, junto do diálogo dela com o Akasaka, abusando de onomatopeias. Bem sólido.

This one is just L.A. Noire if it was evil and demented

Aunque la primera mitad sufre mucho por establecer nuevos personajes y un nuevo escenario a estas alturas de la historia, Himatsubushi es la mejor manera de cerrar el arco de las preguntas, respondiendo a la vez ciertas interrogantes que quedaron pendientes del capítulo anterior. No es el mejor, pero es un buen cierre.

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First and foremost: fuck the mahjong section. It sucked. I've built up a pretty good tolerance for slice of life, and I'm sure if I ever played it mahjong would be a beautiful and intricate game, but that scene was awful. It did not help reading in Japanese I'm sure but I can't imagine it was any better in English.

That aside, a nice, short break from the usual time loop formula which was starting to drag a little. On the whole it doesn't feel like there's a ton to dissect or theorize about here (and I think it's telling the All-Cast Review Session is 90% goofy antics), but it does feel like Rika finally gets some limelight of her own, even if she's still hugely veiled in mystery. There's definitely totally mundane explanations for her knowing the murders in advance, but I like to think she can have some psychic powers, as a treat.

I'm also sure that a lot of what's alluded to here will be important later, it just doesn't have that same ripeness for theorising earlier chapters did I think.

Akasaka didn't feel super in-depth, but his relationships with Ooishi and Rika in particular felt charming enough.

It's interesting that the events that end up happening seem to be identical to Tatarigoroshi, except Ooishi survives - is this significant? Or is it genuinely just him being sick that branched the timeline? Definitely very keen to get into the Answer Arcs (but maybe I'll mull on some mysteries a bit more).

It's sort of a side story and feels shorter than the previous chapters but oh god, it helps to understand so many things and prepares you for the Answers Arc. I CAN'T WAIT to start ch 5.

Very solid chapter. Amazing meta ending. Plus, the change in the protagonist was a good choice so now there wasn’t 5 hours of SoL content. Yay!

short but you can mod the console arcs over it w/ 07thmod so this can keep existing

akasaka just better battler



the worst one yet, not interesting in the slightest outside of the ending that was kinda cool.

prefiero mil veces esto al slice of life you guys are just mean

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A welcome change to the typical Higurashi formula I'd become accustomed to before this. It was nice seeing Hinamizawa during the dam protest after hearing about it so much.