Reviews from

in the past

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but in VR, what's more to love?

Extremely polished and competent VR survival game with some of the best gunplay VR has to offer. Insanely realistic gun mechanics and maintenance. Enemies are the perfect mix of mysterious and horrifying.

I hate horror, but this one is the exception :)

i'm too scared to finish this

too spooky but kickass interactivity

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no joke the most "finished" feeling vr game i have ever played, everything is so butterysmooth with the core gameplay and the gameplay loop as a whole is just perfect. The only nitpick i have with the game is the end, it's fine but i was so taken by the story in the first few hours with questions like: What is going on? Why are there ghost like creatures and flying spaghetti monsters? what the fuck is the big orb in the sky? but the game explains them threw casetes that you can find which is fine but the ending could have maybe explain it better? idk it just feels like the game left me on a curb with no explanation what so ever.

Into the radius is a really good example of how to make tense encounters in a VR video game. The level of complexity for almost all the mechanics in this game make for extremely impactful and thoughtful excursions where preparation matters just as much, if not MORE, than execution. Ill be honest, this game did not click with me at first. I found it needlessly difficult and overbearing, but once I started to invest time learning and building up my collection, I became intensely invested in the gameplay loop.

Fun game, like the inventory. But so lost.

Great Survival game, gonna finish it later

best "stalker" like vr game, cool mechanics, a lot of gun veriety, story is allright but for a vr game it's one of the best on the market

This is a toughie to rank because I feel like it's just on the precipice of being my favorite VR title to ever be released. Into the Radius is like if a roguelite met an fps horror survival game in VR, which is such a dope and interesting concept that it is hard to not deeply enjoy the game as a whole. However, while I have a lot of praise for the gunplay and gameplay it is really hard to get sessions in for this title because the structuring of the missions is just very confusing and a little bit non-intuitive as it requires a lot of manual tracking and the sort, now I'm personally a fan of a lot of manual-feeling nature of this game, but it feels like it is lacking an overarching purpose with its "story" being so obtuse and loose it's hilarious. There is also a bit of oddity with some of the quests being annoying repetitive and exhausting which makes the game hard t o pick up and continue, something that my experience in the game has told me despite not being too far into the title myself. However I have a lot of hope for this title as they continue to iron out the mechanics and progression and I definitely find it to be one of the best titles VR has gotten yet.

Resource management/walking simulator in a dead, barren world.

Stalker VR, blah blah blah. Gets real stale real quick, you just go on fetch quests and fight the same fuckin enemies forever.

It's stalker but every enemy is the same

This shit is too spooky. Amazing game, but bro please just let me chill

One if the best VR experiences out there, and passes the "can i pick up, light and smoke a cigarette?" test with flying colours

top 10 comist contires
thank for waqtching

Limited guitar playing capabilities and its also pretty scary.

Without a doubt my favorite vr game. This game has so little flaws, its honestly that good. Each gun feels different and has its drawbacks and improvements which means there is a reason to carefully select which gun you bring. The scavenging blows games like saints and sinners out the water and instead giving you a cap of items you can take back you can carry as much as you want but the weight will slow you down.

Whilst the maps arent anything special they all create a really tense and freaky atmosphere without filling it with enemies. The fact that there could be an enemy ahead is scarier than actually seeing one. Its one of the only vr horror games that doesn't rely on cheap jumpscares.

Weapon maintaining and cleaning is a great feature that adds to the realism, having to eat to increase your stamina adds to this aswell.

While the missions are all very similar its not the main focus of the game, The mission objective is just something you go out and get whilst out scavenging. The thought and prep that goes into what weapon you will take, how many magazines, how many health stims and how much food to take make for the best vr survival experience possible. 100% recommend this and its worth paying full price for.

Creeps the hell out of me but the atmosphere is great and I love scavenging. I wish there was more freedom with what your room looked like, and flesh out more of the back at base kind of stuff but otherwise very fun

Where do I begin. I love this game to bits. The aesthetic, atmosphere, and design decisions are phenomenal to me. What really sells me is the premise executed very well. I can't stop being immersed and absolutely shit myself every time a slider rolls up to me. Hell, it got me into Stalker (1979) and the book Roadside Picnic, which I also absolutely love. I admit to be anxious for the sequel they have planned. (Yet again, another bias review). I will say, the polish is a little iffy, as 1.0 was a unpolished mess and 2.0 is significantly better when it comes to bugs and such (with a few exceptions).

It got annoying having to do a bunch of side quests to get too the story so I never finished but the actual game was amazing

Good game. Great graphics. I've been finding a little too easy maybe I'm too good. Cool enemies. Not really a sound track. I like that you have to repair weapons and shit. Really good game but can't give 5 stars because I haven't played enough

seriously love this game, it doesn't have a lot going on but there's so many little things that make the game so addicting. the inventory management is unmatched to any game i've played, it provides you with so much freedom to how you can organize things and you'll probably turn into a complete hoarder of guns/canned food/energy drinks. cleaning guns is so satisfying and it's hard not to spend all my money on cleaning supplies because i want to clean every gun i find. little details like being able to smoke cigarettes and eat food from the tins with your knife add a lot to the immersion, alongside some really great atmosphere in a setting that is no short of threatening. the enemies are creepy but don't provide a lot of variation in encounters, but i still feel like they keep me on my toes as they can do a lot of damage out of nowhere. the game runs very well on my quest 2 so i recommend anyone with a headset try this one out as it's definitely my favourite vr game i've played (as a person not really interested in vr in general) and one of the most unique survival horror games i've played.

One of the most fundamental components of a VR game is interactivity and this game understands that better than any other VR game I've played.

+ STALKER but in VR, at least heavily inspired.
+ Seriously, this is a very appealing VR game concept
+ It's got it's fun moments
~ Early access
- Incredibly depressing performance
- Not much variety with enemies
- Clunky gun controls
- Gets old fast
With some updates, this game can be a big contender. But in it's current state, it's not worth it.