Reviews from

in the past

An admirable concept and art design that falls apart due to relatively weak story and gameplay loop that while its not bad, was not enough to keep me playing.

Gráficos, mundo e gameplay muito boas, mas a história deixou a desejar, na minha opinião.


Horizon Zero Dawn takes an incredible concept and fails to deliver on anything but looks.

I was extremely harsh on this game when I first played it. Do I think it’s good now? Fuck no. But I can admit that I may have just been in the wrong place mentally to give my true thoughts at the time, and what was happening outside of video games, in my own life, was weighing down on my enjoyment of my favorite pastime.

However, the game is still simply not good. Characters are forgettably crafted with nothing of substance to say and uninspired, PG-13 dialogue. The story is another run-of-the-mill “Heroes Vs. Villains” superhero trope we’ve seen a million times (by 2017), and they somehow made not only the combat boring, but even the background and history of robot dinosaurs.

I did run into some technical issues where Aloy would get stuck in between terrain or crates during combat, which is odd considering this is a first party, narrative driven sony IP. I was playing on PS5, to be clear.

As I said, they made fighting robot dinosaurs boring, but they also made it too abundant. Way too often you find yourself trying to simply progress the game, only to get interrupted by constant encounters. This isn’t Pokémon, get this shit out of my face.

There just isn’t a whole lot to praise this game for outside of how it looks, and even that’s not all that impressive when it came out a year after Uncharted 4.

A visually stunning game is weighed down by uninteresting characters, boring dialogue, and a forgettable plot. 4/10.

Uninteresting dialogue and not so beautiful NPC animation but it's a fun game

Pensa num jogo chato e repetitivo

Played on PS5 in back compat at 60FPS. I did not actually play this game for 50 hours. The in game clock keeps running when you are paused, which I probably did from somewhere between 15-20 hours. That being said, I played it plenty. I played for many hours a year or so ago, and dropped it. But hearing of how good Forbidden West was encouraged me to pick it up and try to finish it, just mainlining the story quests (something I never do, because I like to take my time in games and see everything).

There is almost nothing redeeming about this game. The combat is its strongest suit but eventually devolves into peppering spongy tank enemies with an endless amount of arrows, or fighting ENTIRELY too large of crowds of robot dinos. You can never just travel across the open world, it is littered with enemies at every corner, and they are ALL hostile. This one redeeming quality has many caveats, both listed here and not.

But the truly offensive parts of this game are its traversal, its polish, and its story. The polish is rough. Most cutscenes have extreme pop-in, glitchy audio, poor facial and character animations, and horribly overwritten and trite dialogue.

It's world isn't just archaic, it was put to shame a few days after it came out by Breath of the Wild. Sure, not every open world game needs to have climbing on anything, but truly here it is an open world game for the sake of nothing but being open world. There is no explanation, verticality is rare and gated by hard to see "yellow" climb markers, and trying to get up anywhere higher than sea level is a glitchy mess. The developers did not INTEND for people to actually go to any vantage point or climb. This is clear by the impossibility of scaling any mountain (of which there are many). You will ALWAYS need to go around mountains. Thank God for the fast travel system because every main story quest completed will give you your next objective ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. What is the point of such shiny graphics if your interaction with the world is all about picking up piles of crafting materials, over and over again. MOST OF THIS GAME IS ABOUT PICKING UP FUCKING CRAFTING MATERIALS.

Finally, this might be the worst story ever told in a videogame. Just complete gobbeldygook. I am willing to forgive, and even try to enjoy it's basic premise that sounds like it was written by a 12 year old (robots dinosaurs in the post apocalyptic world inhabited by futuristic natives!) but the "mystery" unraveled by playing is so convoluted, so nonsensical, so poorly explained, so filled with nonsense jargon and ridiculous plot elements with no cohesion or connection or explanation, that by the end I was groaning in pain trying to finish it out. There's GAIA, Hades, Alpha Protocol, The Spire, the corruption (WHAT EVEN WAS THIS??) and a whole bunch of other GARBAGE that had no connection. Does Aloy have to make a stupid comments every time I do something?? Much like attack on titan, you can tell this story was written as they were going along, with deus ex machina after machina being shoved in. Not even to mention its awful pacing. Not even to mention the part near the end where you go to the ruins and it's so hard to navigate after finding the journals that I was lost for 20 minutes on two separate occasions). Just truly without redeeming quality (other than the fact that you can turn off most of the awful HUD, and that you can make it be far less offensively hand holdy).

I like most 1st party Sony games but fuck this. It is everything wrong with contemporary game design and studio priorities. I hope the developers learned their lesson when they got made fun of for being archaic when Elden Ring came out. DO BETTER AND QUIT MAKING ART BY COMMITTEE.

most overrated game series in the modern era but its still visually stunning

Creative, challenging, and fun, but the duration is a major hindrance; this game doesn't have enough interesting content for 40 or 50 hours.

You have an open world game littered by awesome robot dinosaurs and the only memorable thing about this entire game is how it got utterly mogged by Breath of the Wild.

Its ok and that's it, very repetirive but good looking, couldn't play more than the first 10 hora aprox

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It's a nice RPG game, but lacks on interesting side quests and other thing, if you're gonna put choices in your game, make them really alter the course, this game simply gives you choices, but the choices don't matter in the end of the day. Textures could be better. Is a fun game to play and what makes it a 4 to me is the INSANE story, the idea of the humans making machines to replace animals, is really simple, but also quite philosophic. When you're playing, you be like: "Of course some AI turned evil and bla bla". NO my friend, it was an architected solution by human design. Just for that, it receives 4.

Meio pá mas acaba rápido então tudo bem.

Somehow got this game cheap as fuck in 2017 and playing it broke my 13 year old Fortnite addiction. I also didn't own a switch so I couldn't play the alternative of BOTW...

jogo lindo, mas um mundo aberto morto, apesar de ter milhares de missões secundaria se repete muito, os desenvolvedores acharam que encher o mapa de inimigos deixaria o game "vivo" mas só causa frustação em que toda hora você se vê fugindo de monstros de levels mais alto, além de um modo historia um pouco fraco, mas como todo o jogo tem sua beleza.

What I liked about the game was the world and the setting in general. I thought that the way technology and nature were combined in this unique setting was very exciting and cool. This also applies to the enemy designs, the cities, the cultures, etc. I was also impressed by the music, very nice melodies, great tracks for every situation. Unfortunately, I didn't like the story too much. I seriously predicted the big "twist" in the first 10 minutes of the game, but had hoped that the game would have more to offer in terms of story. I was wrong :D Still, I had enough fun to stick with it, but have no interest in a second playthrough or the sequel.

epa ja tentei jogar esta merda 4 vezes, tipo o mundo e tal é giro mas sempre que ha um cutscene e so a gaja a falar pra parede, a gameplay e fixola mas epa ja n aguento
e a haloy nao tem personalidade sem ser uma mulher empoderada

At the time I was fascinated by this game, and I managed to complete (not by trophies) most areas of the game. I am very satisfied with how I played it and sometimes I wish I could wipe my own memory to play it all over again

Achei o ambiente e o mundo mt legal, pensar que mesmo com tanta tecnologia se o ser humano deixar ela dominar a gente teria de voltar a viver como os povos antigos me cativou, a história não é a melhor do mundo, mas é o suficiente pra te prender.
Obrigado pelo presente na pandemia, Sony

Joguei por 2 horas no PS4 e larguei.

Its like an Ubisoft OpenWorld Game but without any microtransactions.

Pretty good game, loved that alloy can climb anything if you are patient enough.
Would have liked better bows so i could do more damage. Also the game on hard has machines that can one shot you anyway.
Boring story.

A game that I found was carried very hard by its incredible story and endearing characters. The mystery of what Zero Dawn is, and where Aloy came from has to be one of the most engaging stories in gaming I have seen. I loved every second of it.

What I didn't love as much were its combat, its RPG-like mechanics, and some of the world exploration. Fighting the robots themselves wasn't too bad, even if the spear was barely ever useful, but what I disliked most was the constant need to find new long-ranged weapons and armour sets that would have the stats I was looking for. It almost reminded me of a looter shooter, which put me off quite a lot.

Crafting was also somewhat annoying, though it wasn't a game-breaker for me. The limited item space did completely turn me off from it though, as I always felt I was running out of space.

The ending also felt a bit lacking, not that I expected a huge boss but to get what we got felt a bit lacklustre after everything the player had gone through. This game is still worth your time, but just know there are some flaws before diving in.

I came away from this game with no strong feelings. In all aspects it’s just Fine. The combat is probably the best part, the story is not terrible but kind of slow, and I found the characters forgettable. While I believe that in general ultra high-fidelity graphics are detrimental to game design, I can’t deny that this world is very pretty and sometimes it is fun to just look at it lol. Open world definitely a detriment and I can imagine another version of this game that is not open-world with well-designed levels and a tighter story and really cool boss fights oh if only…overall I didn’t have a bad time with this game but I’m not passionate about it and idk if I’ll ever get around to the sequel.

It truly is one of the games of all time