Reviews from

in the past

The game used to be decent, but now it became abyssmally unplayable

if your kid plays this get them a therapist plz

i am going to kill myself if i see an ad of this game

espero que esse jogo queime nas chamas do inferno :)

If the game hadn’t reset my progress I would probably have become a serial killer.

this is how serial killers are made

I remember when my brother used all the money I saved up to buy a gun

I wish I can do suicide to myself after this shit

This game was probably so good before being purchased by Playgendary.

I hate everything about this stupid game

THE REAL torture fetish game

Cute Silly little game that will slowly turn your kid into a psychopath.

I played it a lot as a kid and I don't think I've been the same person ever since. But beating the guts outta this stupid puppet was a great time.