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I honestly feel like Hylics is more of an experience than a game. Just taking a glance at it, Hylics isn’t anything special. It has basic jrpg gameplay, boring level design, and almost no customization for your loadouts. However, Hylics makes up for all of this with its unique art and presentation. Every frame of this game is so surreal and hypnotic to look at, the music makes it feel like everything is melting away and the story and dialogue just sound like someone gave a monkey a typewriter. All of this just makes Hylics such a special and a one of a kind experience. Don’t go into this game expecting anything deep gameplay wise, just let yourself take in everything it has to offer and you’ll find yourself with something completely new.

i don't need to say anything really, just play it and you'll understand what i mean

It is actually not hard to describe what Hylics is but it is hard to describe what it is exactly. Only interpretation of the facets of the game. To me Hylics was all about changing shapes. Morphing. Twisting, Distorting, Changing. The whole game feels like a post-world. Humans don't exist anymore only the objects and that which is human-esque but is not human. Hylics creates a kind of melancholic and solitude with its world and art and music. You have little sparks with the other characters of the game but it all feels a little estranged. By design. The gameplay is pretty average at best for an RPG but I think it's actually alright because I believe the main part of this game was its exploration facet rather than its fighting mechanics. The fights in themselves are set pieces too to be viewed and played with. Though I can't help but wonder if it would have been fun to be able to interract in the fights to a deeper extent rather than what is provided in the game. Maybe a kind of morphing mechanic where you use your mouse to fuse different parts of clay to create a spell or something. The whole world is a-move, twisting and turning. Little creatures explode when you touch them, some share esoteric words. The feeling of being there is so excellent in this sense that I still feel really positive over the fighting.

this game is gorgeous and really great but the randomized text doesn't work for me at all. I think the pool of words is too small and the formatting is too simple for it to really evoke anything. the non-random dialogue is better but still a little off the mark I feel. everything else is great tho

I give this game the "best death animation ever made" award.

more an aesthetic sound garden than an rpg with fleshed out systems, but the rhythm of the game's warped clay orchestra is magnetic, and its chaotic prose drips with a tangible impermanence that effectively neuters rational response. it's such a weird vibe, and i love it.

It's less polished and less fleshed out than Hylics 2, yes. But for how much I'd heard this described as a quirky little oddity or throwaway prankster experiment in comparison to its sequel, I was surprised at just how rich and enjoyable a gaming experience it wound up being.

It does, however, lean much further into being a parody of the JRPG genre (while at the same time toying with the genre's mechanics in genuinely interesting and creative ways). Lindroth seems to take a sort of impish, anarchic glee in "breaking" the genre's fundamental systems or rendering them pointless and absurd.

Near the end of the game, for instance, you walk into a room, open some chests, and are suddenly given what for all intents and purposes amounts to an infinite amount of money — a completely random, unearned, hilariously disproportionate "reward" for doing basically nothing at all. The game's biggest laugh-out-loud moment for me occurs when you defeat the final boss, upon which you're again given "999999 BUCKS" (which you now have no reason to spend), as well as "A HOT DOG," and are informed that you've gained "999999 EXP" and that all of your party members have now reached "LEVEL 63." Neither experience nor levels have been mentioned at all in the game prior to this moment.

The implicit message seems to be: none of this matters! You didn't play this game because you want to crunch numbers¹ or to fight repetitive battles until your avatar is as souped up and powerful as possible. You played it so that you could have the experience of being a weird little yellow guy with a moon for a head, wandering around a dithered 8-bit clay world, squashing vegetables, petting cats, watching trippy animations, and listening to NPCs with goofy walk cycles recite gobbledygook flavor text. And on that front? Hylics delivers.

I can't wait for Hylics 3.

¹For an example of weird JRPG parody that goes the opposite direction and leans waaaaay into the number crunching, check out the games of Damien Crawford!

Lovely surrealist Jrpg with interesting characters and a strange but fun appearance.

peak nonsense game which is also a solid jrpg !!!

meu amigo há um tempo atrás presenteou nossa roda com o termo "chapado de linguiça". até então eu não tinha entendido exatamente o que isso queria dizer mas esse jogo abriu minha mente para essa descrição. pq a única maneira que eu conseguiria explicar isso aqui é que é uma chapação de linguiça do caralho

"Hylics" é um jogo de role-playing indie surrealista desenvolvido por Mason Lindroth. Lançado em 2015, o jogo é conhecido por sua estética única e psicodélica, com gráficos feitos de modelos 3D renderizados em sprites 2D. A narrativa segue Wayne, um protagonista que se aventura em um mundo distorcido e surreal para derrotar uma figura sinistra conhecida como Gibby.

O enredo é marcado por elementos surreais e abstratos, com uma trama não linear e uma ênfase na atmosfera e experiência visual. Os jogadores exploram ambientes estranhos, interagem com personagens bizarros e enfrentam inimigos em combates turn-based. A trilha sonora, composta por Mason Lindroth, contribui para a atmosfera única do jogo.

"Hylics" destaca-se por sua abordagem experimental e estilizada, oferecendo uma experiência de jogo única que apela para aqueles interessados em narrativas não convencionais e visuais distintos.

je pense que ça m'a bien pris trois tentatives avant de réellement jouer à Hylics. je ne tenais pas plus de trente minutes, largué dans ce jeu à l'atmosphère absconse et à l'écriture inexistante.
puis j'ai décidé de lire la page de téléchargement du jeu, qui dit "Hylics est un programme récréationnel avec de légers élements de JRPG" ; programme récréationnel ? la lecture de cette phrase m'a donné l'envie de donner une dernière chance à ce jeu, et vu que Hylics n'est pas un jeu, je l'appréhenderai comme ce qu'il est, c'est-à-dire un objet de divertissement.

ainsi, j'ai rappris à jouer à un jeu sans l'intellectualiser, et j'ai beaucoup aimé hylics. c'était nul scénaristiquement, c'était médiocre en terme de gameplay, mais en termes d'oeuvre, d'objet manufacturé, c'était vraiment fou.

i really like hylics 1. hylics 2 may be objectively more polished, plays better, has more interesting mechanics, but i absolutely love how jank and homemade hylics 1 feels. the limitations of rpg maker can lead to some really interesting creations, and i feel hylics 1 is the posterchild of that. if you look at mason lindroth's other works from around the time, you can see just how smooth and refined his style was, so to see it trimmed down and chopped up as it is in hylics 1 due to rpg maker's limitations is really interesting. definitely worth your time, and is at a really low price on steam

muito bom.
experiência surrealista show de bola.

when we took a break and started playing post-rock with the guys and i could actually press buttons to make wayne play the guitar i completely fell in love with this game

Está guay, pero si no te gusta la estética no te va a gustar.

Ridiculously stylish. Dialogue is incomprehensible, but the broad strokes of the story shine through. RPG elements are light and tropey, but the game does offer some ideas of its own. You play it for the art though. I like the battle backgrounds a lot.

Fucking awesome. I love the clay animation and graphics. The combat is fun and engaging, the music sucks but I love it too much, the characters are so weird and funny looking it's so cool to see people's interpretations on how they look through fan art. The dialogue is so unintelligible it's wild, the puzzles are kinda clunky and not that fun but I love this awesome little game.

this game makes me so happy in a way i cant explain. the music, visuals, and character design are some of the best ive seen in any game ever. the rpg battles are a little underbaked but are still pretty fun, especially with self-imposed challenges. would reccomend this game 100000% best ever!

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> See incomprehensible dialogue
> Think the game has some deep commentary and meaning that I'm just too stupid to understand
> Look it up
> Half the text is randomly generated

Esto es Hylics, es Muy Raro.

I dont really play jrpg's so I dont know how this measures up others, but Its a fun and unique looking game that I enjoyed the whole way through. Only downsides are its definitely on the shorter side (2-4 hours), and its pretty easy.

This game is so unique. The art design is so charming and definitely what will stand out first when you start playing Hylics. The game mechanics are super fun and unlike any RPG I’ve played. The dialogue and story are very surreal. It’s a short lil adventure that hooked me in. I am so excited to play Hylics 2!

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It’s alright

very cool visual style but i found the gameplay boring, just a really generic rpg and not really enough of a story for me to want to get through it (not really a story at all as far as i could tell)
but if youre really into rpgs then i can see how you would like it. clearly a lot of effort went into it so i feel a bit bad rating it this low just because the gameplay isn't for me but hey thats what this website is for baby

best game of all time after katamari damacy. shout out mason and todd