Reviews from

in the past

Meu primeiro jogo no PS4. E que jogo!
O mundo aberto é lindo, as máquinas, a primeira vista, são impressionantes (detalhes incríveis). O combate é o ponto alto, rápido, empolgante. Enfim, a jogabilidade é realmente muito boa. Algumas coisas do mundo são repetitivas, as vezes não agregam em nada, mas ainda assim explorar o mundo é satisfatório.

Played this game once before when it released. For some reason I just couldn't get into it.
Upon playing it again and once I got used to the combat the game was a breeze.
Not much to say about, wasn't overly impressed. I hope the sequel more than makes up for it's lackluster predecessor.

Was decent but nothing special and became too tedious to manage resources and hunt bullet sponges. Moved on to other games.

Almost had an aneurisms trying to get platinum in this

This game is kinda boring but It looks good 👍

"Elisabet, being smart will count for nothing if you don't make the world better. You have to use your smarts to count for something, to serve life, not death."

~Anyway, that's all I've got for now, GAIA. Time to tuck in.~

most overrated game series in the modern era but its still visually stunning

Faz um certo tempo que joguei, mas me lembro de me divertir com esse jogo. O mundo aberto massivo me atraía muito, eu nos meus 17 anos me diverti explorando cada canto do mapa e fazendo várias side quests.

A história e o universo que criaram é muito interessante e bem criativa. A premissa de um mundo primitivo permeado pelas tecnologias que o destruíram é intrigante e faz com que você queira jogar a história para descobrir o que aconteceu. Isso funciona muito bem, apesar da história ter um pequeno problema de ritmo em certas partes. Alloy é uma protagonista interessante, mas os demais personagens não me atraem muito.

A gameplay também é divertida e o jogo era um primor técnico em sua época. Destaque para as animações das máquinas e a grande diversidade delas.

É um excelente jogo, rende muitas horas de diversão, mas ao mesmo tempo parece muito genérico em diversos aspectos, talvez por isso não seja tão marcante entre gamers.

clone open world/skill tree/picking berries to make a upgradable weapon that does +.7 damage game but add shitty CG dialogue animations

epa ja tentei jogar esta merda 4 vezes, tipo o mundo e tal é giro mas sempre que ha um cutscene e so a gaja a falar pra parede, a gameplay e fixola mas epa ja n aguento
e a haloy nao tem personalidade sem ser uma mulher empoderada

i really liked this game. the gameplay is pretty standard (although i love the emphasis on archery), but the story. holy shit. i love the story of this game, i was thinking about it when i wasn't playing it and rarely did anything outside of the main storyline because i was just that invested. i really like this game and would recommend it to most people. every once in a while i log on and just look for more trinkets for achievements so i can eventually plat it even though it's likely to never happen.

Got about 5 hours in when i realized how boring, generic, and one note the story was, along with ok gameplay. along with dialouge that sounds generated by AI this was a waste of time

É um game bem Ubisoftizado certamente, mas o que me pegou ainda mais de maneira negativa foi a falta de carisma dos personagens em si. Incrível como conseguem parecer tão genéricos do inicio ao fim!

Talvez um dos pontos que leva a isso é as expressões faciais que são quase inexistentes, e tbm os diálogos que prendem pouco. Até mesmo a dublagem brasileira eu achei um tanto engessada, talvez por conta das vozes originais tbm serem.

Já os gráficos são muito bonitos, não só em questão de textura, iluminação etc. Mas também na maneira como os cenários são feitos, dando um visual exótico e com cores lindas ao jogo.

A versão pra PC eu achei absurdamente bem polida. O game rodou liso do início ao fim em 2k no ultra na minha placa 3060ti. É um dos jogos mais bem otimizados que já experimentei na plataforma. Não tive um mínimo travamento ou queda de frames!

A trilha sonora é legalzinho e ajuda a dar o tom mais épico que o jogo pede. Assim como algumas cinemática importantes pra trama que são sensacionais, fazendo parecer que você está vendo um filme de animação!

Mas infelizmente a grande parte das cutscenes que não estão em momentos chaves do jogo são bem mal dirigidas. Com ângulos e transições horríveis. Dando até uma impressão que foram feitas na pressa ou com preguiça.

Da mesma maneira que não me importei muito com os personagens, com a história foi menos ainda. Achei um enredo batido e bem monótono a maior parte do tempo. Se senti alguma minima empolgação na história foi em uma ou duas partes somente.

As máquinas que compõem o mapa são legais, você poder admirar seus designer e as partes sendo destruidas é um entretenimebto a parte. Inclusive, o combate com as mesmas é divertidinho. Esperava um pouco mais, mas é funcional.

Talvez uma boa pedida fosse ter uma variedade maior de máquinas. Depois de algumas horas começa a ficar repetitivo. E pra piorar os chefes da campanha principal são pouco inspirados. Aí isso acaba não beneficiando muito o jogo também!

A versão que tenho possui a DLC mas infelizmente não sei se a jogarei tão cedo. A experiência que tive zerando a campanha principal já foi o suficiente pra me cansar de ver esse jogo. Ele tem seus pontos positivos, mas tinha potencial pra ir além do que entregaram!

This game should be right up my alley, dinosaurs, cool ancient tribes with interesting stories, giant open world rpg, yet every single time I try to play I feel like I'm playing "generic open world rpg simulator" the game. I want to love this game so badly, but 6 years and a dozen tries later I still cannot get into it.

Promising world turned boring. Repetitive combat and a bit underwhelming story

Very pretty, but just didn't grab me. World and story seem promising, but the gameplay feels too... generic? Idk maybe I'll get back to it

Plagued with all the problems of a modern AAA open world game while capitalizing on exactly nothing cool about the "hunt robot dinosaurs" premise.

Played on PS5 in back compat at 60FPS. I did not actually play this game for 50 hours. The in game clock keeps running when you are paused, which I probably did from somewhere between 15-20 hours. That being said, I played it plenty. I played for many hours a year or so ago, and dropped it. But hearing of how good Forbidden West was encouraged me to pick it up and try to finish it, just mainlining the story quests (something I never do, because I like to take my time in games and see everything).

There is almost nothing redeeming about this game. The combat is its strongest suit but eventually devolves into peppering spongy tank enemies with an endless amount of arrows, or fighting ENTIRELY too large of crowds of robot dinos. You can never just travel across the open world, it is littered with enemies at every corner, and they are ALL hostile. This one redeeming quality has many caveats, both listed here and not.

But the truly offensive parts of this game are its traversal, its polish, and its story. The polish is rough. Most cutscenes have extreme pop-in, glitchy audio, poor facial and character animations, and horribly overwritten and trite dialogue.

It's world isn't just archaic, it was put to shame a few days after it came out by Breath of the Wild. Sure, not every open world game needs to have climbing on anything, but truly here it is an open world game for the sake of nothing but being open world. There is no explanation, verticality is rare and gated by hard to see "yellow" climb markers, and trying to get up anywhere higher than sea level is a glitchy mess. The developers did not INTEND for people to actually go to any vantage point or climb. This is clear by the impossibility of scaling any mountain (of which there are many). You will ALWAYS need to go around mountains. Thank God for the fast travel system because every main story quest completed will give you your next objective ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. What is the point of such shiny graphics if your interaction with the world is all about picking up piles of crafting materials, over and over again. MOST OF THIS GAME IS ABOUT PICKING UP FUCKING CRAFTING MATERIALS.

Finally, this might be the worst story ever told in a videogame. Just complete gobbeldygook. I am willing to forgive, and even try to enjoy it's basic premise that sounds like it was written by a 12 year old (robots dinosaurs in the post apocalyptic world inhabited by futuristic natives!) but the "mystery" unraveled by playing is so convoluted, so nonsensical, so poorly explained, so filled with nonsense jargon and ridiculous plot elements with no cohesion or connection or explanation, that by the end I was groaning in pain trying to finish it out. There's GAIA, Hades, Alpha Protocol, The Spire, the corruption (WHAT EVEN WAS THIS??) and a whole bunch of other GARBAGE that had no connection. Does Aloy have to make a stupid comments every time I do something?? Much like attack on titan, you can tell this story was written as they were going along, with deus ex machina after machina being shoved in. Not even to mention its awful pacing. Not even to mention the part near the end where you go to the ruins and it's so hard to navigate after finding the journals that I was lost for 20 minutes on two separate occasions). Just truly without redeeming quality (other than the fact that you can turn off most of the awful HUD, and that you can make it be far less offensively hand holdy).

I like most 1st party Sony games but fuck this. It is everything wrong with contemporary game design and studio priorities. I hope the developers learned their lesson when they got made fun of for being archaic when Elden Ring came out. DO BETTER AND QUIT MAKING ART BY COMMITTEE.

The story started out amazing. I loved every second of it. Then, it got a little slow. But then, it picked up big time. But the ending was kinda disappointing and anti climatic. The gameplay was very fun at first, but it was very uneven later on. I only used the bow and nothing else, and the game was too easy for me but I was on hard mode. None of the side quests were appealing for me, I did none of them. All in all, the is was a GREAT game that dropped the ball and turned into a ok game. But definitely a shot checking out.


Horizon Zero Dawn takes an incredible concept and fails to deliver on anything but looks.

I was extremely harsh on this game when I first played it. Do I think it’s good now? Fuck no. But I can admit that I may have just been in the wrong place mentally to give my true thoughts at the time, and what was happening outside of video games, in my own life, was weighing down on my enjoyment of my favorite pastime.

However, the game is still simply not good. Characters are forgettably crafted with nothing of substance to say and uninspired, PG-13 dialogue. The story is another run-of-the-mill “Heroes Vs. Villains” superhero trope we’ve seen a million times (by 2017), and they somehow made not only the combat boring, but even the background and history of robot dinosaurs.

I did run into some technical issues where Aloy would get stuck in between terrain or crates during combat, which is odd considering this is a first party, narrative driven sony IP. I was playing on PS5, to be clear.

As I said, they made fighting robot dinosaurs boring, but they also made it too abundant. Way too often you find yourself trying to simply progress the game, only to get interrupted by constant encounters. This isn’t Pokémon, get this shit out of my face.

There just isn’t a whole lot to praise this game for outside of how it looks, and even that’s not all that impressive when it came out a year after Uncharted 4.

A visually stunning game is weighed down by uninteresting characters, boring dialogue, and a forgettable plot. 4/10.

Uninteresting dialogue and not so beautiful NPC animation but it's a fun game

Pensa num jogo chato e repetitivo

they finally made a game for lobotomy victims

At the time I was fascinated by this game, and I managed to complete (not by trophies) most areas of the game. I am very satisfied with how I played it and sometimes I wish I could wipe my own memory to play it all over again

aloy made me feel represented as a fellow autistic lesbian misandrist