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Honestly a one of a kind experience. Discovering the rewind mechanic and it's ability to show hidden videos was such a neat experience initially. I also loved finding my way through the maze of clips, and discovering just how each movie ended up being scrapped.

cool in concept, but doesn't really do it for me. lead actress' performance also doesn't do it any favors.

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tive um principio de infarto no primeiro segredo q descobri da mulher sendo substituída, maldita quebra da 4 parede

Just one of those stellar games. There's nothing like it and it makes me hype thinking about it.

10/10. Perfect game. I wish I could forget playing Immortality so I could do it again. Fantastic acting, fantastic puzzles and a fantastic story. I loved this game so much.

Look just go in blind but,, film clip detective game with incredible acting??

É um jogo de duas metades, na primeira parte você assiste todos os clipes atentamente, envolto no mistério, mistério esse que você nem sabe qual é, é um mundo de possibilidades, a imaginação corre solta. Cada cena é analisada, os porquês de cada personagem e ator, as cenas nos bastidores parecem importantíssimas para você compreender o que é real. Você é guiado pela curiosidade de entender o que aconteceu, tudo tem peso.

E então a segunda metade da experiência ocorre, aquela em que você descobre que se trata de um thriller sobrenatural, não estamos lidando com pessoas, e sim com deuses. Por tabela, isso também significa que toda aquela análise sobre os bastidores, sobre a motivação dos atores é insignificante. O importante são as cenas secretas envolvendo esses deuses, é lá onde a real história do jogo ocorre. O gameplay então vira uma busca pelos clipes chaves, para assim o jogador retrocedê-los e ver a real história...é broxante.

Além disso, vira um problema de volume, são 3 filmes dentro do jogo, mais de 200 clipes, todos eles obtidos de forma aleatória, somente ao final você vai realmente conseguir o contexto do que você está assistindo, filmes não foram feitos para serem assistidos desta forma. Cada filme remete a um gênero (especialmente em seu palete de cores), porém ao contrário de um filme, aqui falta temática, somente o terceiro filme consegue uma amarração com os temas do enredo principal do jogo, uma amarração bem superficial ainda por cima. Se você não se interessa pelos filmes, por que passar 6 horas (ou mais) assistindo-os?

É um jogo ambicioso demais que não cumpre o prometido. Três filmes vazios, e um plot principal broxante.

- A mecânica de voltar em câmera lenta as cenas não é bem informada pelo jogo (segundo o google e reddit eu não fui o único que ficou perdido nisso), então tive que reassistir cerca de 50 cenas novamente.

- O roteiro do jogo, especialmente os diálogos dos Deuses, pode ser bem pretensioso.

Backwards in time to films of crime,
With mysteries to find to shiver your spine,
Immortality is like red wine to which is divine,
To one Marissa Marcel, whose lives are nine.

eu prometo que um dia eu volto

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Didn't need to finish this one to know how awesome it is. The first time the secret film pops up I nearly shit myself.

I didn't expect quite this many boobs. The more I think about this game and explore it the better it becomes.

The moment I first met "It" will stick with me for the rest of my life. I felt truly haunted by it in a manner that I've been chasing in horror films for a long time. The brilliance of this game is that the way you find hidden scenes feels unintentional when you first do it, so it completely catches you off-guard when it happens. The performances are something else, since most of the actors here are playing both the film characters and the fictional movie stars behind them. I do wish they polished up the searching mechanics, as finding the last 20% of hidden clips was tedious. Nonetheless, the game is an utterly mesmerising experience that every arthouse film lover should play.

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TLDR: There's no denying that Immortality is a truly, truly, truly impressive and remarkable game in every imaginable way. It's almost impossible that this game even exists at all honestly. Even after finishing it, I'm dumbfounded at how well-crafted everything in this game is, from top to bottom. The fact that it's a game consisting completely of FMV video footage, for 3 full movies, with intricate sets, characters, music, etc. doesn't even feel achievable to me, yet here it is. It's nearly impossible to sum up the sheer scope and inspiration found in this game, so here's what I'll recommend. If you're at all interested in playing a game like this, don't hesitate, you'll love it. HOWEVER, do not look up a smidge of information about it, just load it up and press play. I knew absolutely nothing, ultimately leading to one of my favorite gaming experiences in my life. I already can't wait to play it again, and yet I wish I could play it again for the first time. Truly a spellbinding, magical and deeply underrated game.

After thoroughly completing almost everything in Immortality, that title and word mean such different things. Something about the footage here feels dramatically otherworldly, a viewpoint of cinema's ghosts paired with a more supernatural and alien underbelly. It's weird to say a game feels immortal, but truthfully I don't think any other game fits that title quite as well as Immortality. It feels untouchable in the current landscape of games simply because it's so in a league of its own. As a thorough, and I mean thorough recontextualization of cinema around the 60s, 70s and 90s, it still finds ways to tell a brilliant collected story in a variety of means. Every single bit of the FMV footage blows my mind with its detail and professionalism in recreating the look of each decade. The whole experience in this regard is a true spectacle, especially considering some of the clips that get revealed later in the game…oh boy.

The gameplay is pretty simple, yet compelling in how you interact with it. With each clip, objects are interactable as a passageway to other clips via match cut (insanely genius mechanic btw). Throughout the experience clips are presented non-linearly, showing you details from each of the three movies in varying orders and sequences. It can get overwhelming at first, but as you progress it all starts to come together to form a simple, yet engaging gameplay loop. I will say the game does still have some bugginess and jank when it comes to audio and controls but maintains the exact right amount of jank. Where the gameplay shines for me is the reversal of footage into the “subversive” scenes, it seriously adds so much depth to the entire game once you discover how it works. Other than that much of the gameplay revolves around organizing footage by date or label number, nothing too crazy. I do feel like this is the gamemiest a game like this could've gotten so, not too many complaints. I played most of the game with a controller and some with a mouse and keyboard, definitely play with a controller lol.

However, rather than discussing the insane plot, I want to talk more about how the game made me feel and constantly shaped my expectations. The pacing and structure of the game are perfect for twisting the narrative in so many different ways. Through the first 6 hours, I was excitedly immersed and engaged in the world/career of Marissa Marcel at every moment. What had happened to her and these movies, and why do they remain unseen from the public eye? Every new piece of footage felt substantive and stylish, all while helping me towards the answers I needed. However, the more I learned the more I observed, listened and began to question everything. It was at that point I discovered the subversive footage, quickly taking the story down a dark and mind-bending path. It was a shocking moment honestly, and one that no other game has made me feel. By the very end, I knew and saw everything I could, pieced together each story element, and felt very sad. Sad that these characters seem to be lost in their immortality, struggling to find the brilliance in humanity and art, all while trying to preserve it in the end. It’s even more sad that I can't ever properly play this game for the first time again. Even if it's somewhat janky as a whole, this game left a massive impression on me. What a special experience this is, it truly hasn't left my mind since I finished it. At this moment Sam Barlow just announced teasers for 2 new games, so I'm incredibly glad I jumped on this ride when I did.

this is how it feels to consume peak fiction

Tornou-se minha obsessão durante 3 dias.

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Time for the time god

Excelente material de estudo para cinefilo, agora como jogo... 💀💀💀

Wth are these wigs??? atrocious 0/10 let the lady use her own damn hair smh.

Bad wigs aside, this is a creative and ambitious storytelling experiment. It doesn’t always work, and the interface kind of sucks, but it’s unique enough to be worth experiencing anyway (especially if you are a film nerd).

Importante destacar que defendo arduamente a mente genial de Sam Barlow e seus jogos FMV únicos.

Immortality é grande e ambicioso, e uma experiência que eu amaria ter novamente, de preferência em uma sala de cinema.

As suas atuações são algumas das melhores que já vi em videogames, louco pensar que são atores pouco conhecidos. Por se tratar de cenas de GRAVAÇÕES de filmes, existe uma profundidade nas atuações: são atores encenando como atores encenando. Manon Gage é Marissa Marcel, e Marissa Marcel faz os papéis de Rosario/Matilda em Ambrosio, Franny em Minsky, e Maria e sua doppelgänger em Two of Every Thing.

O mistério é intrigante e lhe mantém engajado em fazer o trabalho de detetive; por se tratar de clipes isolados, a agência do jogador toma frente e torna a experiência mais pessoal e orgânica. Infelizmente sua resolução me azedou, e preferia o tempo em que eu não sabia o que realmente ocorreu. Dito isso, o processo de descoberta foi excepcional, e me deixou de boca aberta em vários momentos.

Gosto do que o jogo tem a dizer sobre arte, seus pontos são bem válidos. Existe um lado feminista bem explorado, o empoderamento feminino é centro nos três filmes que Marissa estrela. Dito isso, sinto que trata a cultura por trás da criação de filmes esbajandamente ativa sexualmente. Irreal.

Além disso, existem diversos monólogos escondidos, e apesar da atuação hipnotizante de Charlotta Mohlin, o que foi dito ali não necessariamente me cativou. Existem clipes muito intrigantes, outros que falam muito mas não dizem nada. Parece que o jogo tenta ser muito profundo sem se perguntar se DEVE ser profundo assim. Gosto de pensar que isso vem de um fascínio pela humanidade, mas que vem de um lugar externo, que não consegue empatizar totalmente com ela. Quem terminou vai entender.

Enfim, gosto de como ele trata o tema da imortalidade em relação à arte; ela imortaliza mesmo. Já quando trata esse tema LITERALMENTE, não me senti tão à bordo.

Prefiro lembrar de Immortality como a incrível experiência imersiva que foi. Guardarei Marissa e a tarde que eu passei HIPNOTIZADO procurando por respostas quanto à seu aparecimento pro resto da minha vida. Apesar de tudo, é uma experiência por qual todos deveriam passar, ainda mais por ser tão acessível, estando na Netflix. Obrigado Sam Barlow. Obrigado, Marissa.

Really enjoyed being a detective in this game piecing together the different movies and uncovering the secrets of what happened.

Being a detective doesn't always feel rewarding however as more often than not you just happen upon new scenes to unravel the mystery rather than knowingly tying a thread between different scenes. Additionally, it can be easy to miss key parts of the story if you don't watch a scene through its entirety. Both of these happened to me when I happened upon the final clip by chance, resulting in a confusing ending that I had originally hand-waved as being part of the odd story, but only to figure out after listening to spoilercasts that I had missed finishing out scenes that would have pieced together the ending better.

Regardless, the unique gameplay experience & interweaving stories were engaging throughout.

SE FALA TAO POUCO DESSE JOGO, QUE DELICIA DE SURPRESA !!!!!! O MOMENTO QUE VOCE DESCOBRE - AQUILO - É MAGICO !!!! o melhor do genero, historia boa demaaaaisisss

He hecho un vídeo titulado IMMORTALITY: Apartar lo humano, donde critico el juego y me explayo sobre algunas ideas que tengo acerca del medio y tal. En fin, que lo veáis.


I just couldn't get into it

Immortality was robbed of every GOTY award in 2022. I don't care about what you say about Elden Ring, this game is phenomenal.

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even though i had problems with this game i'm giving it 5 stars because MY LORD this is the most excited i've been about a project in a long time. finding new clips felt exhilarating and figuring out the plotlines of the films as they were entangled with the social drama of the in-universe cast and directors was so god damn fun. my issues arise with the end game: i got the credits roll when i felt like i was only halfway done with the game, and the search for the last 20-10% of clips felt impossible as all the new symbols i was discovering would only lead back to clips i already found. i'm on the fence about the "canon" answer this game provides with The One, i think this game could have worked much stronger as a grounded piece uncovering the cycle of power and abuse as all the men in marissa's life fail her from a young age. but even saying that, i was really moved by the Candy Says scene. i'm so glad i got to play this

Oh my god... this game...
I have a hard time summing up how good it is concisely, but it's one of the best directed/written games of all time and it left me in utter disbelief as to what I witnessed when it ended. I didn't know a video game was capable of making me feel the way it made me feel.