Reviews from

in the past

Did not enjoy it, maybe it's because of all of the survival mechanics and boring characters.

Un juego con una ambientación muy entretenida de jugar y que me ha gustado mucho. Pero tampoco es para tirar cohetes.

من اروع العاب العالم المفتوح من ناحيه القتال ولكن القصه كانت مملة بشكل مقيت

I dont remember a single thing bout this game other than that it made me cry, dunno how it did.. just know it did

Someone thought it would be nice to put the DLC (which is supposed to be done AFTER the story) right next to the critical path.
So yeah I ended up finishing the DLC before the story and didn't understand shit, then the game was too easy because I had all buffed equip from DLC and ended up quitting.
The DLC was very fun and challenging gameplaywise though, 4 stars to that.

I like Horizon Zero Dawn a lot because it's got robot dinosaurs in it and I really think it has a fantastic story and we need to stop pretending it doesn't.

Buono, ma troppi personaggi anonimi. Anche se c'è uno che somiglia ad Onana.

Graphics - 4/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Story - 3/5

Horizon Zero Dawn blew my mind. The world is so unique, battling robot dinosaurs is intense, and Aloy is such a strong and cool character. The story had me hooked, and unravelling the mysteries of the past was gripping. My biggest gripe is that melee combat's kinda weak, but exploring this post-apocalyptic world, hunting down those massive machines, and discovering hidden ruins completely makes up for it.

Le di un try pero me acabo aburriendo quizas no estoy hecho para los mundos abiertos

I didn’t want to play through this game for a very long time, it just didn’t touch anything in me in the first hours, but the game opens up a lot towards the middle of the game, when a more expanded shell of the plot is revealed to understand this world. I focus specifically on the plot, and it is written quite well and unfolds at a fairly good pace (well, except for the beginning).

Typical open-world gameplay didn’t really spoil the picture as a whole, but this particular one is boring and I want to criticize it, especially about the step-by-step progression through the plot and additional quests. The level system is incomprehensible, essentially affecting only the leveling tree (which, in principle, does not give much) and 10 HP for each level. There are no complaints about the main plot, but there is still a feeling that everything is crumpled into one heap and sometimes you just get overwhelmed with additional quests, especially when you decide to do it all, after some time, you no longer remember what is there. I didn’t notice grind in the game, it’s more likely that there is a lack of any variety in this regard, there are more useful activities than there are, everyone was already tired of clearing the camp of enemies even then.

Did I like it? Yes, most likely yes, and I can’t help but recommend it to anyone else, I really want to show another story about humanity and what wars, any kind, lead to, perhaps this will always be in us.

Я очень долго не хотел проходить эту игру, она просто не задевала во мне ничего в первые часы, но игра сильно раскрывается ближе к середине игры, когда более расширенная оболочка сюжета раскрывается для познания этого мира. Акцент делаю именно на сюжет, и он расписан достаточно неплохо и раскрывается в достаточно хорошем темпе(ну кроме начала).

Типичный геймплей открытого мира не испортил особо картину в целом, но конкретно этот скучен и его хочется критиковать, особенно насчет поэтапного продвижение по сюжету и дополнительных квестов. Непонятна система уровней, по сути влияющие только на дерево прокачки(которая в принципе ничего сильно не дает) и 10 хп за каждый лвлап. К основному сюжету претензий нету, но все равно есть чувство, что все скомкано в одну кучу и иногда просто заваливаешься в дополнительных квестах, особенно когда решился выполнить все это через какое время, ты уже не помнишь что там. Гринда в игре не заметил, скорее не хватает какого либо разнообразия в этом плане, больше полезных активностей, чем есть, чистить лагерь от врагов уже всем надоело еще тогда.

Понравилась ли мне? Да, скорее да, и я не могу ее не порекомендовать кому-либо еще, уж слишком хочется показать очередную историю про человечество и к чему приводят войны, любые, возможно в нас это будет всегда.

dissertar sobre esse jogo me custaria tempo, mas saiba que é uma opnião mista, jogo divertido, mas que em mais de 6 anos nunca consegui ter vontade de zerar ele.

Amazing story and engaging gameplay

It’s actually stupid how this game requires you to use the main form of currency as an ingredient for making ammo. There’s a reason why items that use money are joke items in other games

Achei o ambiente e o mundo mt legal, pensar que mesmo com tanta tecnologia se o ser humano deixar ela dominar a gente teria de voltar a viver como os povos antigos me cativou, a história não é a melhor do mundo, mas é o suficiente pra te prender.
Obrigado pelo presente na pandemia, Sony

Great game Word boring side content
Technically awesome
A little bit to long

Best SP game i have ever played

No final começa a ficar meio chatinho lembro que dropei bem no boss final mas esse mundo é bem diferente do normal gostei bastante de jogar

A very solid game albeit a tad overrated. Still, as a fan of Guerrila Games from their heyday of Killzone, I'm happy to see them have made something this solid.

Creative, challenging, and fun, but the duration is a major hindrance; this game doesn't have enough interesting content for 40 or 50 hours.

Cenários incríveis, batalhas com gameplay muito bem feita e uma história decente. Só não dou nota máxima porque acho que o jogo não consegue se sustentar muito no pós-game.

It truly is one of the games of all time

Before playing this game I watched a complete playthrough of it, and inmediately went and bought it. The trailer from the E3 announcement fascinated me, I think I watched it many times, and showed it to people constantly. But I didn't have a PS4, so I don't know if I expected to play it. I ended up asking for someone to lend me their console in exchange for me lending them the game afterwards.

And this game was massive for me. The landscape was breathtaking all the time, an aesthetic I later found out the developers called BBC documentary sunset visuals, or something like that. The story is such a masterpiece, with this post apocalyptic optimism, the different tribes, the deep characters, the beautiful performances, the character arcs... And the protagonist was voiced by Ashly Burch, who I loved and looked up to so much. There is all these different costume designs for the different tribes, the art scattered around, the architecture, the machines, the mountains where the machines are manufactured, and so much more that felt beautiful and meaningful and intentional.
The different weapons and armors for your character were awesome, I went crazy for all the artistic details. I looked through the profiles and portfolios of every artist from the game I could find, collecting images and videos of all the elements.

I played this game with minimal HUD, no map, no health bars, I just wanted to basically be Aloy while playing the game. No fast travel either. And I did almost 100% of it, just missing the story line of the murderer, which I messed up by moving away slightly too far from the guy at the wrong time and wouldn't let me do it anymore, but I decided to not care.

I have many feelings for this game and all of them are amazing.

currently playing through fw and i still do love this game esp for its story but my god does fw just do everything better gameplay wise

epa ja tentei jogar esta merda 4 vezes, tipo o mundo e tal é giro mas sempre que ha um cutscene e so a gaja a falar pra parede, a gameplay e fixola mas epa ja n aguento
e a haloy nao tem personalidade sem ser uma mulher empoderada

overrated dull and boring u cant convince me you enjoyed this

Uma das maiores belezas gráficas já feitas