Reviews from

in the past

Delightful little NES platformer that's hard but not as hard as other games of its kind. Feel like a good entry into that genre of game, which are often very intimidating while this one has the appeal of looking like a playable old school gag manga. Not that the difficulty ever relents, good god those last three stages are evil. Managed to beat it with no save states though, which felt pretty good (OK well I used save states to load back where I started when I had to leave the game, but I didn't use save states to start in the middle of levels!) I also really like the bonus games in the middle of stages, but the way they're set up meant I didn't get to play one of them. I haven't explored most of the NES library outside of first-party stuff and I really should, this was a lot of fun, I'm now someone who wants a new Kid Dracula, until I remember this is a fucking Konami thing so never mind.

I mean it's nice that Konami went through all the trouble towards finally translating this game to put in their Castlevania Anniversary collection like that but this game is honestly pretty mediocre even by "2D platformers with a shooting mechanic released on the NES" standards. There's cute sprite work but that's really it.

A fun, cartoony spinoff of Castlevania featuring a kid version of Dracula. The game plays closer to Mega Man than Castlevania, as you have a chargeable beam attack. You progressively gain more powers as you progress through the game, and there are bonus mini games between levels to help you win 1-ups. My biggest gripe is the last level, which is too hard and not well-designed. You have infinite continues though, so that's a good thing. Worth playing if NES platformers are your thing.

This game is great. It’s like Mega Man but faster and 9 levels in a row instead of free choice. This is a great game and a must for NES platformer fans.

While entirely reliant on ever-growing platforming tropes of its era, Kid Dracula still provides a lot of fun through its aesthetic charms and simple yet still engaging side-scrolling action.

Cute game, kid friendly and pretty easy but it was nice that it finally got localized.

i shot a witch with a thick ass and killed a kkk member but this game still sucks