Reviews from

in the past

In the late phrase of the 360's life, developers KT racing, under the famous BigBen banner, released a bunch of very obscure European 360 games, and I love them for it. I mean the majority of them are very bad, but it's a nice weird subset of the consoles library. Here we have one of their 3 attempts at a hunting game, the only one released on disk. Hunter's Trophy Europa puts you in the shoes of random bald expressive hunting guy. This is important as you will see him every time you finish or fail a level as he flaps his hands in the air without saying anything. It's slightly unnerving, and perhaps the most interesting aspect of the game. The game is fairly standard hunting-fare for the most part. Killing innocent animals for fun in a nice forested area and walking around in first person trying to sniff out animal turds. There are a couple of things that set KT racing's effort apart from the other hunting sims on the console. Firstly the game is segmented into tiny and very short levels. You are often given one target, a time limit and a small area to work in. This is a real bummer as it really takes away from the relaxing feeling some hunting games have and makes the game quite stressful. The other unique aspect is your dog which can be used to follow scents. This small respite from the standard duck shooting has you chasing a red cloud of fart in a black and white environment. It's kinda cool at first, but gets old quick. Why does this game suck? Well for one the controls are terrible, aiming the gun feels like those weird PC ports where the mouse hasn't been ported to a console properly. Another important part is that animals are so easy to scare. Repeating deer killing levels again and again just because you shot them in slightly the wrong place is no fun. There is also a mega unnecessary bullet time slow mo, WTF? Is it worth playing in 2023, no. Was it worth playing when released, no. Do i still kinda like it, yes.