Reviews from

in the past

Grafikler güzel. Senaryo ilgi çekici, fena değil. Oynanış fena değil ama açık dünya yapısı sürekli diğer oyunlarda da sıkça gördüğümüz ve kendini tekrar eden yapıda. Bu sebeple bir süre sonra odak kayboluyor ve sonlara doğru sıkılmaya başlıyorsunuz. Oyunu bitirme motivasyonumu bir yerden sonra sadece ana görevleri yaparak sağlayabildim. Devam oyununu ise merak ettirmeyi başardı. Fena olmayan bir deneyimdi. Eğlenebildim.

Worst game I've ever played literally broke while I was playing and is unbeatable for me lmao.


I like this game especially because of the story and lore of the world and the gameplay is fun I just don’t love some of the side content and sometimes the game just feels tedious but i really like it still I think after platinuming this game really made me finalize my opinion that while I really enjoy this game I think its not really a game that I love

traversal is kind of weird and while the idea of the machines becoming kind of animals is cool it really did not grab me so when I stopped playing a couple of hours in I never played it again.

How many people did Aloy actually get on with in this game

You'd look at a premise like, "redhead fights robot dinosaurs with just a bow and arrows" and think it'd be hard to make it make sense, but holy sh*t do they ever.

Não me prendeu na história, e o mundo aberto não é muito divertido

This is a really solid game. That being said, I have no desire to play the sequel.

Cenários incríveis, batalhas com gameplay muito bem feita e uma história decente. Só não dou nota máxima porque acho que o jogo não consegue se sustentar muito no pós-game.

This game has a great world, but I think the gameplay falls short. At least for me, fighting the robo dinos just didn't feel super fluid. I'd usually just end up brute forcing my way through fights because setting up a bunch of traps was just too much of a hassle. The story was really the only thing keeping me playing. Play it if it's on sale and you wanna explore a cool post-apocalyptic earth with robo dinos.

I don't think this game gets the love it deserves. The story is very creative and the gameplay is so fun. I had a blast!

Interesting concept. Terrible execution.

Horizon: Zero Dawn was a game I was pretty excited to see being sold for free. However, it disappointed me completely. The overall narrative and plot is pretty cool, but the dialogue is SO boring and uninteresting. The open world aspect of it also fails to amaze me. It feels so restrictive and it doesn't encourage exploration like other open world games... COUGH GOUGH breath of the wild COUGH COUGH.

I'm not gonna lie tho, crafting is cool and hunting down robots is super cool!

Assim como eu disse na review da continuação dessa série, devo admitir que o jogo é realmente sem """alma""", fiz lembranças muito boas na época que estava jogando ele e meio que entrelaçou nele de tabela, a história é bem melhor que a continuação porém continua sendo um pouco mediana, o plot é incrível e a construção de mundo ainda melhor.

Vale 5 estrelas pra mim mesmo sendo um AAA genérico.

This is what would have happened if Google glass succeeded

muito gostosinho de fazer missao de jogar e tal belo cenario bela mundo tlgd... gosto da personagem...

Amazing game! One of the best RPGs I have played in the last decade!

The graphic is beautiful and nice to look at. The story and combat are good. My biggest problem with the game is the way it marks the way to the quest. It just show a symbol in the world to which the player is supposed to go to. But sometimes the mark is placed at a weird location

La paleta de colores de este juego me encanta, sus gráficos son hermosos, la historia es interesante aunque mayormente olvidable, en apartado de gameplay plantea un sigilo que no termina de cerrar del todo pero un combate con los enemigos muy divertido y que te obliga a pensar tus acciones.

Buono, ma troppi personaggi anonimi. Anche se c'è uno che somiglia ad Onana.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 73/100
Playtime: ~30 Hours

A game that was a mixed bag. The story wasn't particularly standout to me, and it took way too long for me to really get grabbed. I almost gave up around three hours in, but I had kept hearing how good this was, but it may have been built up too high. The combat was pretty fun when you start to learn the weaknesses, and the graphics still look great. Unfortunately the voice acting was mostly bad, and some of the animations were weird. A positive was that once it picked up it didn't overstay it's welcome, with only a thirty hour runtime to get the platinum.