Reviews from

in the past

if you don't use the robo dog you're not my friend!

While it doesn't stay in my brain like some other games would, it's a really fun mobile game I couldn't find many faults with. A rarity for the platform.

Much more ad-hungry and microtransaction-centered than I remember...

It's alright. Fun for being a mobile game in the early days of mobile games.

They didn't have to go that hard on the soundtrack

Another classic game, played a lot of it. Some things I remember - completing all the missions, the different jetpacks with fun animations, the 3 letter huge robot, and the roulette to get another life.

Jetpack Joyride is the game you play when your parents start arguing too loud, like shut up bitch I'm Jetpack Joyriding!!

3.5☆ Theme goes hard, game goes hard, power-ups go hard, art goes hard. Great game, especially for a mobile game. Nostalgia +1☆.

Meu pai jogava isso cagando. Amava o cachorro robô

classic ipad game to get the screen greased up

pedrada do nivel do subway surfers

juego icónico donde los haya

It was good...without internet of course

Me escaping from Konami’s headquarters with the only surviving hard drive of P.T.’s game data shoved up my ass.

Quite fun for a while - but I mean, it's a mobile game.

Esse jogo para mim era o aplicativo fundamental assim que trocava de telefone. Historinha muito criativa.

banger du jeu mobile, sur iPad à l'époque c't la folie quand t't en primaire