Reviews from

in the past

I don't understand how people can like it.

Yes, the atmosphere felt good when I first played, but the game was extremely boring from the very beginning. I'm not going to badmouth it here as it might be a personal thing, but simply, i don't like this and i dont think i can ever like.

How can something this well made and with so much potential and looks fucking amazing be so fucking boring at times?
The game is great when you're fighting them but thats it.
Project Zero Dawn is cool to I guess.
How could they fuck this up this game has everything it needs to be solid as fuck but It falls flat on so many surfaces.
forgetable charactes
Weird fucking world design, you have the amazing fucking map filled with cool shit to explore but you also fill it with the most pointless side shit possible.
this is a brain boiler, I'm never playing it again.

I hardly remember much about this game’s story at all whenever I did play it.!I just laughed at the beginning with the child version of Aloy that reminded me of the kid version of the Jim Carrey Grinch lol. Forbidden west certainly had better story parts that were more memorable, but not by too much.

story is interesting at the start but then i just lost interest the combat is awful all the machines feel like bullet sponges

-First trailer comes out:
+Oh shit. It looks something like shadow of the colossus puzzle bosses (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)

-Reviews comes out.
+They say it's a open world ubisoft style game.

-My expectations get shattered.
+But friend convinces me it's gonna be great, so I buy it.

-Turns out It's a grab plant/climb tower/craft garbage kinda ubisoft game first, boss game second.


not a terrible game, the stealth was kind of fun and the combat wasn't too bad but I was not at all invested in the story. the only thing that really stood out to me was the designs for the robots. I thought they were well made and looked interesting. besides that the game to me is just pretty mediocre.

Highly polished and technically impressive mediocrity. But I don't hate this game. I played it to completion and even did the Frozen Wilds too.

Horizon Zero Dawn takes so many AAA game ideas/mechanics that have been done to death during the PS3-PS4 era and throws them all together in a big, bland bowl of soup. Then makes it look real nice and throws in some cool enemies. The open world, collectables, things to pick up, crafting, climbing, traversal, side quests, side activities and light RPG elements are all borrowed from other games and uninspired. Almost every character interaction and cut scene caused my neck to lose all strength, my head rolled back and I let out an intense groan of boredom.

The absolute high points of this game are the mystery and details of what happened to the world and the mystery of who the main character is. The other great thing is of course fights with the machine enemies. But even this which was so fun at first becomes a little tiresome as the game over stays it's welcome.

This might all sound pretty negative but it's still good enough that I finished it and then had a little more. It is a perfectly fine game that scratches some kind of itch I have in my brain. Just don't play too many games like this too often or you'll get burnt out.


Estou jogando Zelda ao mesmo tempo (quase finalizando) e é impossível não dropar isso aqui. Algum dia eu pego os dois pra jogar em um embalo só e expando porque não gostei.

Tem várias ideias legais aqui, mas o mundo aberto à la ubisoft me tirou totalmente a vontade de explorar, chegou um ponto que eu só queria seguir a história pra finalizar logo.

Joguei cerca de 5 horas e nem a história e nem o gameplay conseguiram me prender. Talvez um dia eu retorne e tente começar do zero.

Literally had robot dinosaurs and made the most bland videogame ever (except maybe days gone )

Meu primeiro jogo no PS4. E que jogo!
O mundo aberto é lindo, as máquinas, a primeira vista, são impressionantes (detalhes incríveis). O combate é o ponto alto, rápido, empolgante. Enfim, a jogabilidade é realmente muito boa. Algumas coisas do mundo são repetitivas, as vezes não agregam em nada, mas ainda assim explorar o mundo é satisfatório.

I feel conflicted about this title. I don't think it is "One of the Best Open-World Games of This Generation" as Gamespot put it...But I certainly think this game has more to offer than its most outspoken critics.

Its lore is rich , its machine combat exciting, its world breathtakingly beautiful. I think Aloy is a great protagonist and think where the story goes is rather interesting. But I don't blame anyone for not getting to that good stuff before falling off.

This is a game that is brought down heavily by its pace. It takes hours for the real gameplay to start. And for a game with such attention to machine combat you really spend most of the adventure fighting boring humans in low stakes fights that feel like effortless target practice. I think if this game didn't include many of the RPG trappings that bog it down we would have a really tightly made game.

I like Horizon Zero Dawn, I think it's a good game. But I don't think it's a must play, and I don't blame anyone for disliking it.

esse jogo ele e tão interessante mas sei la tão chato ao mesmo tempo, nunca zerei e se pa nem vou, muito chatinn

This game looks and feels like someone asked chat gpt to give them a game with robot dinosaurs in it and that was like the only criteria they gave it. Everything else besides the dinosaurs is so flavorless and uninspiring.

já faz uns 2 meses que tento baixar esse jogo e jogar pra mais de 1h, mas toda vez me sobe um sono desgraçado e eu acabo fechando o jogo e indo fazer outra coisa, ahhh que jogo ruim cara, simplesmente impossível de jogar, não tem identidade própria alguma, o mundo aberto é mais vazio que a cabeça do Davy Jones, a aloy tem o carisma de uma pedra, os personagens são chatos, a história parece até legal, os gráficos realmente são belos, mas é tentar tirar uma pepita de ouro de um monte de merda em volta

é o jogo mais sem carisma possível da Sony, simplesmente insuportável esse jogo, revoltante o quão sem graça ele é, é o primeiro jogo que fico revoltado jogando do tão chato que é, não consigo jogar isso

só não dou zero porque não tem como, não tenho interesse nenhum em jogar a sequência, não importa se é melhor, não importa msm, não me desceu esse jogo aqui, longe dos melhores exclusivos da Sony, consegue ser pior que Days Gone

A 6 anos atrás eu via a gameplay do Alanzoka jogando isso, pela primeira vez eu vi quanto um jogo pode ser semelhante a realidade mesmo tendo conceitos absurdos, e o quanto esse jogo era bonito, foi o que mais me pegou, mas ele me ganhou de fato no momento em que eu vi aquelas incontáveis formigas em uma arvore, um pequeno detalhe que me fez percebe a magnitude do que é o videogame
Todos esses conceito foram apresentados de uma vez para mim, e foi ali que minha paixão por jogar só aumentou

6 anos depois eu finalmente consegui uma maquina potente o suficiente para pode experimentar esse jogo pela primeira vez, e todas as vezes que eu entrava no jogo, era um colírio para os meus olhos, esse jogo ta cheio de defeitos, e definitivamente eh um dos mundo abertos mais entediantes que eu já joguei, mas caça DINOSSAUROS ROBOS eh muito foda, e o enredo está cheio de reviravoltas e conceitos absurdos que me encantaram

Eu estou definitivamente satisfeito e muito feliz

Nossa, que jogo maravilhoso! Foi primeiro jogo de mundo aberto que zerei e me inspirou a jogar outros jogos de mundo aberto. Amo essa ideia de misturar maquinas, mundo aberto e ao mesmo tempo uma pegada mais selvagem. Os gráficos são lindos demais tanto para a época quanto hoje em dia, história fenomenal e encantadora, gameplay e criaturas magnificas. Jogo bom demais, super recomendo!

I'm sure that if this game was in the hands of more competent videogame developers, it would actively get me interested in the story more and I would probably take my sweet ass time reading the logs and all that. It wouldn't be hard to make me interested in logs, Resident Evil 5 managed to do it. Half of the interest comes from the logs being from a franchise I hold near and dear to my heart but the other half is due to game being interesting and enjoyable enough to the point where I felt the need to know more about the story. And the other 33% is Albert Wesker being fuh-knee. (Dees Dude went from talking about halves to thirds, what a JERK!)

Did this game even have sound design? Lance Reddick was in it. RIP, he was my favourite Reddit. I wish this game wasn't just a simulator to walk across the planet. Guys that I talked to two seconds ago that I had to run 3000 ingame steps toward tell me "I'm glad you came here. Let's continue this conversation over there" as he points behind me. I turn to see where he was pointing. By the time I turn my head back to him, he's gone. My quest marker says I need to move 3000 ingame steps back where I came from. I laugh, but the joke wasn't funny.

I love fighting sponges with no AI, cause there's something really cool in a videogame where you arbitrarily take the right amount of steps backward that bugs the thing you're fighting from moving as it just stares at you while you pelt it with arrows for sixteen years.

I can't wait to play the next videogame in this series where Aloy grows hair on her cheeks and has a red stain on her underwear, and she has IBS and

Fighting giant animal robots with a bow and a bunch of traps was definitely the highlight of the game. The characters and places were all really forgettable, but the lore of Aloy and the world were intriguing to me.
It's a fine open world adventure which cool robots.

This game left 0 impact on me except for a cool ass lego set I got

great concept but gooooooooddddddaaaammmnnnnn this shit was boring
the whole gameplay was just zzzz fest even the story from what I remember was aight max but the gameplay god damn it was putting me to sleep faster than prime Mike Tyson (or maybe I m just hating on robocows idfk don't play this one unless u got sleep problems )

The technical polish and graphics are definitely above average for a game like this, but the whole experience is extremely derivative. Think Spiderman PS4 with worse pacing, writing, voice acting, story, combat... everything really. Side quests are very repetitive and lazily made and the game as a whole does not take advantage of being open world at all. Very often you'll just end up doing some hunting quest ripped straight out of the shovelware "hunters trophy 2 America" on ps3. Which is to say, mindlessly chasing a trail of glowing mist to find where the game wants you to go.

Gathering items to heal and refill ammo just gets tedious over time. Like cool just did a difficult fight, time to pick up 20 flowers and 20 sticks again and watch the grab animation on every single one. The rpg mechanics feel very unimportant as levelling up is really only for the most basic skill tree possible and it's not often you even find gear worth buying. The main character gets more exhausting the more she talks, which is constantly. There's not a single interesting character in general. Decent presentation for story early on, quickly devolves into cheap ugly Skyrim type back and forth for most of the game. Combat CAN have satisfying moments but a lot of big enemies don't have realistic weight to them, making it hard to hit their weak spots as they rotate almost like an mmo boss or twitch around. And it being almost exclusively ranged focused feels repetitive after 40+ hours.

A few decent moments here and there and some mindless Ubisoft open world gameplay at best. Can't help but constantly ask myself "Why did they bother making this?" Like on an artistic level a game like this CAN'T be a passion project. Feels focus tested beyond belief. A completely overproduced void of uninspired, tired mechanics taken from an entire decade of factory produced cynical corporate tripleA shovelware.

Idk call me a gaming snob if you want, I totally understand someone who's less picky about this kind of thing having a blast. It works well, looks pretty, you shoot the big robot over and over again for hours...You can easily get 40+ hours out of the game...And that's all some people need. I don't consider myself that much of a snob tho like bro I'll stream the Cars 2 game over a laggy connection and have fun with it. I just don't respect games like this whatsoever. Fun fact I found this game so painfully mid it's what got me to start reviewing games on sites like this. (Recently moved over to this one after being on a different site for about a year, lovin you guys already <3)

Really cool concept that got old fast because the robots all feel the same. I enjoyed it for a bit but the open world bloat of most AAA games bog it down.

Got about 5 hours in when i realized how boring, generic, and one note the story was, along with ok gameplay. along with dialouge that sounds generated by AI this was a waste of time

Nothing bad about it but something bland about it. pretty standard open world with cool robo Dino idea

love the open world, mechanics and difficulty

It’s actually stupid how this game requires you to use the main form of currency as an ingredient for making ammo. There’s a reason why items that use money are joke items in other games