Reviews from

in the past

calm little freerunning game that you can easily boot up and just chill for like, 20 minutes or so. nothing really outside of that unless you wanna get really cracked at movement

Um jogo sem próposito, mas quem precisa?

muito bom pra se passar o tempo.

Really didn't understand this at first, and even when I was done I was a bit lost to what the point of the game is. The movement is a bit slippery and you sorta just endlessly climb with nothing getting in your way and no challenges.

I still don't know what the goal of this game is.

A procedurally generated 2D platformer that is presented in neatly rendered pixel art and provides a soothing ambient soundtrack to relax as you run around the levels collecting experience for the achievements and wisps pleasing and modified movement. Nonetheless, there is no end goal for the game itself as the purpose is to go and play as much as one would want to. Still, the base is there and it was later used in a currently early access roguelike at the very least.

It's a pretty game but I was kinda bored by it and I think it wasn't really my thing.

sinceramente, eu achei chato
passei meia hora jogando e pareceu que foi um loop eterno, não mudava nada
não sei se é esse o objetivo do jogo, eu só peguei pq era grátis kkkkkkkk mas enfim
n tenho muito mais a dizer também, eu nunca fui muito fã de jogo de plataforma, talvez eu seja meio suspeita pra dizer que esse jogo é chato

Played on a PlayStation Vita OLED model.

Reading other reviews I can see how this is a relaxing game - mastering the platforming within procedurally-generated levels whilst collecting little colorful sprites to chill music resulted in me playing a lot longer than I thought I had and for that I can give it props.

However this was a purchase during a sale, the kind that you add to the cart because it's cheap and an hour of fun is better than nothing, and I had no idea what I was in for when I booted it up. I played this game for a total of 70 minutes and half of that time was figuring out what the hell I was supposed to be doing - there's no indication of a goal or even an aim to the game upon loading and a lot of the gameplay felt like pointless busywork until I realised I was supposed to be interacting with doors and proceeding to further levels.

It didn't help that the performance on the Vita was so piss-poor either with what I can only assume being a memory leak of some kind completely tanking the performance of this very simple (albeit nice) looking game resulting in single digit framerates and unresponsive controls, requiring a complete reboot to function properly again.

I've been avoiding achievement collecting lately when playing games but when I consulted my earned list to try and get a better understanding of what I was supposed to be aiming for and realised I was one trophy away from the platinum it was quite surprising. This isn't a bad game and maybe if I played the PC original I'd even be able to relax and vibe with it but this port should be avoided.

Divertido, relaxante e tranquilo

lugares aleatórios com a moonlight sword

It's weird to describe this game but the best I can call it is a sandbox platformer.
There is no real goal other than maybe to just get all the achievements.
There's a few interesting concepts and ideas, and it doesn't feel bad to play aside from how much it screams as a Unity game. It can be rather relaxing even if there's no real sense of progression or collection.
It really feels like this should have been a roguelike or something like that given the setting... Until I realize that yes, there's an Early Access follow-up. Maybe I'll take a look one day.
This is a comfy game, totally worth a try.

a bit barebones but i did enjoy it

You know what is my problem with this game? This feels like the alpha of "Himno: The Silent Melody" and when you see it that way, a lot of things makes sense, the useless sword, the movement, the exp system, the difficulty, the procedural generated scenery, these are all elements of a rogue lite game, a genre of which "Himno: The Silent Melody" is part. I played the demo of that game just to be sure, and definitely feels that way. I don't think making use of that resources is bad, but I think it is bad to try to past this incomplete game as an independent "Relaxing game", specially when that title doesn't fit well in this experience.

A game without any clear purpose. Neat!

didn't realize going on its just like a... tech demo for movement for the full game lol

movement is fun but I kinda don't wanna buy the full game cause I guess it has actual combat and not really feeling like I want that kinda thing right now

fun movement, a little bit dissapointed the full game focused more on combat

Stinky Platinum obtained in 19 minutes. I have no idea what is going on in this game, but when you turn off all the unnecessary graphical effects the game can be eerily beautiful. The rare Stinky Platinum I wish was elevated as a "Real Game."

Eu não entendi nada desse jogo mas ele é maravilhoso e muito divertido.

This game stayed with me during some rough times and I will forever be thankful for the many joys it brought to some of my quieter days.
Smooth and fun controls that get addictive very quickly. An impeccable atmosphere and calming OST.

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. This game gets half a star because it is somewhat "pretty" in its art direction. But boy was this one not good. Talk about boring and dumb. Not sure if I missed the purpose of the game but you pretty much spend each level jumping and dashing randomly to find the random door to the next level. There are sprites and lanterns that turn on ... but I don't know what that does. But the jumping and dashing to climb is just, random, not good .. not good at all. Himno .. more like Playno, know what I mean? Don't play it unless you absolutely want that Plat.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time: 60 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Not needed
Trophy List Score: 6/10

So like, just keep on getting to the door until you have gotten to the 10th district. Along the way you'll level up and hit lanters that all count towards trophies. Then you have to jump and dash like 1000 times, just spam them. At the end you can just jump up and down in the same area 100's of time. Also to get to 30 districts just enter and exit the same door back and forth 30 times. This game, no bueno.

Happy Trophy Hunting!

Um jogo bem divertidinho e relaxante. Da pra gastar umas boas horas se divertindo enquanto sobe as plataformas.