Reviews from

in the past

currently playing through fw and i still do love this game esp for its story but my god does fw just do everything better gameplay wise

epa ja tentei jogar esta merda 4 vezes, tipo o mundo e tal é giro mas sempre que ha um cutscene e so a gaja a falar pra parede, a gameplay e fixola mas epa ja n aguento
e a haloy nao tem personalidade sem ser uma mulher empoderada

overrated dull and boring u cant convince me you enjoyed this

Uma das maiores belezas gráficas já feitas

No começo é divertido mais dps chega a ser decepcionante um mundo com tanto potencial não ser bem aproveitado devido a uma história chata, personagens rasos e um mundo aberto entediante, além do combate repetitivo e progressão ruim.

1/2 extra star for how good it looks
This game is underrated and very good.The worst things about it are the very forgettable story, the shallow rpg and the cardboard enviroments. But none of these things overshadow the extremely fun and original combat, perfect animations, fun exploring and worldbuilding etc. Surely one of the best games u could play in a ps4

I loved everything about this game except the dialogues animation.
The story is an incredible sci-fi one, i remember being so involved in it

how do you make a game about robot dinosaurs boring

Gameplay is cool, but dear god the story is so uninteresting that it nulls me to sleep. If you told me to remember one storyline or important character in this game, I might just leave the room before you could finish the question. Horizon is the closest thing to a game I would call an industry plant, the most basic triple A game I’ve ever played

regge per l'originalità di storia e ambientazione ma per il resto 'nzom

great concept but gooooooooddddddaaaammmnnnnn this shit was boring
the whole gameplay was just zzzz fest even the story from what I remember was aight max but the gameplay god damn it was putting me to sleep faster than prime Mike Tyson (or maybe I m just hating on robocows idfk don't play this one unless u got sleep problems )

Very interesting story and concept. Shooting bows is always fun. Good sandbox to play against the enemies. Some cool open world encounters and missions, but ultimately the open world is the game's weakest point.

How's this even worse than i remember?

I didn’t want to play through this game for a very long time, it just didn’t touch anything in me in the first hours, but the game opens up a lot towards the middle of the game, when a more expanded shell of the plot is revealed to understand this world. I focus specifically on the plot, and it is written quite well and unfolds at a fairly good pace (well, except for the beginning).

Typical open-world gameplay didn’t really spoil the picture as a whole, but this particular one is boring and I want to criticize it, especially about the step-by-step progression through the plot and additional quests. The level system is incomprehensible, essentially affecting only the leveling tree (which, in principle, does not give much) and 10 HP for each level. There are no complaints about the main plot, but there is still a feeling that everything is crumpled into one heap and sometimes you just get overwhelmed with additional quests, especially when you decide to do it all, after some time, you no longer remember what is there. I didn’t notice grind in the game, it’s more likely that there is a lack of any variety in this regard, there are more useful activities than there are, everyone was already tired of clearing the camp of enemies even then.

Did I like it? Yes, most likely yes, and I can’t help but recommend it to anyone else, I really want to show another story about humanity and what wars, any kind, lead to, perhaps this will always be in us.

Я очень долго не хотел проходить эту игру, она просто не задевала во мне ничего в первые часы, но игра сильно раскрывается ближе к середине игры, когда более расширенная оболочка сюжета раскрывается для познания этого мира. Акцент делаю именно на сюжет, и он расписан достаточно неплохо и раскрывается в достаточно хорошем темпе(ну кроме начала).

Типичный геймплей открытого мира не испортил особо картину в целом, но конкретно этот скучен и его хочется критиковать, особенно насчет поэтапного продвижение по сюжету и дополнительных квестов. Непонятна система уровней, по сути влияющие только на дерево прокачки(которая в принципе ничего сильно не дает) и 10 хп за каждый лвлап. К основному сюжету претензий нету, но все равно есть чувство, что все скомкано в одну кучу и иногда просто заваливаешься в дополнительных квестах, особенно когда решился выполнить все это через какое время, ты уже не помнишь что там. Гринда в игре не заметил, скорее не хватает какого либо разнообразия в этом плане, больше полезных активностей, чем есть, чистить лагерь от врагов уже всем надоело еще тогда.

Понравилась ли мне? Да, скорее да, и я не могу ее не порекомендовать кому-либо еще, уж слишком хочется показать очередную историю про человечество и к чему приводят войны, любые, возможно в нас это будет всегда.

dissertar sobre esse jogo me custaria tempo, mas saiba que é uma opnião mista, jogo divertido, mas que em mais de 6 anos nunca consegui ter vontade de zerar ele.

Amazing story and engaging gameplay

robot dinosaur make happy brain

Gstei da história e worldbuilding.

daorinha , mas meio enjoativo historia mais ou menoss

Sucks I had written this off as open world schlock for so long. I really enjoyed my time with this game with a really fun story and setting with challenging combat that really opened up the further I got into it. I do have some minor issues like some of the characters being a bit goofy and the loot system being a bit overwhelming until you get the hang of it which like god of wars recent reboot that sorta makes me question if it wasn’t worth streamlining this a lot more to make things less confusing. Overall though I had a good time with this and will definitely check of the sequel I will try to write off open world games less in the future unless it’s made by Ubisoft or something.

Sinceramente Horizon é uma experiência peculiar, o jogo tem um grande potencial mas ele não é correspondido nem um pouco, sinto que ele poderia ser bem mais do que foi entregue

La paleta de colores de este juego me encanta, sus gráficos son hermosos, la historia es interesante aunque mayormente olvidable, en apartado de gameplay plantea un sigilo que no termina de cerrar del todo pero un combate con los enemigos muy divertido y que te obliga a pensar tus acciones.

How many letters are in zero dawn?
Aloy is massively unappreciated in gaming, love her sm

Estou jogando Zelda ao mesmo tempo (quase finalizando) e é impossível não dropar isso aqui. Algum dia eu pego os dois pra jogar em um embalo só e expando porque não gostei.

Um jogo que quando vi trailers não acreditei que seria real aqueles gráficos lá em 2015 eram de brilhar os olhos, nem tinha PS4 (e nem tenho ainda) e tal mas sonhava mto em jogar esse e consgui zerar no PC agr, realmente era tudo oq eu pensava JOGÃO, tive alguns bugs q incomodaram pq esse port saiu cagado mas relevei isso e terminei numa boa.

Once the world opens up, you start to wish it hadn't